0,0 → 1,1648 |
subroutine clscdf (cdfid, error) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This routine closes an open netCDF file. |
c Aguments : |
c cdfid int input the id of the file to be closed. |
c error int output indicates possible errors found in this |
c routine. |
c error = 0 no errors detected. |
c error = 1 error detected. |
c History: |
c Nov. 91 PPM UW Created. |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
include "netcdf.inc" |
c Argument declarations. |
integer cdfid, error |
c Local variable declarations. |
integer ncopts |
c Get current value of error options. |
call ncgopt (ncopts) |
c Make sure netCDF errors do not abort execution. |
call ncpopt (NCVERBOS) |
c Close requested file. |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
c Reset error options. |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
end |
subroutine cdfwopn(filnam,cdfid,ierr) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Opens the NetCDF file 'filnam' and returns its identifier cdfid. |
C filnam char input name of NetCDF file to open |
C cdfid int output identifier of NetCDF file |
C ierr int output error flag |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
include 'netcdf.inc' |
integer cdfid,ierr |
character*(*) filnam |
integer strend |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
cdfid=ncopn(filnam(1:strend(filnam)),NCWRITE,ierr) |
return |
end |
subroutine cdfopn(filnam,cdfid,ierr) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Opens the NetCDF file 'filnam' and returns its identifier cdfid. |
C filnam char input name of NetCDF file to open |
C cdfid int output identifier of NetCDF file |
C ierr int output error flag |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
include 'netcdf.inc' |
integer cdfid,ierr |
character*(*) filnam |
integer strend |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
cdfid=ncopn(filnam(1:strend(filnam)),NCNOWRIT,ierr) |
return |
end |
subroutine crecdf (filnam, cdfid, phymin, phymax, ndim, cfn, |
& error) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This routine is called to create a netCDF file for use with |
c the UWGAP plotting package. |
c Any netCDF file written to must be closed with the call |
c 'call clscdf(cdfid,error)', where cdfid and error are |
c as in the argumentlist below. |
c Arguments: |
c filnam char input the user-supplied netCDF file name. |
c cdfid int output the file-identifier |
c phymin real input the minimum physical dimension of the |
c entire physical domain along each axis. |
c phymin is dimensioned (ndim) |
c phymax real input the maximum physical dimension of the |
c entire physical domain along each axis. |
c phymax is dimensioned (ndim) |
c ndim int input the number of dimensions in the file |
c (i.e. number of elements in phymin, |
c phymax) |
c cfn char input constants file name |
c ('0' = no constants file). |
c error int output indicates possible errors found in this |
c routine. |
c error = 0 no errors detected. |
c error = 1 error detected. |
c History: |
c Nov. 91 PPM UW Created cr3df. |
c Jan. 92 CS UW Created crecdf. |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
include "netcdf.inc" |
c Argument declarations. |
integer MAXDIM |
parameter (MAXDIM=4) |
integer ndim, error |
character *(*) filnam,cfn |
real phymin(*), phymax(*) |
c Local variable declarations. |
character *(20) attnam |
character *(1) chrid(MAXDIM) |
integer cdfid, k, ibeg, iend, lenfil, ncopts |
data chrid/'x','y','z','a'/ |
c Get current value of error options, and make sure netCDF-errors do |
c not abort execution |
call ncgopt (ncopts) |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
c Initially set error to indicate no errors. |
error = 0 |
c create the netCDF file |
cdfid = nccre (trim(filnam), NCCLOB, error) |
if (error.ne.0) go to 920 |
c define global attributes |
do k=1,ndim |
attnam(1:3)='dom' |
attnam(4:4)=chrid(k) |
attnam(5:7)='min' |
attnam=attnam(1:7) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,attnam,NCFLOAT,1,phymin(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
attnam(1:3)='dom' |
attnam(4:4)=chrid(k) |
attnam(5:7)='max' |
attnam=attnam(1:7) |
call ncapt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,attnam,NCFLOAT,1,phymax(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
enddo |
c define constants file name |
if (cfn.ne.'0') then |
call ncaptc (cdfid, NCGLOBAL, 'constants_file_name', |
c & NCCHAR, len_trim(cfn)+1, cfn // char(0) , error) |
& NCCHAR, len_trim(cfn), cfn , error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
endif |
c End variable definitions. |
call ncendf (cdfid, error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c normal exit |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
return |
c error exit |
920 write (6, *) 'ERROR: An error occurred while attempting to ', |
& 'create the data file in subroutine crecdf.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
end |
subroutine opncdf(filnam, cdfid, |
& phymin, phymax, ndim, varnam, nvar, cfn, error) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This routine is called to open a netCDF file for read and write |
c with the UWGAP plotting package. |
c Arguments: |
c filnam char input the user-supplied netCDF file name. |
c cdfid int output the file-identifier |
c phymin real output the minimum physical dimension of the |
c entire physical domain along each axis. |
c phymin is dimensioned (ndim) |
c phymax real output the maximum physical dimension of the |
c entire physical domain along each axis. |
c phymax is dimensioned (ndim) |
c ndim int output the number of dimensions in the file |
c (i.e. number of elements in phymin, |
c phymax) |
c varnam char output an array containing the variable names. |
c varnam is dimensioned (nvar). |
c nvar int output the number of variables in the file |
c cfn char output constants file name |
c ('0'=no constants file). |
c error int output indicates possible errors found in this |
c routine. |
c error = 0 no errors detected. |
c error = 1 error detected. |
c History: |
c Nov. 91 PPM UW Created cr3df. |
c Jan. 92 CS UW Created opncdf. |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
include "netcdf.inc" |
c Argument declarations. |
integer MAXDIM |
parameter (MAXDIM=4) |
integer ndim, nvar, error |
character *(*) filnam, varnam(*),cfn |
real phymin(*), phymax(*) |
c Local variable declarations. |
character *(20) attnam,vnam |
character *(1) chrid(MAXDIM) |
integer cdfid, i,k |
integer ncopts, ndims,ngatts,recdim |
integer nvdims,vartyp,nvatts,vardim(MAXDIM) |
real attval |
integer lenstr |
data chrid/'x','y','z','a'/ |
data lenstr/80/ |
c Get current value of error options and make sure netCDF-errors do |
c not abort execution |
call ncgopt (ncopts) |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
c Initially set error to indicate no errors. |
error = 0 |
c open the netCDF file for write |
cdfid = ncopn (trim(filnam), NCWRITE, error) |
if (error.ne.0) then |
c try to open the netCDF file for read |
cdfid = ncopn (trim(filnam), NCNOWRIT, error) |
if (error.ne.0) go to 920 |
endif |
c inquire for number of variables |
call ncinq(cdfid,ndims,nvar,ngatts,recdim,error) |
if (error.eq.1) goto 920 |
c read the variables |
do i=1,nvar |
call ncvinq(cdfid,i,varnam(i),vartyp,nvdims,vardim, |
& nvatts,error) |
if (vartyp.ne.NCFLOAT) error=1 |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
enddo |
c get global attributes |
k=0 |
100 continue |
k=k+1 |
attnam(1:3)='dom' |
attnam(4:4)=chrid(k) |
attnam(5:7)='min' |
attnam=attnam(1:7) |
c switch off error message |
call ncpopt(0) |
c check whether dimension k is present |
call ncagt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,attnam,attval,error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 110 |
phymin(k)=attval |
attnam(1:3)='dom' |
attnam(4:4)=chrid(k) |
attnam(5:7)='max' |
attnam=attnam(1:7) |
call ncagt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,attnam,attval,error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
phymax(k)=attval |
if (k.lt.3) goto 100 |
k=k+1 |
c define ndim-parameter |
110 continue |
ndim=k-1 |
error=0 |
c switch on error messages |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
c get constants file name |
c call ncagt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'constants_file_name',cfn,error) |
c ! chrigel |
call ncagtc(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'constants_file_name',cfn,lenstr,error) |
if (error.gt.0) cfn='0' |
c normal exit |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
return |
c error exit |
920 write (6, *) 'ERROR: An error occurred while attempting to ', |
& 'read the data file in subroutine opncdf.' |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
end |
subroutine readcdf(filnam, cdfid, |
& phymin, phymax, ndim, varnam, nvar, cfn, error) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This routine is called to open a netCDF file for read |
c with the UWGAP plotting package. |
c Arguments: |
c filnam char input the user-supplied netCDF file name. |
c cdfid int output the file-identifier |
c phymin real output the minimum physical dimension of the |
c entire physical domain along each axis. |
c phymin is dimensioned (ndim) |
c phymax real output the maximum physical dimension of the |
c entire physical domain along each axis. |
c phymax is dimensioned (ndim) |
c ndim int output the number of dimensions in the file |
c (i.e. number of elements in phymin, |
c phymax) |
c varnam char output an array containing the variable names. |
c varnam is dimensioned (nvar). |
c nvar int output the number of variables in the file |
c cfn char output constants file name |
c ('0'=no constants file). |
c error int output indicates possible errors found in this |
c routine. |
c error = 0 no errors detected. |
c error = 1 error detected. |
c History: |
c Nov. 91 PPM UW Created cr3df. |
c Jan. 92 CS UW Created opncdf. |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
include "netcdf.inc" |
c Argument declarations. |
integer MAXDIM |
parameter (MAXDIM=4) |
integer ndim, nvar, error |
character *(*) filnam, varnam(*),cfn |
real phymin(*), phymax(*) |
c Local variable declarations. |
character *(20) attnam |
character *(1) chrid(MAXDIM) |
integer cdfid, i,k |
integer ncopts, ndims,ngatts,recdim |
integer nvdims,vartyp,nvatts,vardim(MAXDIM) |
real attval |
integer lenstr |
data chrid/'x','y','z','a'/ |
data lenstr/80/ |
c Get current value of error options. |
call ncgopt (ncopts) |
c make sure netCDF-errors do not abort execution |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
c Initially set error to indicate no errors. |
error = 0 |
c open the netCDF file for read |
cdfid = ncopn (trim(filnam), NCNOWRIT, error) |
if (error.ne.0) go to 920 |
c inquire for number of variables |
call ncinq(cdfid,ndims,nvar,ngatts,recdim,error) |
if (error.eq.1) goto 920 |
c read the variables |
do i=1,nvar |
call ncvinq(cdfid,i,varnam(i),vartyp,nvdims,vardim, |
& nvatts,error) |
if (vartyp.ne.NCFLOAT) error=1 |
c print *,varnam(i),nvdims,nvatts |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
enddo |
c get global attributes |
k=0 |
100 continue |
k=k+1 |
attnam(1:3)='dom' |
attnam(4:4)=chrid(k) |
attnam(5:7)='min' |
attnam=attnam(1:7) |
c switch off error message |
call ncpopt(0) |
c check whether dimension k is present |
call ncagt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,attnam,attval,error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 110 |
phymin(k)=attval |
attnam(1:3)='dom' |
attnam(4:4)=chrid(k) |
attnam(5:7)='max' |
attnam=attnam(1:7) |
call ncagt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,attnam,attval,error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
phymax(k)=attval |
if (k.lt.4) goto 100 |
k=k+1 |
c define ndim-parameter |
110 continue |
ndim=k-1 |
error=0 |
c switch on error messages |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
c get constants file name |
c call ncagt(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'constants_file_name',cfn,error) |
c ! chrigel |
call ncagtc(cdfid,NCGLOBAL,'constants_file_name',cfn,lenstr,error) |
if (error.gt.0) cfn='0' |
c print *,cfn |
c normal exit |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
return |
c error exit |
920 write (6, *) 'ERROR: An error occurred while attempting to ', |
& 'read the data file in subroutine opncdf.' |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
end |
subroutine getcdf (cdfid, varnam, ndim, misdat, |
& vardim, varmin, varmax, stag, dat, error) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This routine is called to get a variable and its attributes |
c from a netCDF file for use with the UWGAP plotting package. |
c It is assumed that the data is floating-point data. Prior to |
c calling this routine, the file must be opened with a call to |
c opncdf. |
c Arguments: |
c cdfid int input file-identifier |
c (can be obtained by calling routine |
c opncdf) |
c varnam char input the user-supplied variable name. |
c (can be obtained by calling routine |
c opncdf) |
c ndim int output the number of dimensions (ndim<=4) |
c misdat real output missing data value for the variable. |
c vardim int output the dimensions of the variable. |
c is dimensioned at least (ndim). |
c varmin real output the location in physical space of the |
c origin of each variable. |
c is dimensioned at least Min(ndim,3). |
c varmax real output the extent of each variable in physical |
c space. |
c is dimensioned at least Min(ndim,3). |
c stag real output the grid staggering for each variable. |
c is dimensioned at least Min(ndim,3). |
c dat real output data-array dimensioned suffiecently |
c large, at least |
c vardim(1)* ... vardim(ndim) |
c error int output indicates possible errors found in this |
c routine. |
c error = 0 no errors detected. |
c error = 1 error detected. |
c History: |
c Nov. 91 PPM UW Created cr3df. |
c Jan. 92 CS UW Created getcdf. |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
include "netcdf.inc" |
c Argument declarations. |
integer MAXDIM |
parameter (MAXDIM=4) |
character *(*) varnam |
integer vardim(*), ndim, error, cdfid |
real misdat, stag(*), varmin(*), varmax(*), dat(*) |
c Local variable declarations. |
character *(20) dimnam(100),attnam |
character *(1) chrid(MAXDIM) |
integer id,i,k,corner(MAXDIM) |
integer ndims,nvars,ngatts,recdim,dimsiz(100) |
integer vartyp,nvatts, ncopts |
data chrid/'x','y','z','a'/ |
data corner/1,1,1,1/ |
c Get current value of error options, and make sure netCDF-errors do |
c not abort execution |
call ncgopt (ncopts) |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
c Initially set error to indicate no errors. |
error = 0 |
c inquire for number of dimensions |
call ncinq(cdfid,ndims,nvars,ngatts,recdim,error) |
if (error.eq.1) goto 920 |
c read dimension-table |
do i=1,ndims |
call ncdinq(cdfid,i,dimnam(i),dimsiz(i),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
enddo |
c get id of the variable |
id=ncvid(cdfid,varnam,error) |
if (error.eq.1) goto 910 |
c inquire about variable |
call ncvinq(cdfid,id,varnam,vartyp,ndim,vardim,nvatts,error) |
if (vartyp.ne.NCFLOAT) error=1 |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c Make sure ndim <= MAXDIM. |
if (ndim.gt.MAXDIM) then |
error = 1 |
go to 900 |
endif |
c get dimensions from dimension-table |
do k=1,ndim |
vardim(k)=dimsiz(vardim(k)) |
enddo |
c get attributes |
do k=1,min0(ndim,3) |
c get staggering |
attnam(1:1)=chrid(k) |
attnam(2:5)='stag' |
attnam=attnam(1:5) |
call ncagt(cdfid,id,attnam,stag(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c get min postion |
attnam(1:1)=chrid(k) |
attnam(2:4)='min' |
attnam=attnam(1:4) |
call ncagt(cdfid,id,attnam,varmin(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c get max position |
attnam(1:1)=chrid(k) |
attnam(2:4)='max' |
attnam=attnam(1:4) |
call ncagt(cdfid,id,attnam,varmax(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
enddo |
c get missing data value |
call ncagt(cdfid,id,'missing_data',misdat,error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c get data |
call ncvgt(cdfid,id,corner,vardim,dat,error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c normal exit |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
return |
c Error exits. |
900 write (6, *) 'ERROR: When calling getcdf, the number of ', |
& 'variable dimensions must be less or equal 4.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
return |
910 write (6, *) 'ERROR: The selected variable could not be found ', |
& 'in the file by getcdf.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
return |
920 write (6, *) 'ERROR: An error occurred while attempting to ', |
& 'read the data file in subroutine getcdf.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
return |
end |
subroutine putcdf (cdfid, varnam, ndim, misdat, |
& vardim, varmin, varmax, stag, dat, error) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This routine is called to put a variable and its attributes |
c onto a netCDF file for use with the UWGAP plotting package. |
c It is assumed that the data is floating-point data. Prior to |
c calling this routine, the file must be created (crecdf) or |
c opened (opncdf). |
c Any netCDF file written to must be closed with the call |
c call ncclos(cdfid,error), where cdfid and error are |
c as in the argumentlist below. |
c Arguments: |
c cdfid int input file-identifier |
c (can be obtained by calling routine |
c opncdf) |
c varnam char input the user-supplied variable name. |
c (can be obtained by calling routine |
c opncdf) |
c ndim int input the number of dimensions (ndim<=4) |
c misdat real input missing data value for the variable. |
c vardim int input the dimensions of the variable. |
c is dimensioned at least (ndim). |
c varmin real input the location in physical space of the |
c origin of each variable. |
c is dimensioned at least Min(ndim,3). |
c varmax real input the extent of each variable in physical |
c space. |
c is dimensioned at least Min(ndim,3). |
c stag real input the grid staggering for each variable. |
c is dimensioned at least Min(ndim,3). |
c dat real input data-array dimensioned suffiecently |
c large, at least |
c vardim(1)* ... vardim(ndim) |
c error int output indicates possible errors found in this |
c routine. |
c error = 0 no errors detected. |
c error = 1 error detected. |
c History: |
c Nov. 91 PPM UW Created cr3df, wr3df. |
c Jan. 92 CS UW Created putcdf. |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
include "netcdf.inc" |
c Argument declarations. |
integer MAXDIM |
parameter (MAXDIM=4) |
character *(*) varnam |
integer vardim(*), ndim, error, cdfid |
real misdat, stag(*), varmin(*), varmax(*), dat(*) |
c Local variable declarations. |
character *(20) dimnam,attnam,dimchk |
character *(1) chrid(MAXDIM) |
character *(20) dimnams(MAXNCDIM) |
integer dimvals(MAXNCDIM) |
integer numdims,numvars,numgats,dimulim |
integer id,did(MAXDIM),i,k,corner(MAXDIM) |
integer ncopts |
integer ibeg,iend |
data chrid/'x','y','z','t'/ |
data corner/1,1,1,1/ |
c Get current value of error options. |
call ncgopt (ncopts) |
c make sure netCDF-errors do not abort execution |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
c Initially set error to indicate no errors. |
error = 0 |
c Make sure ndim <= MAXDIM. |
if (ndim.gt.MAXDIM) then |
error = 1 |
go to 900 |
endif |
c Read existing dimensions-declarations from the file |
call ncinq(cdfid,numdims,numvars,numgats,dimulim,error) |
if (error.ne.0) numdims=0 |
if (numdims.gt.0) then |
do i=1,numdims |
call ncdinq(cdfid,i,dimnams(i),dimvals(i),error) |
c print *,dimnams(i),dimvals(i) |
enddo |
endif |
c put file into define mode |
call ncredf(cdfid,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 920 |
c define the dimension |
do k=1,ndim |
c define the dimension-name |
dimnam(1:3)='dim' |
dimnam(4:4)=chrid(k) |
dimnam(5:5)='_' |
dimnam(6:5+len_trim(varnam))=trim(varnam) |
dimnam=dimnam(1:5+len_trim(varnam)) |
did(k)=-1 |
if (numdims.gt.0) then |
c check if an existing dimension-declaration can be used |
c instead of defining a nuw dimension |
do i=1,numdims |
dimchk=dimnams(i) |
if ((vardim(k).eq.dimvals(i)).and. |
& (dimnam(1:4).eq.dimchk(1:4))) then |
did(k)=i |
goto 100 |
endif |
enddo |
100 continue |
endif |
if (did(k).lt.0) then |
c define the dimension |
did(k)=ncddef(cdfid,dimnam,vardim(k),error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 920 |
endif |
enddo |
c define variable |
id=ncvdef(cdfid,varnam,NCFLOAT,ndim,did,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 920 |
c define attributes |
do k=1,min0(ndim,3) |
c staggering |
attnam(1:1)=chrid(k) |
attnam(2:5)='stag' |
attnam=attnam(1:5) |
call ncapt(cdfid,id,attnam,NCFLOAT,1,stag(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c min postion |
attnam(1:1)=chrid(k) |
attnam(2:4)='min' |
attnam=attnam(1:4) |
call ncapt(cdfid,id,attnam,NCFLOAT,1,varmin(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c max position |
attnam(1:1)=chrid(k) |
attnam(2:4)='max' |
attnam=attnam(1:4) |
call ncapt(cdfid,id,attnam,NCFLOAT,1,varmax(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
enddo |
c define missing data value |
call ncapt(cdfid,id,'missing_data',NCFLOAT,1,misdat,error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c leave define mode |
call ncendf(cdfid,error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c define data |
call ncvpt(cdfid,id,corner,vardim,dat,error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c synchronyse output to disk and exit |
call ncsnc (cdfid,error) |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
return |
c Error exits. |
900 write (6, *) 'ERROR: When calling putcdf, the number of ', |
& 'variable dimensions must be less or equal 4.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
return |
920 write (6, *) 'ERROR: An error occurred while attempting to ', |
& 'write the data file in subroutine putcdf.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
return |
end |
c |
c |
subroutine getdef (cdfid, varnam, ndim, misdat, |
& vardim, varmin, varmax, stag, error) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This routine is called to get the dimensions and attributes of |
c a variable from an IVE-NetCDF file for use with the IVE plotting |
c package. Prior to calling this routine, the file must be opened |
c with a call to opncdf. |
c Arguments: |
c cdfid int input file-identifier |
c (can be obtained by calling routine |
c opncdf) |
c varnam char input the user-supplied variable name. |
c (can be obtained by calling routine |
c opncdf) |
c ndim int output the number of dimensions (ndim<=4) |
c misdat real output missing data value for the variable. |
c vardim int output the dimensions of the variable. |
c Is dimensioned at least (ndim). |
c varmin real output the location in physical space of the |
c origin of each variable. |
c Is dimensioned at least Min(3,ndim). |
c varmax real output the extend of each variable in physical |
c space. |
c Is dimensioned at least Min(3,ndim). |
c stag real output the grid staggering for each variable. |
c Is dimensioned at least Min(3,ndim). |
c error int output indicates possible errors found in this |
c routine. |
c error = 0 no errors detected. |
c error = 1 the variable is not on the file. |
c error =10 other errors. |
c History: |
c Apr. 93 Christoph Schaer (ETHZ) Created. |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
include "netcdf.inc" |
c Argument declarations. |
integer MAXDIM |
parameter (MAXDIM=4) |
character *(*) varnam |
integer vardim(*), ndim, error, cdfid |
real misdat, stag(*), varmin(*), varmax(*) |
c Local variable declarations. |
character *(20) dimnam(MAXNCDIM),attnam,vnam |
character *(1) chrid(MAXDIM) |
integer id,i,k |
integer ndims,nvars,ngatts,recdim,dimsiz(MAXNCDIM) |
integer vartyp,nvatts, ncopts |
data chrid/'x','y','z','t'/ |
c Get current value of error options. |
call ncgopt (ncopts) |
c make sure NetCDF-errors do not abort execution |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
c Initially set error to indicate no errors. |
error = 0 |
c inquire for number of dimensions |
call ncinq(cdfid,ndims,nvars,ngatts,recdim,error) |
if (error.eq.1) goto 920 |
c read dimension-table |
do i=1,ndims |
call ncdinq(cdfid,i,dimnam(i),dimsiz(i),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
enddo |
c get id of the variable |
id=ncvid(cdfid,varnam,error) |
if (error.eq.1) goto 910 |
c inquire about variable |
call ncvinq(cdfid,id,vnam,vartyp,ndim,vardim,nvatts,error) |
if (vartyp.ne.NCFLOAT) error=1 |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c Make sure ndim <= MAXDIM. |
if (ndim.gt.MAXDIM) then |
error = 1 |
go to 900 |
endif |
c get dimensions from dimension-table |
do k=1,ndim |
vardim(k)=dimsiz(vardim(k)) |
enddo |
c get attributes |
do k=1,min0(3,ndim) |
c get min postion |
attnam(1:1)=chrid(k) |
attnam(2:4)='min' |
attnam=attnam(1:4) |
call ncagt(cdfid,id,attnam,varmin(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c get max position |
attnam(1:1)=chrid(k) |
attnam(2:4)='max' |
attnam=attnam(1:4) |
call ncagt(cdfid,id,attnam,varmax(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c get staggering |
attnam(1:1)=chrid(k) |
attnam(2:5)='stag' |
attnam=attnam(1:5) |
call ncagt(cdfid,id,attnam,stag(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
enddo |
c get missing data value |
call ncagt(cdfid,id,'missing_data',misdat,error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c normal exit |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
return |
c Error exits. |
900 write (6, *) '*ERROR*: When calling getcdf, the number of ', |
& 'variable dimensions must be less or equal 4.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
return |
910 write (6, *) '*ERROR*: The selected variable could not be found ', |
& 'in the file by getcdf.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
return |
920 write (6, *) '*ERROR*: An error occurred while attempting to ', |
& 'read the data file in subroutine getcdf.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
end |
subroutine getdat(cdfid, varnam, time, level, dat, error) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This routine is called to read the data of a variable |
c from an IVE-NetCDF file for use with the IVE plotting package. |
c Prior to calling this routine, the file must be opened with |
c a call to opncdf (for extension) or crecdf (for creation) or |
c readcdf (for readonly). |
c Arguments: |
c cdfid int input file-identifier |
c (must be obtained by calling routine |
c opncdf,readcdf or crecdf) |
c varnam char input the user-supplied variable name (must |
c previously be defined with a call to |
c putdef) |
c time real input the user-supplied time-level of the |
c data to be read from the file (the time- |
c levels stored in the file can be obtained |
c with a call to gettimes). |
c level int input the horizontal level(s) to be read |
c to the NetCDF file. Suppose that the |
c variable is defined as (nx,ny,nz,nt). |
c level>0: the call reads the subdomain |
c (1:nx,1:ny,level,itimes) |
c level=0: the call reads the subdomain |
c (1:nx,1:ny,1:nz,itimes) |
c Here itimes is the time-index corresponding |
c to the value of 'time'. |
c dat real output data-array dimensioned sufficiently |
c large. The dimensions (nx,ny,nz) |
c of the variable must previously be defined |
c with a call to putdef. No previous |
c definition of the time-dimension is |
c required. |
c error int output indicates possible errors found in this |
c routine. |
c error = 0 no errors detected. |
c error = 1 the variable is not present on |
c the file. |
c error = 2 the value of 'time' is not |
c known.to the file. |
c error = 3 inconsistent value of level |
c error =10 another error. |
c History: |
c March 93 Heini Wernli (ETHZ) Created wr2cdf. |
c April 93 Bettina Messmer (ETHZ) Created putdat. |
c June 93 Christoph Schaer (ETHZ) Created getdat |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
include "netcdf.inc" |
C Declaration of local variables |
character*(*) varnam |
character*(20) chars |
integer cdfid |
real dat(*) |
real misdat,varmin(4),varmax(4),stag(4) |
real time, timeval |
integer corner(4),edgeln(4),didtim,vardim(4),ndims |
integer error, ierr |
integer level,ntime |
integer idtime,idvar,iflag |
integer i |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
c access the variable |
call getdef (cdfid, trim(varnam), ndims, misdat, |
& vardim, varmin, varmax, stag, ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print *,'*ERROR* in getdef in getdat' |
error=1 |
return |
endif |
idvar=ncvid(cdfid,trim(varnam),ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print *,'*ERROR* in ncvid in getdat' |
error=1 |
return |
endif |
C Get times-array |
didtim=ncdid(cdfid,'time',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print *,'*ERROR* didtim in getdat' |
error=10 |
return |
endif |
call ncdinq(cdfid,didtim,chars,ntime,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print *,'*ERROR* in ncdinq in getdat' |
error=10 |
return |
endif |
idtime=ncvid(cdfid,'time',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) then |
print *,'*ERROR* in ncvid for time in getdat' |
error=10 |
return |
endif |
c find appropriate time-index |
iflag=0 |
do i=1,ntime |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idtime,i,timeval,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) print *,'*ERROR* in ncvgt1 in getdat' |
if (time.eq.timeval) iflag=i |
enddo |
if (iflag.eq.0) then |
error=2 |
print *,'Error: Unknown time in getdat' |
return |
endif |
C Define data volume to be written (index space) |
corner(1)=1 |
corner(2)=1 |
edgeln(1)=vardim(1) |
edgeln(2)=vardim(2) |
if (level.eq.0) then |
corner(3)=1 |
edgeln(3)=vardim(3) |
else if ((level.le.vardim(3)).and.(level.ge.1)) then |
corner(3)=level |
edgeln(3)=1 |
else |
error=3 |
return |
endif |
corner(4)=iflag |
edgeln(4)=1 |
C Read data from NetCDF file |
c print *,'getdat vor Aufruf ncvgt' |
c print *,'cdfid ',cdfid |
c print *,'idvar ',idvar |
c print *,'corner ',corner |
c print *,'edgeln ',edgeln |
call ncvgt(cdfid,idvar,corner,edgeln,dat,error) |
if (error.ne.0) then |
print *, '*ERROR* in ncvgt in getdat' |
error=10 |
endif |
end |
subroutine putdat(cdfid, varnam, time, level, dat, error) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This routine is called to write the data of a variable |
c to an IVE-NetCDF file for use with the IVE plotting package. |
c Prior to calling this routine, the file must be opened with |
c a call to opncdf (for extension) or crecdf (for creation), the |
c variable must be defined with a call to putdef. |
c Arguments: |
c cdfid int input file-identifier |
c (must be obtained by calling routine |
c opncdf or crecdf) |
c varnam char input the user-supplied variable name (must |
c previously be defined with a call to |
c putdef) |
c time real input the user-supplied time-level of the |
c data to be written to the file (the time- |
c levels stored in the file can be obtained |
c with a call to gettimes). If 'time' is not |
c yet known to the file, a knew time-level is |
c allocated and appended to the times-array. |
c level int input the horizontal level(s) to be written |
c to the NetCDF file. Suppose that the |
c variable is defined as (nx,ny,nz,nt). |
c level>0: the call writes the subdomain |
c (1:nx,1:ny,level,itimes) |
c level=0: the call writes the subdomain |
c (1:nx,1:ny,1:nz,itimes) |
c Here itimes is the time-index corresponding |
c to the value of 'time'. |
c dat real output data-array dimensioned sufficiently |
c large. The dimensions (nx,ny,nz) |
c of the variable must previously be defined |
c with a call to putdef. No previous |
c definition of the time-dimension is |
c required. |
c error int output indicates possible errors found in this |
c routine. |
c error = 0 no errors detected. |
c error = 1 the variable is not present on |
c the file. |
c error = 2 the value of 'time' is new, but |
c appending it would yield a non |
c ascending times-array. |
c error = 3 inconsistent value of level |
c error =10 another error. |
c History: |
c March 93 Heini Wernli (ETHZ) Created wr2cdf. |
c April 93 Bettina Messmer (ETHZ) Created putdat. |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
include "netcdf.inc" |
C Declaration of local variables |
character*(*) varnam |
character*(20) chars |
integer cdfid |
real dat(*) |
real misdat,varmin(4),varmax(4),stag(4) |
real time, timeval |
data stag/0.,0.,0.,0./ |
integer corner(4),edgeln(4),did(4),vardim(4),ndims |
integer error, ierr |
integer level,ntime |
integer idtime,idvar,iflag |
integer i |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
c get definitions of data |
call getdef (cdfid, trim(varnam), ndims, misdat, |
& vardim, varmin, varmax, stag, ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) print *,'*ERROR* in getdef in putdat' |
c get id of variable |
idvar=ncvid(cdfid,trim(varnam),ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) print *,'*ERROR* in ncvid in putdat' |
c get times-array |
did(4)=ncdid(cdfid,'time',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) print *,'*ERROR* did(4) in putdat' |
call ncdinq(cdfid,did(4),chars,ntime,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) print *,'*ERROR* in ncdinq in putdat' |
idtime=ncvid(cdfid,'time',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) print *,'*ERROR* in ncvid in putdat' |
C Check if a new time step is starting |
iflag=0 |
do i=1,ntime |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idtime,i,timeval,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) print *,'*ERROR* in ncvgt1 in putdat' |
if (time.eq.timeval) iflag=i |
enddo |
if (iflag.eq.0) then ! new time step |
ntime=ntime+1 |
iflag=ntime |
idtime=ncvid(cdfid,'time',ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) print *, '*ERROR* in ncvid in putdat' |
call ncvpt1(cdfid,idtime,ntime,time,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) print *, '*ERROR* in ncvpt1 in putdat' |
endif |
C Define data volume to write on the NetCDF file in index space |
corner(1)=1 ! starting corner of data volume |
corner(2)=1 |
edgeln(1)=vardim(1) ! edge lengthes of data volume |
edgeln(2)=vardim(2) |
if (level.eq.0) then |
corner(3)=1 |
edgeln(3)=vardim(3) |
else |
corner(3)=level |
edgeln(3)=1 |
endif |
corner(4)=iflag |
edgeln(4)=1 |
C Put data on NetCDF file |
c print *,'vor Aufruf ncvpt d.h. Daten schreiben in putdat ' |
c print *,'cdfid ',cdfid |
c print *,'idvar ',idvar |
c print *,'corner ',corner |
c print *,'edgeln ',edgeln |
call ncvpt(cdfid,idvar,corner,edgeln,dat,error) |
if (error.ne.0) then |
print *, '*ERROR* in ncvpt in putdat - Put data on NetCDF file' |
endif |
C Synchronize output to disk and close the files |
call ncsnc(cdfid,ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) print *, '*ERROR* in ncsnc in putdat' |
end |
subroutine putdef (cdfid, varnam, ndim, misdat, |
& vardim, varmin, varmax, stag, error) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This routine is called to define the dimensions and the |
c attributes of a variable on an IVE-NetCDF file for use with the |
c IVE plotting package. Prior to calling this routine, the file must |
c be opened with a call to opncdf (extend an existing file) or |
c crecdf (create a new file). |
c Arguments: |
c cdfid int input file-identifier |
c (can be obtained by calling routine |
c opncdf) |
c varnam char input the user-supplied variable name. |
c ndim int input the number of dimensions (ndim<=4). |
c Upon ndim=4, the fourth dimension of the |
c variable is specified as 'unlimited' |
c on the file (time-dimension). It can |
c later be extended to arbitrary length. |
c misdat real input missing data value for the variable. |
c vardim int input the dimensions of the variable. |
c Is dimensioned at least Min(3,ndim). |
c varmin real input the location in physical space of the |
c origin of each variable. |
c Is dimensioned at least Min(3,ndim). |
c varmax real input the extent of each variable in physical |
c space. |
c Is dimensioned at least Min(ndim). |
c stag real input the grid staggering for each variable. |
c Is dimensioned at least Min(3,ndim). |
c error int output indicates possible errors found in this |
c routine. |
c error = 0 no errors detected. |
c error =10 other errors detected. |
c History: |
c Apr. 93 Christoph Schaer (ETHZ) Created. |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
include "netcdf.inc" |
c Argument declarations. |
integer MAXDIM |
parameter (MAXDIM=4) |
character *(*) varnam |
integer vardim(*), ndim, error, cdfid |
real misdat, stag(*), varmin(*), varmax(*) |
c Local variable declarations. |
character *(20) dimnam,attnam,dimchk |
character *(1) chrid(MAXDIM) |
character *(20) dimnams(MAXNCDIM) |
integer dimvals(MAXNCDIM) |
integer numdims,numvars,numgats,dimulim |
integer id,did(MAXDIM),idtime,i,k,ierr |
integer ncopts |
integer ibeg,iend |
data chrid/'x','y','z','t'/ |
c Get current value of error options. |
call ncgopt (ncopts) |
c make sure NetCDF-errors do not abort execution |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
c Initially set error to indicate no errors. |
error = 0 |
c Make sure ndim <= MAXDIM. |
if (ndim.gt.MAXDIM) then |
error = 10 |
go to 900 |
endif |
c Read existing dimensions-declarations from the file |
call ncinq(cdfid,numdims,numvars,numgats,dimulim,error) |
if (numdims.gt.0) then |
do i=1,numdims |
call ncdinq(cdfid,i,dimnams(i),dimvals(i),error) |
c print *,dimnams(i),dimvals(i) |
enddo |
endif |
c put file into define mode |
call ncredf(cdfid,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 920 |
c define spatial dimensions |
do k=1,min0(3,ndim) |
c define the default dimension-name |
dimnam(1:3)='dim' |
dimnam(4:4)=chrid(k) |
dimnam(5:5)='_' |
dimnam(6:5+len_trim(varnam))=trim(varnam) |
dimnam=dimnam(1:5+len_trim(varnam)) |
did(k)=-1 |
if (numdims.gt.0) then |
c check if an existing dimension-declaration can be used |
c instead of defining a new dimension |
do i=1,numdims |
dimchk=dimnams(i) |
if ((vardim(k).eq.dimvals(i)).and. |
& (dimnam(1:4).eq.dimchk(1:4))) then |
did(k)=i |
goto 100 |
endif |
enddo |
100 continue |
endif |
if (did(k).lt.0) then |
c define the dimension |
did(k)=ncddef(cdfid,dimnam,vardim(k),error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 920 |
endif |
enddo |
c define the times-array |
if (ndim.eq.4) then |
c define dimension and variable 'time' |
if (numdims.ge.4) then |
did(4)=ncdid(cdfid,'time',ierr) |
idtime=ncvid(cdfid,'time',ierr) |
else |
c this dimension must first be defined |
did(4) = ncddef (cdfid,'time',NCUNLIM,ierr) |
idtime = ncvdef (cdfid,'time',NCFLOAT,1,did(4),ierr) |
endif |
endif |
c define variable |
id=ncvdef(cdfid,varnam,NCFLOAT,ndim,did,error) |
if (error.ne.0) goto 920 |
c define attributes |
do k=1,min0(ndim,3) |
c min postion |
attnam(1:1)=chrid(k) |
attnam(2:4)='min' |
attnam=attnam(1:4) |
call ncapt(cdfid,id,attnam,NCFLOAT,1,varmin(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c max position |
attnam(1:1)=chrid(k) |
attnam(2:4)='max' |
attnam=attnam(1:4) |
call ncapt(cdfid,id,attnam,NCFLOAT,1,varmax(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c staggering |
attnam(1:1)=chrid(k) |
attnam(2:5)='stag' |
attnam=attnam(1:5) |
call ncapt(cdfid,id,attnam,NCFLOAT,1,stag(k),error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
enddo |
c define missing data value |
call ncapt(cdfid,id,'missing_data',NCFLOAT,1,misdat,error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c leave define mode |
call ncendf(cdfid,error) |
if (error.gt.0) goto 920 |
c synchronyse output to disk and exit |
call ncsnc (cdfid,error) |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
return |
c Error exits. |
900 write (6, *) '*ERROR*: When calling putcdf, the number of ', |
& 'variable dimensions must be less or equal 4.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
return |
920 write (6, *) '*ERROR*: An error occurred while attempting to ', |
& 'write the data file in subroutine putcdf.' |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
call ncclos (cdfid, error) |
return |
end |
subroutine gettimes(cdfid,times,ntimes,ierr) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Purpose: |
C Get all times on the specified NetCDF file |
C Arguments: |
C cdfid int input identifier for NetCDF file |
C times real output array contains all time values on the file, |
C dimensioned at least times(ntimes) |
C ntimes int output number of times on the file |
C error int output errorflag |
C History: |
C Heini Wernli, ETHZ |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
include "netcdf.inc" |
integer ierr,i |
real times(*) |
integer didtim,ntimes |
integer cdfid,idtime |
integer ncopts |
character*(20) dimnam |
c Get current value of error options, and make sure netCDF-errors do |
c not abort execution |
call ncgopt (ncopts) |
call ncpopt(NCVERBOS) |
didtim=ncdid(cdfid,'time',ierr) ! inquire id for time dimension |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 900 |
idtime=ncvid(cdfid,'time',ierr) ! inquire id for time array |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 900 |
call ncdinq(cdfid,didtim,dimnam,ntimes,ierr) ! inquire # of times |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 900 |
do 10 i=1,ntimes |
call ncvgt1(cdfid,idtime,i,times(i),ierr) ! get times |
if (ierr.ne.0) goto 900 |
10 continue |
c normal exit |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
return |
c error exit |
900 ntimes=1 |
times(1)=0. |
call ncpopt (ncopts) |
end |
subroutine puttimes(cdfid,times,ntimes,ierr) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Purpose: |
C Get all times on the specified NetCDF file |
C Arguments: |
C cdfid int input identifier for NetCDF file |
C times real input array contains all time values on the file, |
C dimensioned at least times(ntimes) |
C ntimes int input number of times on the file |
C error int output errorflag |
C History: |
C Heini Wernli, ETHZ |
C Christoph Schaer, ETHZ |
C Note: |
C This preliminary version does not define the times-array, but only |
C overwrites or extends an existing times-array. |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
integer ierr,i |
real times(*) |
integer didtim,ntimes |
integer cdfid,idtime,nfiltim |
integer ncdid,ncvid |
idtime=ncvid(cdfid,'time',ierr) ! inquire id for time array |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
didtim=ncdid(cdfid,'time',ierr) ! inquire id for time dimension |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
call ncdinq(cdfid,didtim,'time',nfiltim,ierr) ! inquire # of times |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
if (nfiltim.lt.ntimes) then |
print *,'Warning: puttimes is extending times-array' |
else if (nfiltim.gt.ntimes) then |
print *,'Warning: puttimes does not cover range of times-array' |
endif |
do 10 i=1,ntimes |
call ncvpt1(cdfid,idtime,i,times(i),ierr) |
if (ierr.ne.0) return |
10 continue |
end |
subroutine cpp_crecdf(filnam,filnam_len,cdfid,phymin,phymax,ndim, |
& cfn,cfn_len,error) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Purpose: |
C allows to call crecdf from c++ |
C Arguments: |
C see crecdf |
C additionally: fname_len and cfn_len, the length of the |
C strings |
C |
C |
C History: |
C 981221 Mark A. Liniger ETHZ |
C |
C Note: |
C |
C |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
integer filnam_len,ndim,cfn_len,error,cdfid |
character *(*) filnam,cfn |
real phymin(*),phymax(*) |
call crecdf (filnam(1:filnam_len),cdfid,phymin,phymax,ndim, |
& cfn(1:cfn_len),error) |
end |
subroutine cpp_putdef(cdfid,varnam,varnam_len,ndim,misdat, |
& vardim,varmin,varmax,stag,error) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Purpose: |
C allows to call putdef from c++ |
C Arguments: |
C see crecdf |
C additionally: varnam_len, the length of the |
C strings |
C |
C |
C History: |
C 981221 Mark A. Liniger ETHZ |
C |
C Note: |
C |
C |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
integer varnam_len,ndim,error,vardim(*),cdfid |
character *(*) varnam |
real misdat,stag(*),varmin(*),varmax(*) |
call putdef (cdfid, varnam(1:varnam_len), ndim, misdat, |
& vardim, varmin, varmax, stag, error) |
end |
subroutine cpp_putdat(cdfid, varnam,varnam_len, |
& time, level, dat, error) |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
C Purpose: |
C allows to call putdef from c++ |
C Arguments: |
C see crecdf |
C additionally: varnam_len, the length of the |
C strings |
C |
C |
C History: |
C 981221 Mark A. Liniger ETHZ |
C |
C Note: |
C |
C |
C------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
integer varnam_len,cdfid,error,level |
character *(*) varnam |
real dat(*) |
real time |
call putdat(cdfid, varnam(1:varnam_len), time, level, dat, error) |
end |
FUNCTION strbeg (string) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This function returns the position of the first nonblank |
c character in the input string. Returns 0 if the entire |
c string is blank. |
c Arguments: |
c string char input string to be examined. |
c History: |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Function declaration |
INTEGER strbeg |
c Argument declarations |
CHARACTER*(*) string |
c Local variable declarations. |
c External function declarations. |
DO i = 1, len(string) |
strbeg = i |
IF (string(i:i) .NE. ' ' .AND. string(i:i) .NE. char(0)) THEN |
strbeg = 0 |
FUNCTION strend (string) |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Purpose: |
c This function returns the position of the last nonblank |
c character in the input string. Returns 0 if the entire |
c string is blank. |
c Arguments: |
c string char input string to be examined. |
c History: |
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c Function declaration |
INTEGER strend |
c Argument declarations |
CHARACTER*(*) string |
c Local variable declarations. |
c External function declarations. |
DO i = len(string), 1, -1 |
strend = i |
IF (string(i:i) .NE. ' ' .AND. string(i:i) .NE. char(0)) THEN |
strend = 0 |