0,0 → 1,1128 |
subroutine wricst(cstnam,datar,aklev,bklev,aklay,bklay,stdate) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Creates the constants file for NetCDF files containing ECMWF |
C data. The constants file is compatible with the one created |
C for EM data (with subroutine writecst). |
C |
C Input parameters: |
C |
C cstnam name of constants file |
C datar array contains all required parameters to write file |
C datar(1): number of points along x |
C datar(2): number of points along y |
C datar(3): maximum latitude of data region (ymax) |
C datar(4): minimum longitude of data region (xmin) |
C datar(5): minimum latitude of data region (ymin) |
C datar(6): maximum longitude of data region (xmax) |
C datar(7): grid increment along x |
C datar(8): grid increment along y |
C datar(9): number of levels |
C datar(10): data type (forecast or analysis) |
C datar(11): data version |
C datar(12): constants file version |
C datar(13): longitude of pole of coordinate system |
C datar(14): latitude of pole of coordinate system |
C aklev array contains the aklev values |
C bklev array contains the bklev values |
C aklay array contains the aklay values |
C bklay array contains the bklay values |
C stdate array contains date (year,month,day,time,step) of first |
C field on file (start-date), dimensionised as stdate(5) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
include "netcdf.inc" |
integer nchar,maxlev |
parameter (nchar=20,maxlev=32) |
real aklev(maxlev),bklev(maxlev) |
real aklay(maxlev),bklay(maxlev) |
real pollat,latmin,latmax |
integer datar(14) |
integer stdate(5) |
character*80 cstnam |
C declarations for constants-variables |
integer nz |
integer dattyp, datver, cstver |
C further declarations |
integer ierr ! error flag |
integer cdfid ! NetCDF id |
integer xid,yid,zid ! dimension ids |
integer pollonid, pollatid, ! variable ids |
> aklevid, bklevid, aklayid, bklayid, |
> lonminid, lonmaxid, latminid, latmaxid, |
> dellonid, dellatid, |
> startyid, startmid, startdid, starthid, startsid, |
> dattypid, datverid, cstverid |
nz=datar(9) ! number of levels |
C Set data-type and -version, version of cst-file-format |
dattyp=datar(10) |
datver=datar(11) |
cstver=datar(12) |
C Initially set error to false |
ierr=0 |
C Create constants file |
cdfid=nccre(trim(cstnam),NCCLOB,ierr) |
C Define the dimensions |
xid = ncddef (cdfid,'nx',datar(1),ierr) |
yid = ncddef (cdfid,'ny',datar(2),ierr) |
zid = ncddef (cdfid,'nz',datar(9),ierr) |
C Define integer constants |
pollonid = ncvdef(cdfid,'pollon', NCFLOAT,0,0,ierr) |
pollatid = ncvdef(cdfid,'pollat', NCFLOAT,0,0,ierr) |
aklevid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'aklev', NCFLOAT, 1, zid, ierr) |
bklevid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'bklev', NCFLOAT, 1, zid, ierr) |
aklayid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'aklay', NCFLOAT, 1, zid, ierr) |
bklayid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'bklay', NCFLOAT, 1, zid, ierr) |
lonminid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'lonmin', NCFLOAT, 0, 0, ierr) |
lonmaxid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'lonmax', NCFLOAT, 0, 0, ierr) |
latminid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'latmin', NCFLOAT, 0, 0, ierr) |
latmaxid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'latmax', NCFLOAT, 0, 0, ierr) |
dellonid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'dellon', NCFLOAT, 0, 0, ierr) |
dellatid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'dellat', NCFLOAT, 0, 0, ierr) |
startyid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'starty', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
startmid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'startm', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
startdid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'startd', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
starthid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'starth', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
startsid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'starts', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
dattypid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'dattyp', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
datverid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'datver', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
cstverid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'cstver', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
C Leave define mode |
call ncendf(cdfid,ierr) |
C Store levels |
call ncvpt(cdfid, aklevid, 1, nz, aklev, ierr) |
call ncvpt(cdfid, bklevid, 1, nz, bklev, ierr) |
call ncvpt(cdfid, aklayid, 1, nz, aklay, ierr) |
call ncvpt(cdfid, bklayid, 1, nz, bklay, ierr) |
C Store position of pole (trivial for ECMWF data) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, pollonid, 1, real(datar(13))/1000., ierr) |
if (datar(14).gt.0) then |
pollat=min(real(datar(14))/1000.,90.) |
else |
pollat=max(real(datar(14))/1000.,-90.) |
endif |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, pollatid, 1, pollat, ierr) |
C Store horizontal data borders and grid increments |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, lonminid, 1, real(datar(4))/1000., ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, lonmaxid, 1, real(datar(6))/1000., ierr) |
latmin=max(real(datar(5))/1000.,-90.) |
latmax=min(real(datar(3))/1000.,90.) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, latminid, 1, latmin, ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, latmaxid, 1, latmax, ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, dellonid, 1, real(datar(7))/1000., ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, dellatid, 1, real(datar(8))/1000., ierr) |
C Store date of first field on file (start-date) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, startyid, 1, stdate(1), ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, startmid, 1, stdate(2), ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, startdid, 1, stdate(3), ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, starthid, 1, stdate(4), ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, startsid, 1, stdate(5), ierr) |
C Store datatype and version |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, dattypid, 1, dattyp, ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, datverid, 1, datver, ierr) |
C Store version of the constants file format |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, cstverid, 1, cstver, ierr) |
C Store strings |
call ncclos(cdfid,ierr) |
return |
end |
subroutine writelmcst(cdfid,nx,ny,nz,pollon,pollat,lonmin, |
&lonmax,latmin,latmax,dellon,dellat,dattyp,datver,cstver, |
&psref,tstar,tbeta,pintf,p0top,idate) |
c ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
implicit none |
integer cdfid |
c deklarationen der constants-variablen |
real pollon,pollat |
real lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax,dellon,dellat |
integer idate(5) |
integer nx,ny,nz |
integer dattyp, datver, cstver |
real psref, tstar, tbeta, pintf, p0top |
include 'netcdf.inc' |
* netcdf declaration |
integer iret, k |
* dimension ids |
integer nxdim, nydim, nzdim |
* variable ids |
integer startyid, startmid, startdid, starthid |
* variable shapes, corners and edge lengths |
integer dims(1), corner(1), edges(1) |
* enter define mode |
call ncredf(cdfid, iret) |
startyid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'starty', NCLONG, 0, 0, iret) |
startmid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'startm', NCLONG, 0, 0, iret) |
startdid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'startd', NCLONG, 0, 0, iret) |
starthid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'starth', NCLONG, 0, 0, iret) |
* store the rest as global attributes |
* store nx,ny,nz |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'nx',NCLONG,1,nx,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'ny',NCLONG,1,ny,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'nz',NCLONG,1,nz,iret) |
* store pollon, pollat |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'pollon',NCFLOAT,1,pollon,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'pollat',NCFLOAT,1,pollat,iret) |
* store lonmin, etc |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'lonmin',NCFLOAT,1,lonmin,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'lonmax',NCFLOAT,1,lonmax,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'latmin',NCFLOAT,1,latmin,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'latmax',NCFLOAT,1,latmax,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'dellon',NCFLOAT,1,dellon,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'dellat',NCFLOAT,1,dellat,iret) |
* store data type and version |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'dattyp',NCLONG,1,dattyp,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'datver',NCLONG,1,datver,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'cstver',NCLONG,1,cstver,iret) |
* store information of lm model vertical grid |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'psref',NCFLOAT,1,psref,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'tstar',NCFLOAT,1,tstar,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'tbeta',NCFLOAT,1,tbeta,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'pintf',NCFLOAT,1,pintf,iret) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'p0top',NCFLOAT,1,p0top,iret) |
* leave define mode |
call ncendf(cdfid, iret) |
* store starty, etc |
corner(1) = 1 |
edges(1) = 1 |
call ncvpt(cdfid, startyid, corner, edges, idate(1), iret) |
call ncvpt(cdfid, startmid, corner, edges, idate(2), iret) |
call ncvpt(cdfid, startdid, corner, edges, idate(3), iret) |
call ncvpt(cdfid, starthid, corner, edges, idate(4), iret) |
end |
subroutine globcst(cdfnam,datar,aklev,bklev,aklay,bklay,stdate) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C+ |
C subroutine globcst |
C |
C instead of writing a constants-file (*_cst), the information |
C is added to the netCDF file as global variables |
C the data format is compatible with the one requested by |
C the IVE ETH/MIT version, contact author about details |
C |
C model,netCDF |
C |
C subroutine globcst(cdfnam,datar,aklev,bklev,aklay,bklay,stdate) |
C |
C cdfnam name of netCDF file |
C The file needs to exist, otherwise an ERROR occurs, |
C i.e. nothing is done |
C datar array contains all required parameters to write file |
C datar(1): number of points along x |
C datar(2): number of points along y |
C datar(3): maximum latitude of data region (ymax) |
C datar(4): minimum longitude of data region (xmin) |
C datar(5): minimum latitude of data region (ymin) |
C datar(6): maximum longitude of data region (xmax) |
C datar(7): grid increment along x |
C datar(8): grid increment along y |
C datar(9): number of levels |
C datar(10): data type (forecast or analysis) |
C datar(11): data version |
C datar(12): constants file version |
C datar(13): longitude of pole of coordinate system |
C datar(14): latitude of pole of coordinate system |
C aklev array contains the aklev values |
C bklev array contains the bklev values |
C aklay array contains the aklay values |
C bklay array contains the bklay values |
C stdate array contains date (year,month,day,time,step) of first |
C field on file (start-date), dimensionised as stdate(5) |
C list the griblist-ASCII-file |
C varno the GRIB code number |
C |
C Adds cdf-information to EXISTING netCDF-file |
C |
C |
C June 93 Christoph Schaer (ETHZ) created |
C Nov 93 Heini Wernli (ETHZ) wricst |
C Nov 98 David N. Bresch (MIT) wricst to globcst |
C- |
C Sun include statement. |
include "netcdf.inc" |
integer nchar,maxlev |
parameter (nchar=20,maxlev=32) |
real aklev(maxlev),bklev(maxlev) |
real aklay(maxlev),bklay(maxlev) |
integer datar(14) |
integer stdate(5) |
character*80 cdfnam |
C declarations for constants-variables |
integer nz |
integer dattyp, datver, cstver |
C further declarations |
integer ierr ! error flag |
integer cdfid ! NetCDF id |
integer xid,yid,zid ! dimension ids |
integer pollonid, pollatid, ! variable ids |
> aklevid, bklevid, aklayid, bklayid, |
> lonminid, lonmaxid, latminid, latmaxid, |
> dellonid, dellatid, |
> startyid, startmid, startdid, starthid, startsid, |
> dattypid, datverid, cstverid |
nz=datar(9) ! number of levels |
C Set data-type and -version, version of cst-file-format |
dattyp=datar(10) |
datver=datar(11) |
cstver=datar(12) |
C Initially set error to false |
ierr=0 |
C open the netCDF-file: |
call cdfwopn(cdfnam,cdfid,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print*,'ERROR opening netCDF-file ',cdfnam |
return |
endif |
C Put file into define mode |
call ncredf(cdfid,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print*,'ERROR switching to netCDF redefine mode' |
return |
endif |
C Define the dimensions |
xid = ncddef (cdfid,'nx',datar(1),ierr) |
yid = ncddef (cdfid,'ny',datar(2),ierr) |
zid = ncddef (cdfid,'nz',datar(9),ierr) |
C Define integer constants |
pollonid = ncvdef(cdfid,'pollon', NCFLOAT,0,0,ierr) |
pollatid = ncvdef(cdfid,'pollat', NCFLOAT,0,0,ierr) |
aklevid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'aklev', NCFLOAT, 1, zid, ierr) |
bklevid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'bklev', NCFLOAT, 1, zid, ierr) |
aklayid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'aklay', NCFLOAT, 1, zid, ierr) |
bklayid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'bklay', NCFLOAT, 1, zid, ierr) |
lonminid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'lonmin', NCFLOAT, 0, 0, ierr) |
lonmaxid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'lonmax', NCFLOAT, 0, 0, ierr) |
latminid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'latmin', NCFLOAT, 0, 0, ierr) |
latmaxid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'latmax', NCFLOAT, 0, 0, ierr) |
dellonid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'dellon', NCFLOAT, 0, 0, ierr) |
dellatid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'dellat', NCFLOAT, 0, 0, ierr) |
startyid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'starty', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
startmid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'startm', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
startdid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'startd', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
starthid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'starth', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
startsid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'starts', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
dattypid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'dattyp', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
datverid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'datver', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
cstverid = ncvdef (cdfid, 'cstver', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
C Leave define mode |
call ncendf(cdfid,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print*,'ERROR exiting define mode' |
return |
endif |
C Store levels |
call ncvpt(cdfid, aklevid, 1, nz, aklev, ierr) |
call ncvpt(cdfid, bklevid, 1, nz, bklev, ierr) |
call ncvpt(cdfid, aklayid, 1, nz, aklay, ierr) |
call ncvpt(cdfid, bklayid, 1, nz, bklay, ierr) |
C Store position of pole (trivial for ECMWF data) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, pollonid, 1, real(datar(13))/1000., ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, pollatid, 1, real(datar(14))/1000., ierr) |
C Store horizontal data borders and grid increments |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, lonminid, 1, real(datar(4))/1000., ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, lonmaxid, 1, real(datar(6))/1000., ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, latminid, 1, real(datar(5))/1000., ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, latmaxid, 1, real(datar(3))/1000., ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, dellonid, 1, real(datar(7))/1000., ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, dellatid, 1, real(datar(8))/1000., ierr) |
C Store date of first field on file (start-date) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, startyid, 1, stdate(1), ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, startmid, 1, stdate(2), ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, startdid, 1, stdate(3), ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, starthid, 1, stdate(4), ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, startsid, 1, stdate(5), ierr) |
C Store datatype and version |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, dattypid, 1, dattyp, ierr) |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, datverid, 1, datver, ierr) |
C Store version of the constants file format |
call ncvpt1(cdfid, cstverid, 1, cstver, ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print*,'ERROR adding cst-date as global variables' |
return |
endif |
C Store strings |
call ncclos(cdfid,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print*,'ERROR closing netCDF file' |
endif |
return |
end |
subroutine getsdat(cdfid,varnam,time,ix,iy,iz,sx,sy,sz,dat,error) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This routine is called to read the data within a selected |
c domain of a variable from an IVE-NetCDF file. |
c Prior to calling this routine, the file must be opened with |
c a call to opncdf (for extension) or crecdf (for creation) or |
c readcdf (for readonly). |
c Arguments: |
c cdfid int input file-identifier |
c (must be obtained by calling routine |
c opncdf,readcdf or crecdf) |
c varnam char input the user-supplied variable name |
c time real input the user-supplied time-level of the |
c data to be read from the file (the time- |
c levels stored in the file can be obtained |
c with a call to gettimes). |
c ix/y/z int input indices of lower left corner of selected |
c data volume. |
c sx/y/z int input size of selected data volume |
c dat real output data-array with dimensions (sx,sy,sz). |
c error int output indicates possible errors found in this |
c routine. |
c error = 0 no errors detected. |
c error = 1 the variable is not present on |
c the file. |
c error = 2 the value of 'time' is not |
c known.to the file. |
c error = 6,7,8 data volume too large |
c error =10 another error. |
c History: |
c June 93 Christoph Schaer (ETHZ) Created getdat |
c Nov 93 Heini Wernli (ETHZ) Created getsdat |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
include "netcdf.inc" |
C Declaration of local variables |
character*(*) varnam |
character*(20) chars |
integer cdfid |
integer ix,iy,iz,sx,sy,sz |
real dat(sx,sy,sz) |
real misdat,varmin(4),varmax(4),stag(4) |
real time, timeval |
integer corner(4),edgeln(4),didtim,vardim(4),ndims |
integer error, ierr |
integer ntime |
integer idtime,idvar,iflag |
integer i |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
c access the variable |
call getdef (cdfid, trim(varnam), ndims, misdat, |
& vardim, varmin, varmax, stag, ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print *,'*ERROR* in getdef in getdat' |
error=1 |
return |
endif |
idvar=ncvid(cdfid,trim(varnam),ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print *,'*ERROR* in ncvid in getsdat' |
error=1 |
return |
endif |
C Get times-array |
didtim=ncdid(cdfid,'time',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print *,'*ERROR* didtim in getsdat' |
error=10 |
return |
endif |
call ncdinq(cdfid,didtim,chars,ntime,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print *,'*ERROR* in ncdinq in getsdat' |
error=10 |
return |
endif |
idtime=ncvid(cdfid,'time',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print *,'*ERROR* in ncvid for time in getsdat' |
error=10 |
return |
endif |
c find appropriate time-index |
iflag=0 |
do i=1,ntime |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idtime,i,timeval,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) print *,'*ERROR* in ncvgt1 in getsdat' |
if (time.eq.timeval) iflag=i |
enddo |
if (iflag.eq.0) then |
error=2 |
print *,'Error: Unknown time in getsdat' |
print *,time,timeval |
return |
endif |
C Define data volume to be written (index space) |
corner(1)=ix |
corner(2)=iy |
corner(3)=iz |
corner(4)=iflag |
edgeln(1)=sx |
edgeln(2)=sy |
edgeln(3)=sz |
edgeln(4)=1 |
C Check if data volume is within data domain |
if (ix+sx-1.gt.vardim(1)) then |
error=7 |
print *,'Error: data volume too large in x-direction' |
print *,ix,sx,vardim(1) |
return |
endif |
if (iy+sy-1.gt.vardim(2)) then |
error=8 |
print *,'Error: data volume too large in y-direction' |
return |
endif |
if (iz+sz-1.gt.vardim(3)) then |
error=9 |
print *,'Error: data volume too large in z-direction' |
return |
endif |
C Read data from NetCDF file |
call ncvgt(cdfid,idvar,corner,edgeln,dat,error) |
if (error.ne.0) then |
print *, 'corner ',corner(1),corner(2),corner(3) |
print *, 'edgeln ',edgeln(1),edgeln(2),edgeln(3) |
print *, '*ERROR* in ncvgt in getsdat' |
error=10 |
endif |
end |
subroutine getlevs(cstid,nlev,aklev,bklev,aklay,bklay,error) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This routine is called to get the level arrays aklev and |
c bklev from a NetCDF constants file. |
c Arguments: |
c cstid int input identifier for NetCDF constants file |
c nlev int input number of levels |
c aklev real output array contains all aklev values |
c bklev real output array contains all bklev values |
c aklay real output array contains all aklay values |
c bklay real output array contains all bklay values |
c error int output error flag |
c error = 0 no errors detected |
c error = 1 error detected |
c History: |
c Aug. 93 Heini Wernli Created. |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
integer error |
integer cstid |
integer ncdid,ncvid ! NetCDF functions |
integer didz,idak,idbk,idaky,idbky |
integer nlev |
real aklev(nlev),bklev(nlev),aklay(nlev),bklay(nlev) |
character*(20) dimnam |
integer i |
didz =ncdid(cstid,'nz',error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 920 |
idak =ncvid(cstid,'aklev',error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 920 |
idbk =ncvid(cstid,'bklev',error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 920 |
idaky =ncvid(cstid,'aklay',error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 920 |
idbky =ncvid(cstid,'bklay',error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 920 |
call ncdinq(cstid,didz,dimnam,nlev,error) ! read number of levels |
if (error.ne.0) goto 920 |
do 10 i=1,nlev |
call ncvgt1(cstid,idak,i,aklev(i),error) ! get aklev |
call ncvgt1(cstid,idbk,i,bklev(i),error) ! get bklev |
call ncvgt1(cstid,idaky,i,aklay(i),error) ! get aklay |
call ncvgt1(cstid,idbky,i,bklay(i),error) ! get bklay |
if (error.ne.0) goto 920 |
10 continue |
return |
c Error exits. |
920 write(*,*)'*ERROR*: An error occured in subroutine getlevs' |
return |
end |
subroutine getntim(cdfid,ntimes,ierr) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Purpose: |
C Get number of times on the specified NetCDF file |
C Arguments: |
C cdfid int input identifier for NetCDF file |
C ntimes int output number of times on the file |
C error int output errorflag |
C History: |
C Heini Wernli, ETHZ |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
include "netcdf.inc" |
integer ierr |
integer didtim,ntimes |
integer cdfid,idtime |
integer ncopts |
character*(20) dimnam |
c Get current value of error options, and make sure netCDF-errors do |
c not abort execution |
call ncgopt (ncopts) |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
didtim=ncdid(cdfid,'time',ierr) ! inquire id for time dimension |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 900 |
idtime=ncvid(cdfid,'time',ierr) ! inquire id for time array |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 900 |
call ncdinq(cdfid,didtim,dimnam,ntimes,ierr) ! inquire # of times |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 900 |
c normal exit |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
return |
c error exit |
900 ntimes=1 |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
end |
subroutine getstart(cdfid,idate,ierr) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Purpose: |
C Get start date for fields on specified NetCDF file |
C Arguments: |
C cdfid int input identifier for NetCDF file |
C idate int output array contains date (year,month,day,time,step) |
C dimensioned as idate(5) |
C ierr int output error flag |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
include "netcdf.inc" |
c variable declarations |
integer ierr |
integer idate(5) |
integer cdfid,ncopts,idvar,nvars |
integer ndims,ngatts,recdim,i,vartyp,nvatts,vardim(4) |
character*20 vnam(100) |
c Get current value of error options, and make sure NetCDF-errors do |
c not abort execution |
call ncgopt (ncopts) |
call ncpopt (NCVERBOS) |
idvar=ncvid(cdfid,'starty',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 930 |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idvar,1,idate(1),ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
idvar=ncvid(cdfid,'startm',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idvar,1,idate(2),ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
idvar=ncvid(cdfid,'startd',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto920 |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idvar,1,idate(3),ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
idvar=ncvid(cdfid,'starth',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idvar,1,idate(4),ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
C Starts is not defined on all files |
C Only ask for it if it exists |
C Inquire number of dimensions, variables and attributes |
idate(5)=0 |
call ncinq(cdfid,ndims,nvars,ngatts,recdim,ierr) |
do i=1,nvars |
call ncvinq(cdfid,i,vnam(i),vartyp,ndims,vardim,nvatts,ierr) |
if (vnam(i).eq.'starts') then |
idvar=ncvid(cdfid,'starts',ierr) |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idvar,1,idate(5),ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
endif |
enddo |
c normal exit |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
return |
c error exit |
920 continue |
write (6, *) 'ERROR: An error occurred while attempting to ', |
& 'read the starting-time in subroutine putstart.' |
930 continue |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
end |
subroutine putstart(cdfid,idate,ierr) |
C---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
C Purpose: |
C Puts the 'starting-time' on the specified NetCDF file. |
C Arguments: |
C cdfid int input identifier for NetCDF file |
C idate int input array contains date (year,month,day,time,step) |
C dimensioned as idate(5) |
C ierr int output error flag |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
include "netcdf.inc" |
c variable declarations |
integer ierr,idate(5),startid(5),cdfid,ncopts,i |
c Get current value of error options, and make sure NetCDF-errors do |
c not abort execution |
call ncgopt (ncopts) |
call ncpopt (NCVERBOS) |
c define variables |
call ncredf(cdfid,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
startid(1) = ncvdef (cdfid, 'starty', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
startid(2) = ncvdef (cdfid, 'startm', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
startid(3) = ncvdef (cdfid, 'startd', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
startid(4) = ncvdef (cdfid, 'starth', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
startid(5) = ncvdef (cdfid, 'starts', NCLONG, 0, 0, ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
call ncendf(cdfid, ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
c store variables |
do i=1,5 |
call ncvpt1(cdfid,startid(i),1,idate(i),ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 920 |
enddo |
c synchronyse output to disk, revert to previous error-mode, and exit |
call ncsnc (cdfid,ierr) |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
return |
c error exit |
920 write (6, *) 'ERROR: An error occurred while attempting to ', |
& 'write the starting-time in subroutine putstart.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, ierr) |
end |
subroutine getgrid(cdfid,dx,dy,ierr) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Purpose: |
C Get grid increments for fields on specified NetCDF file |
C Arguments: |
C cdfid int input identifier for NetCDF file |
C dx real output grid increment along latitude |
C dy real output grid increment along longitude |
C ierr int output error flag |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
integer ierr |
integer cdfid |
integer ncvid |
integer idilon,idilat |
real dx,dy |
idilon =ncvid(cdfid,'dellon',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
idilat =ncvid(cdfid,'dellat',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idilon,1,dx,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idilat,1,dy,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
end |
subroutine getdattyp(cdfid,typ,ierr) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Purpose: |
C Get data type for specified NetCDF file |
C Arguments: |
C cdfid int input identifier for NetCDF file |
C typ int output data type: 1 (52) for pressure (theta) coord |
C ierr int output error flag |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
integer ierr |
integer cdfid |
integer ncvid |
integer idtyp,typ |
idtyp =ncvid(cdfid,'dattyp',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idtyp,1,typ,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
end |
subroutine getpole(cdfid,pollon,pollat,ierr) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Purpose: |
C Get physical coordinates of pole of coordinate system |
C Arguments: |
C cdfid int input identifier for NetCDF file |
C pollon real output longitude of pole |
C pollat real output latitude of pole |
C ierr int output error flag |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
integer ierr |
integer cdfid |
integer ncvid |
integer idplon,idplat |
real pollon,pollat |
idplon =ncvid(cdfid,'pollon',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
idplat =ncvid(cdfid,'pollat',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idplon,1,pollon,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idplat,1,pollat,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
end |
subroutine getmc2grid(cdfid,polx,poly,delx,shem,phi0,lam0,ierr) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Purpose: |
C Get physical coordinates of pole of coordinate system |
C Arguments: |
C cdfid int input identifier for NetCDF file |
C ierr int output error flag |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
integer ierr |
integer cdfid |
integer ncvid |
integer idpolx,idpoly,iddelx,idshem,idphi0,idlam0 |
real polx,poly,delx,shem,phi0,lam0 |
idpolx =ncvid(cdfid,'polx',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
idpoly =ncvid(cdfid,'poly',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
iddelx =ncvid(cdfid,'delx',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
idshem =ncvid(cdfid,'shem',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
idphi0 =ncvid(cdfid,'phi0',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
idlam0 =ncvid(cdfid,'lam0',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idpolx,1,polx,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idpoly,1,poly,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,iddelx,1,delx,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idshem,1,shem,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idphi0,1,phi0,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idlam0,1,lam0,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
end |
subroutine getcfn(cdfid,cfn,ierr) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Purpose: |
C Get name of constants file |
C Arguments: |
C cdfid int input identifier for NetCDF file |
C cfn char output name of constants file |
C ierr int output error flag |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
include 'netcdf.inc' |
integer ierr |
integer cdfid,lenstr |
character*80 cfn |
lenstr=80 |
call ncagtc(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,"constants_file_name",cfn,lenstr,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) write(*,*)'error in SR getcfn' |
end |
subroutine getdim (cdfid, varnam, nx, ny, nz, error) |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This routine is called to get the dimensions of |
c a variable from an IVE-NetCDF file for use with the IVE plotting |
c package. Prior to calling this routine, the file must be opened |
c with a call to opncdf. |
c Arguments: |
c cdfid int input file-identifier |
c (can be obtained by calling routine |
c opncdf) |
c varnam char input the user-supplied variable name. |
c (can be obtained by calling routine |
c opncdf) |
c nx int output the zonal dimension of the variable. |
c ny int output the meridional dimension of the variable. |
c nz int output the vertical dimension of the variable. |
c |
c error int output indicates possible errors found in this |
c routine. |
c error = 0 no errors detected. |
c error = 1 the variable is not on the file. |
c error =10 other errors. |
c History: |
c March 2000 Heini Wernli (ETHZ) Created. |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
include "netcdf.inc" |
c Argument declarations. |
character *(*) varnam |
integer vardim(4), ndim, error, cdfid |
integer nx,ny,nz |
c Local variable declarations. |
character *(20) dimnam(MAXNCDIM),vnam |
integer id,i,k |
integer ndims,nvars,ngatts,recdim,dimsiz(MAXNCDIM) |
integer vartyp,nvatts, ncopts |
c Get current value of error options. |
call ncgopt (ncopts) |
c make sure NetCDF-errors do not abort execution |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
c Initially set error to indicate no errors. |
error = 0 |
c inquire for number of dimensions |
call ncinq(cdfid,ndims,nvars,ngatts,recdim,error) |
if (error.eq.1) goto 920 |
c read dimension-table |
do i=1,ndims |
call ncdinq(cdfid,i,dimnam(i),dimsiz(i),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
enddo |
c get id of the variable |
id=ncvid(cdfid,varnam,error) |
if (error.eq.1) goto 910 |
c inquire about variable |
call ncvinq(cdfid,id,vnam,vartyp,ndim,vardim,nvatts,error) |
if (vartyp.ne.NCFLOAT) error=1 |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c get dimensions from dimension-table |
do k=1,ndim |
vardim(k)=dimsiz(vardim(k)) |
enddo |
nx=vardim(1) |
ny=vardim(2) |
nz=vardim(3) |
c normal exit |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
return |
c Error exits. |
910 write (6, *) '*ERROR*: The selected variable could not be found ', |
& 'in the file by getdim.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
return |
920 write (6, *) '*ERROR*: An error occurred while attempting to ', |
& 'read the data file in subroutine getcdf.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
end |
subroutine new_gettra(cdfid,varnam,ix,ntimes,array,ierr) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C |
C Reads the time-evolution for one grid-point of the variable |
C indicated by varnam. |
C |
C cdfid int input identifier for NetCDF file |
C varnam char input name of variable |
C ix int input index for trajectory to read |
C ntimes int input number of time-indices to read |
C array real output array contains the readed values |
C ierr int output error flag |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Declaration of attributes |
integer cdfid |
character*(*) varnam |
integer ix |
integer ntimes |
real array(ntimes) |
C Declaration of local variables |
integer corner(4),edgeln(4) |
integer idvar,ierr |
integer ncvid |
integer strend |
corner(1)=ix |
corner(2)=1 |
corner(3)=1 |
corner(4)=1 |
edgeln(1)=1 |
edgeln(2)=1 |
edgeln(3)=1 |
edgeln(4)=ntimes |
idvar =ncvid(cdfid,varnam(1:strend(varnam)),ierr) |
call ncvgt(cdfid,idvar,corner,edgeln,array,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 991 |
return |
991 stop 'Variable not found on NetCDF file in SR new_gettra' |
end |
subroutine getvars(cdfid,nvars,vnam,ierr) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Opens the NetCDF file 'filnam' and returns its identifier cdfid. |
C filnam char input name of NetCDF file to open |
C nvars int output number of variables on file |
C vnam char output array with variable names |
C ierr int output error flag |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
include 'netcdf.inc' |
integer cdfid,ierr,nvars |
character*(*) vnam(*) |
integer ndims,ngatts,recdim,i,vartyp,nvatts,vardim(4) |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
C Inquire number of dimensions, variables and attributes |
call ncinq(cdfid,ndims,nvars,ngatts,recdim,ierr) |
C Inquire variable names from NetCDF file |
do i=1,nvars |
call ncvinq(cdfid,i,vnam(i),vartyp,ndims,vardim,nvatts,ierr) |
enddo |
return |
end |