0,0 → 1,201 |
PROGRAM Cutnetcdf |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Cut and split an input netcdf |
c Michael Sprenger / Summer 2006 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
implicit none |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Declaration of variables |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Maximum domain size |
integer nxmax,nymax,nzmax,ntmax |
parameter (nxmax=400,nymax=400,nzmax=400,ntmax=5) |
c Variables for input and output netcdf file |
integer cdfid |
real phymin(4),phymax(4),stag(4), misdat |
integer ndim, vardim(4), error, nlev |
integer cstid |
real dx, dy |
real aklev(nzmax),bklev(nzmax),aklay(nzmax),bklay(nzmax) |
real pollon, pollat |
integer stdate(5) |
integer ncdfid |
integer datar(14) |
character*80 cfn |
real varold(nxmax*nymax*nzmax) |
real time(ntmax) |
c Parameters |
character*80 oldfile(400),newfile(400) |
character*80 oldname(400),newname(400) |
integer novars |
c Auxiliary variables |
integer i,j,k,l,t,ntimes |
integer imin, imax, jmin, jmax, tmin, tmax |
integer nx,ny,nz |
integer crename(400),crefile(400) |
integer isnew |
character*80 varname |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Preparations |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
print*,'*********************************************************' |
print*,'* cutnetcdf *' |
print*,'*********************************************************' |
c Read entries from argument file |
open(10,file='fort.10') |
novars=1 |
100 read(10,*,end=110) oldname(novars),newname(novars), |
> oldfile(novars),newfile(novars) |
novars=novars+1 |
goto 100 |
110 close(10) |
novars=novars-1 |
c Init the flags for creating files and variables |
do i=1,novars |
crename(i)=0 |
crefile(i)=0 |
enddo |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Loop through data points |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
do t=1,novars |
c Write info |
write(*,'(a10,a5,3x,a5,3x,a15,3x,a15)') |
> ' Split ',trim(oldname(t)), |
> trim(newname(t)), |
> trim(oldfile(t)), |
> trim(newfile(t)) |
c Open input file and read some parametersq |
call cdfopn(oldfile(t),cdfid,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 997 |
call getcfn(cdfid,cfn,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 997 |
call cdfopn(cfn,cstid,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 997 |
call gettimes(cdfid, time, ntimes, error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 997 |
call getgrid(cstid, dx, dy, error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 997 |
call getlevs(cstid, nlev, aklev, bklev, aklay, bklay, error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 997 |
call getpole(cstid,pollon,pollat,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 997 |
call getstart(cstid,stdate,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 997 |
c Set new grid parameters and read data of subdomain |
call getdef(cdfid,oldname(t),ndim,misdat, |
> vardim,phymin,phymax,stag,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 997 |
nx=vardim(1) |
ny=vardim(2) |
nz=vardim(3) |
c Load data |
varname=oldname(t) |
call getdat(cdfid,varname,time(1),0,varold,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 997 |
c Create file if necessary (otherwise open it for writing) |
isnew=1 |
do k=1,novars |
if ((crefile(k).eq.1).and. |
> (newfile(t).eq.newfile(k))) then |
isnew=0 |
endif |
enddo |
if (isnew.eq.1) then |
cfn=trim(newfile(t))//'_cst' |
datar(1) = vardim(1) |
datar(2) = vardim(2) |
datar(3) = 1000.*phymax(2) |
datar(4) = 1000.*phymin(1) |
datar(5) = 1000.*phymin(2) |
datar(6) = 1000.*phymax(1) |
datar(7) = 1000.*dx |
datar(8) = 1000.*dy |
datar(9) = nlev |
datar(10) = 1 |
datar(11) = 0 |
datar(12) = 0 |
datar(13) = 1000.*pollon |
datar(14) = 1000.*pollat |
call wricst(cfn,datar, |
> aklev,bklev,aklay,bklay,stdate) |
call crecdf(trim(newfile(t)),ncdfid, phymin, phymax, |
> ndim,cfn,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 998 |
else |
call cdfwopn(trim(newfile(t)),ncdfid,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 998 |
endif |
do k=1,novars |
if (newfile(k).eq.newfile(t)) then |
crefile(k)=1 |
endif |
enddo |
c Create variable if necessary |
isnew=1 |
do k=1,novars |
if ((newfile(t).eq.newfile(k)).and. |
> (newname(t).eq.newname(k)).and. |
> (crename(t).eq.1)) then |
isnew=0 |
endif |
enddo |
if (isnew.eq.1) then |
call putdef(ncdfid, newname(t), ndim, misdat, vardim, |
> phymin, phymax, stag, error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 998 |
endif |
do k=1,novars |
if ((newname(k).eq.newname(t)).and. |
> (crefile(k).eq.1)) then |
crename(k)=1 |
endif |
enddo |
c Write data |
call putdat(ncdfid,newname(t),time(1),0,varold,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 998 |
c Close files |
call clscdf(cdfid, error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 997 |
call clscdf(ncdfid, error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 998 |
call clscdf(cstid, error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 997 |
enddo |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Exception handling |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
stop |
997 print*,'Problems with input file... Stop' |
stop |
998 print*,'Problems with output file... Stop' |
stop |
end |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:executable |