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# --------------------------------------------------------
# Separate different commands out (delimiter @)
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Get input command and remove all spaces
$cmd = $ARGV[0];
$_ = $cmd;s/\s+//g;$cmd=$_;
$len = length $cmd;
# Split the command string according to logical operators
$nline = 0;
while ( $len > 0 )
# Get the length of the (remaining) command string
$len = length $cmd;
# Get the position of the next command separator
$at = index($cmd,'@');
if ( $at == -1 )
{ $next = $len+1; }
elsif ( $at >= 0 )
{ $next = $at; }
# A logical operator is not allowed to be at position 0
if ( $next == 0)
die('Invalid expression... Check @ separator position ');
# Extract the next substring
$sub = substr($cmd,0,$next);
$cmd = substr($cmd,$next+1,$len-$next-1);
$len = length $cmd;
# Save the command in a new line
@field[$nline] = $sub;
$nline = $nline + 1;
# Number of lines ist too large by 1
$nline = $nline - 1;
# Set some defaults
if ( $nline == 2 )
$nline = 3;
@field[3] = 'nil';
if ( $nline == 1 )
$nline = 3;
@field[2] = 'hPa';
@field[3] = 'nil';
if ( $nline == 0 )
$nline = 3;
@field[1] = 'nil()';
@field[2] = 'hPa';
@field[3] = 'nil';
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Handle each command line separately
# --------------------------------------------------------
# ----- Horizontal grid ----------------------------------
# Now looking at the horizontal grid specifier
$entry = @field[0];
# Extract the command and the parameter list
$left = index($entry,'(');
$right = index($entry,')');
if ( ($left != -1) && ($right != -1) )
$cmd = substr($entry,0,$left);
$list = substr($entry,$left+1,$right-$left-1);
$len = length $list;
die('Invalid expression... Check horizontal [] separator position ');
# Now building the parametr list
$len = length $list;
$npar = 0;
while ( $len > 0 )
$next = index($list,',');
if ( $next != -1 )
@param[$npar] = substr($list,0,$next);
$list = substr($list,$next+1,$len-$next-1);
$len = length $list;
$npar = $npar + 1;
@param[$npar] = substr($list,0,$len);
$len = 0;
$npar = $npar + 1;
# Check for syntax (needed number of parameters)
if ( ($cmd eq "file") && ($npar != 1) )
{ die('Invalid horizontal mode[file]... Check number of parameters '); }
if ( ($cmd eq "line") && ($npar != 5) )
{ die('Invalid horizontal mode[line]... Check number of parameters '); }
if ( ($cmd eq "box.eqd") && ($npar != 5) )
{ die('Invalid horizontal mode[box.eqd]... Check number of parameters '); }
if ( ($cmd eq "box.grid") && ($npar != 4) )
{ die('Invalid horizontal mode[box.grid]... Check number of parameters '); }
if ( ($cmd eq "point") && ($npar != 2) )
{ die('Invalid horizontal mode[point]... Check number of parameters '); }
if ( ($cmd eq "shift") && ($npar != 4) )
{ die('Invalid horizontal mode[shift]... Check number of parameters '); }
if ( ($cmd eq "poly.eqd") && ($npar != 2) )
{ die('Invalid horizontal mode[poly.eqd]... Check number of parameters '); }
if ( ($cmd eq "poly.grid") && ($npar != 1) )
{ die('Invalid horizontal mode[poly.grid]... Check number of parameters ');}
# Write parameters
print "\"$cmd\"\n";
print "@param\n";
# ----- Vertical grid ----------------------------------------
# Now looking at the vertical grid specifier
$entry = @field[1];
# Extract the command and the parameter list
$left = index($entry,'(');
$right = index($entry,')');
if ( ($left != -1) && ($right != -1) )
$cmd = substr($entry,0,$left);
$list = substr($entry,$left+1,$right-$left-1);
$len = length $list;
die('Invalid expression... Check vertical [] separator position ');
# Now building the parametr list
$len = length $list;
$npar = 0;
while ( $len > 0 )
$next = index($list,',');
if ( $next != -1 )
@param[$npar] = substr($list,0,$next);
$list = substr($list,$next+1,$len-$next-1);
$len = length $list;
$npar = $npar + 1;
@param[$npar] = substr($list,0,$len);
$len = 0;
$npar = $npar + 1;
# Check for syntax (needed number of parameters)
if ( ($cmd eq "file") && ($npar != 1) )
{ die('Invalid vertical mode[file]... Check number of parameters '); }
if ( ($cmd eq "level") && ($npar != 1) )
{ die('Invalid vertical mode[level]... Check number of parameters '); }
if ( ($cmd eq "list") && ($npar == 0) )
{ die('Invalid vertical mode[list]... Check number of parameters '); }
if ( ($cmd eq "profile") && ($npar != 3) )
{ die('Invalid vertical mode[profile]... Check number of parameters '); }
if ( ($cmd eq "grid") && ($npar != 2) )
{ die('Invalid vertical mode[grid]... Check number of parameters '); }
# Write parameters
print "\"$cmd\"\n";
if ( $cmd eq "list") { print "$npar\n"; }
if ( $npar > 0 )
{ print "@param\n"; }
# ----- Vertical coordinate system ----------------------------------
# Now looking at the vertical grid specifier
$cmd = @field[2];
# Check for allowed coordinate axes
if ( ($cmd ne "hPa") && ($cmd ne "hPa,agl") && ($cmd ne "K") && ($cmd ne "PVU") && ($cmd ne "INDEX") )
{ die('Invalid vertical axis [allowed: hPa / hPa,agl / K / PVU / INDEX] '); }
# Write command
print "\"$cmd\"\n";
# ----- Selection criteria --------------------------------------------
# Now looking at the selection specifier
$cmd = @field[3];
# Write command
print "$cmd\n";