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SUBROUTINE special (flag,cmd,tra,ntim,ncol,
> vars,times,param,nparam)
c ***************************************************************************
c * *
c * OUTPUT: flag -> 1 if trajectory is selected, 0 if not *
c * *
c * INPUT: cmd <- command string *
c * tra(ntim,ncol) <- single trajectory: indices time,column *
c * ntim <- number of times *
c * ncol <- number of columns (including time,lon,lat,p) *
c * vars(ncol) <- names of columns *
c * times(ntim) <- List of times
c * param(nparam) <- parameter values *
c * nparam <- number of parameters *
c * *
c ***************************************************************************
implicit none
c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Declaration of subroutine parameters
c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
integer flag ! Boolean flag whether trajectory is selected
character*80 cmd ! Command string
integer ntim,ncol ! Dimension of single trajectory
real tra(ntim,ncol) ! Single trajectory
character*80 vars(ncol) ! Name of columns
real times(ntim) ! List of times
integer nparam ! # parameters
real param(nparam) ! List of parameters
c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Declaration of local variables
c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
integer i
integer ip,i0,i1
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %)
c SPECIAL:WCB:ascent,first,last %)
c : Detect Warm Conveyor Belts (WCB); the air stream must ascend at least %)
c : <ascent=param(1)> hPa between the two times <first=param(2)> and %)
c : <last=param(3)>. Note, the lowest pressure is allowed to occur at any %)
c : time between <first> and <last>. %)
c --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %)
if ( cmd.eq.'WCB' ) then
c Reset the flag for selection
flag = 0
c Pressure is in the 4th column
ip = 4
c Get times
i0 = 0
i1 = 0
do i=1,ntim
if ( param(2).eq.times(i) ) i0 = i
if ( param(3).eq.times(i) ) i1 = i
if ( (i0.eq.0).or.(i1.eq.0) ) then
print*,' ERROR: invalid times in SPECIAL:WCB... Stop'
c Check for ascent
do i=i0+1,i1
if ( ( tra(i0,ip)-tra(i,ip) ) .gt. param(1) ) flag = 1
c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------