Rev 7 | Blame | Last modification | View Log | Download | RSS feed
# install all scripts from /tools to /usr/sbin and /usr/lib
# so the user is able to use all these commands while running his/her Live Linux
# this script is automatically called by
# Author: does it worth for such a short script ... hm... ok, Tomas M.
# changes by Urs Beyerle: do not overwrite own mksquashfs and unionctl
mkdir -p $ROOT/usr/sbin
mkdir -p $ROOT/usr/lib
#ls -aA1b ./tools | egrep -v "^lib" | while read FILE; do cp ./tools/$FILE $ROOT/usr/sbin; done
#ls -aA1b ./tools | egrep "^lib" | while read FILE; do cp ./tools/$FILE $ROOT/usr/lib; done
scripts="dir2mo editiso img2mo mo2dir tgz2mo uselivemod"
for FILE in $scripts; do cp ./tools/$FILE $ROOT/usr/sbin; done
for FILE in $libs; do cp ./tools/$FILE $ROOT/usr/lib; done
[ ! -e /usr/sbin/unionctl ] && cp unionctl $ROOT/usr/sbin
[ ! $( which mksquashfs 2>/dev/null ) ] && cp mksquashfs $ROOT/usr/sbin/
echo "Linux Live scripts were installed successfuly to $1/"