0,0 → 1,259 |
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
% Load files |
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
% Base directory and filename |
base = '/net/rossby/lhome/sprenger/PV_Inversion_Tool/run/'; |
folder = base; |
filename = 'ANO_20060115_18'; |
disp([folder filename]) |
% First image (otherwise first image is not correctly written) |
figname = [base '/test.eps']; |
close; |
fh=figure('Units','pixels','Position',[100 100 900 900]) |
set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [2 1 15 10]); |
print('-depsc2','-r0',figname); |
% Load variables from file (on model levels) |
z_th = cdf_loadV(folder,filename,'TH'); |
z_uu = cdf_loadV(folder,filename,'U'); |
z_vv = cdf_loadV(folder,filename,'V'); |
z_qgpv = cdf_loadV(folder,filename,'QGPV'); |
z_psi = cdf_loadV(folder,filename,'PSI'); |
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
% Plot stream function |
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
for ilev=1:z_psi.nz |
% Create a new figure |
close; |
fh=figure('Units','pixels','Position',[100 100 900 900]) |
% Set the geographical projection |
m_proj('Equidistant Cylindrical','long',[z_psi.lonmin z_psi.lonmax],'lat',[z_psi.latmin z_psi.latmax]); |
% Scale the plotting field for color map |
fld=squeeze(z_psi.var(ilev,:,:)); |
c_map = scale_col(-4000:500:4000,fld); |
% Plot Stream Function PSI |
lat=z_psi.ymin + (0:z_psi.ny-1) * z_psi.dy; |
lon=z_psi.xmin + (0:z_psi.nx-1) * z_psi.dx; |
[C,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,c_map.data,c_map.xtick); |
for icnt = 1: length(h) |
set( h(icnt), 'EdgeColor', 'none' ) |
end |
% Add color bar |
colormap('default'); |
ctb(['/home/sprenger/ECFC_STE_Forecast/ctb_isen'],c_map.xtick,1); |
caxis(c_map.caxis); |
q=colorbar('vert'); |
set(q,'ytick',c_map.xtick,'YTickLabel',c_map.label); |
% Add the grid and the coast lines to the plot |
m_grid; |
m_coast('linewidth',1,'color','k'); |
title(num2str(z_psi.aklay(ilev))); |
% Save figure |
pre=''; |
if ( z_psi.aklay(ilev) < 10 ) |
pre='0'; |
end |
if ( z_psi.aklay(ilev) < 100 ) |
pre=[pre '0' ]; |
end |
if ( z_psi.aklay(ilev) < 1000 ) |
pre=[pre '0' ]; |
end |
if ( z_psi.aklay(ilev) < 10000 ) |
pre=[pre '0' ]; |
end |
figname = [ base '/sf_2d_' filename '_' pre num2str(z_psi.aklay(ilev)) '.eps' ]; |
set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [2 1 15 10]); |
print('-depsc2','-r0',figname); |
% End loop over all levels |
end |
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
% Plot anomaly of potential temperature |
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
for ilev=1:z_th.nz |
% Create a new figure |
close; |
fh=figure('Units','pixels','Position',[100 100 900 900]) |
% Set the geographical projection |
m_proj('Equidistant Cylindrical','long',[z_th.lonmin z_th.lonmax],'lat',[z_th.latmin z_th.latmax]); |
% Scale the plotting field for color map |
fld=squeeze(z_th.var(ilev,:,:)); |
c_map = scale_col(-20:2.5:20,fld); |
% Plot potential temperature |
lat=z_th.ymin + (0:z_th.ny-1) * z_th.dy; |
lon=z_th.xmin + (0:z_th.nx-1) * z_th.dx; |
[C,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,c_map.data,c_map.xtick); |
for icnt = 1: length(h) |
set( h(icnt), 'EdgeColor', 'none' ) |
end |
% Add color bar |
colormap('default'); |
ctb(['/home/sprenger/ECFC_STE_Forecast/ctb_isen'],c_map.xtick,1); |
caxis(c_map.caxis); |
q=colorbar('vert'); |
set(q,'ytick',c_map.xtick,'YTickLabel',c_map.label); |
% Add the grid and the coast lines to the plot |
m_grid; |
m_coast('linewidth',1,'color','k'); |
title(num2str(z_th.aklay(ilev))); |
% Save figure |
pre=''; |
if ( z_th.aklay(ilev) < 10 ) |
pre='0'; |
end |
if ( z_th.aklay(ilev) < 100 ) |
pre=[pre '0' ]; |
end |
if ( z_th.aklay(ilev) < 1000 ) |
pre=[pre '0' ]; |
end |
if ( z_th.aklay(ilev) < 10000 ) |
pre=[pre '0' ]; |
end |
figname = [ base '/ta_2d_' filename '_' pre num2str(z_th.aklay(ilev)) '.eps' ]; |
set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [2 1 15 10]); |
print('-depsc2','-r0',figname); |
% End loop over all levels |
end |
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
% Plot anomaly of meridional wind |
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
for ilev=1:z_vv.nz |
% Create a new figure |
close; |
fh=figure('Units','pixels','Position',[100 100 900 900]) |
% Set the geographical projection |
m_proj('Equidistant Cylindrical','long',[z_vv.lonmin z_vv.lonmax],'lat',[z_vv.latmin z_vv.latmax]); |
% Scale the plotting field for color map |
fld=squeeze(z_vv.var(ilev,:,:)); |
c_map = scale_col(-30:3:30,fld); |
% Plot potential temperature |
lat=z_vv.ymin + (0:z_vv.ny-1) * z_vv.dy; |
lon=z_vv.xmin + (0:z_vv.nx-1) * z_vv.dx; |
[C,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,c_map.data,c_map.xtick); |
for icnt = 1: length(h) |
set( h(icnt), 'EdgeColor', 'none' ) |
end |
% Add color bar |
colormap('default'); |
ctb(['/home/sprenger/ECFC_STE_Forecast/ctb_isen'],c_map.xtick,1); |
caxis(c_map.caxis); |
q=colorbar('vert'); |
set(q,'ytick',c_map.xtick,'YTickLabel',c_map.label); |
% Add the grid and the coast lines to the plot |
m_grid; |
m_coast('linewidth',1,'color','k'); |
title(num2str(z_vv.aklay(ilev))); |
% Save figure |
pre=''; |
if ( z_vv.aklay(ilev) < 10 ) |
pre='0'; |
end |
if ( z_vv.aklay(ilev) < 100 ) |
pre=[pre '0' ]; |
end |
if ( z_vv.aklay(ilev) < 1000 ) |
pre=[pre '0' ]; |
end |
if ( z_vv.aklay(ilev) < 10000 ) |
pre=[pre '0' ]; |
end |
figname = [ base '/va_2d_' filename '_' pre num2str(z_vv.aklay(ilev)) '.eps' ]; |
set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [2 1 15 10]); |
print('-depsc2','-r0',figname); |
% End loop over all levels |
end |
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
% Plot anomaly of zonal wind |
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
for ilev=1:z_uu.nz |
% Create a new figure |
close; |
fh=figure('Units','pixels','Position',[100 100 900 900]) |
% Set the geographical projection |
m_proj('Equidistant Cylindrical','long',[z_uu.lonmin z_uu.lonmax],'lat',[z_uu.latmin z_uu.latmax]); |
% Scale the plotting field for color map |
fld=squeeze(z_uu.var(ilev,:,:)); |
c_map = scale_col(-30:3:30,fld); |
% Plot potential temperature |
lat=z_uu.ymin + (0:z_uu.ny-1) * z_uu.dy; |
lon=z_uu.xmin + (0:z_uu.nx-1) * z_uu.dx; |
[C,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,c_map.data,c_map.xtick); |
for icnt = 1: length(h) |
set( h(icnt), 'EdgeColor', 'none' ) |
end |
% Add color bar |
colormap('default'); |
ctb(['/home/sprenger/ECFC_STE_Forecast/ctb_isen'],c_map.xtick,1); |
caxis(c_map.caxis); |
q=colorbar('vert'); |
set(q,'ytick',c_map.xtick,'YTickLabel',c_map.label); |
% Add the grid and the coast lines to the plot |
m_grid; |
m_coast('linewidth',1,'color','k'); |
title(num2str(z_uu.aklay(ilev))); |
% Save figure |
pre=''; |
if ( z_uu.aklay(ilev) < 10 ) |
pre='0'; |
end |
if ( z_uu.aklay(ilev) < 100 ) |
pre=[pre '0' ]; |
end |
if ( z_uu.aklay(ilev) < 1000 ) |
pre=[pre '0' ]; |
end |
if ( z_uu.aklay(ilev) < 10000 ) |
pre=[pre '0' ]; |
end |
figname = [ base '/ua_2d_' filename '_' pre num2str(z_uu.aklay(ilev)) '.eps' ]; |
set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [2 1 15 10]); |
print('-depsc2','-r0',figname); |
% End loop over all levels |
end |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:executable |