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beyerleu |
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328 |
beyerleu |
2 |
# sl61-config-icewm.ks
289 |
beyerleu |
3 |
4 |
# Configures iceWM
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
mkdir -p /etc/icewm
10 |
11 |
cat > /etc/icewm/menu << EOF
12 |
prog xterm xterm xterm -sb
13 |
prog rxvt xterm rxvt -bg black -cr green -fg white -C -fn 9x15 -sl 500
14 |
prog urxvt xterm urxvt -bg black -cr green -fg white -C -fn 9x15 -sl 500
15 |
# prog MC mc xterm -geometry 100x30 -e mc
16 |
prog Xfe xfe xfe
17 |
18 |
prog Emacs emacs emacs
19 |
prog XEmacs emacs xemacs
20 |
prog NEdit nedit nedit
21 |
prog Vim vim xterm -geometry 100x30 -e vim
22 |
23 |
prog Gftp gftp gftp
24 |
prog Firefox firefox firefox
25 |
prog Thunderbird thunderbird thunderbird
26 |
prog XChat xchat xchat
27 |
prog Gaim gaim gaim
28 |
29 |
prog GPicView gpicview gpicview
30 |
prog Gimp gimp gimp
31 |
prog OpenOffice soffice soffice
32 |
prog GCalcTool gcalctool gcalctool
33 |
34 |
prog Gparted gparted gparted
35 |
prog Ethereal ethereal ethereal
36 |
prog NXclient nxclient nxclient
37 |
prog Vncviewer vncviewer vncviewer
38 |
prog Xcdroast xcdroast xcdroast
39 |
prog "Network manager applet" nm-applet nm-applet
40 |
prog "Configure display" gnome-display-properties
41 |
prog "Configure keyboard" system-config-keyboard system-config-keyboard
42 |
#prog system-config-network system-config-network xterm -geometry 100x30 -e system-config-network
43 |
prog "Configure firewall" system-config-firewall xterm -e "su - -c system-config-firewall"
44 |
prog "Configure date and time" system-config-date system-config-date
45 |
prog "Configure services" system-config-services system-config-services
46 |
prog "Configure users" system-config-users system-config-users
47 |
48 |
prog Poweroff poweroff poweroff
49 |
prog Reboot reboot reboot
50 |
prog "Install to Hard Drive" liveinst liveinst
51 |
52 |
53 |