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function out = get_index (vert,position,grid);
% General index calculation for data grid
% Usage: out = int_index(vert,coords,grid)
% Example: grid.xmin = -180;
% grid.dx = 1;
% grid.nx = 361;
% grid.ymin = 0;
% grid.dy = 1;
% grid.ny = 91;
% out get_index(inp.P.data,[ 500 45 78; 250 56.7 78.4],grid)
% Get the position arrays
xpos = position(:,3)';
ypos = position(:,2)';
zpos = position(:,1)';
% Get the grid dimension
nx = size(vert,3);
ny = size(vert,2);
nz = size(vert,1);
% Get the horiozontal grid indices
rindx = (xpos-grid.xmin)/grid.dx+1;
rindy = (ypos-grid.ymin)/grid.dy+1;
% Special treatment if the the <vert> field is two-dimensional
if ( nz == 1 )
out = [ ones(size(rindy))', rindy', rindx' ];
% Direction of the vertical axis (Pressure: descencding, Height: ascending)
dir = vert(2:nz,:,:) - vert(1:nz-1,:,:);
if ( mean(dir(:)) > 0 )
zpos = -zpos;
vert = -vert;
% Get the weights for the individual grid points
fracx = 1-rindx+floor(rindx);
fracy = 1-rindy+floor(rindy);
% Combine the indices i and j to a common index ij
vert1 = reshape(vert,nz,nx*ny);
% The position array and the vertical index is needed in the same format
zpos1 = kron(ones(nz,1),zpos);
zind1 = kron([1:nz]',ones(size(zpos)));
shif1 = (0:length(zpos)-1) * nz;
% Get the vertical indices at position 00
indx = floor(rindx);
indy = floor(rindy);
indxy = indy+(indx-1)*ny;
isnok1 = (indx<1) | (indx>nx) | (indy<1) | (indy>ny);
indxy(isnok1) = 1;
vert = vert1(:,indxy);
indz = max((vert>=zpos1).*zind1);
isnok2 = (indz<1) | (indz>=nz);
indz(isnok2) = 1;
indu = indz + shif1;
indo = indz + 1 + shif1;
diff = vert(indo)-vert(indu);
isnok3 = (diff==0);
diff(isnok3) = 1;
rind00 = indz + (zpos-vert(indu)) ./ diff;
isnok4 = isnok1 | isnok2 | isnok3;
rind00(isnok4) = NaN;
% Get the vertical indices at positions 01, 10, 11 (if necessary)
if ( any(fracx ~= 1) | any(fracy ~=1) )
indx = floor(rindx+1);
indy = floor(rindy);
indxy = indy+(indx-1)*ny;
isnok1 = (indx<1) | (indx>nx) | (indy<1) | (indy>ny);
indxy(isnok1) = 1;
vert = vert1(:,indxy);
indz = max((vert>zpos1).*zind1);
isnok2 = (indz<1) | (indz>=nz);
indz(isnok2) = 1;
indu = indz + shif1;
indo = indz + 1 + shif1;
diff = vert(indo)-vert(indu);
isnok3 = (diff==0);
diff(isnok3) = 1;
rind01 = indz + (zpos-vert(indu)) ./ diff;
isnok4 = isnok1 | isnok2 | isnok3;
rind01(isnok4) = NaN;
indx = floor(rindx);
indy = floor(rindy+1);
indxy = indy+(indx-1)*ny;
isnok1 = (indx<1) | (indx>nx) | (indy<1) | (indy>ny);
indxy(isnok1) = 1;
vert = vert1(:,indxy);
indz = max((vert>zpos1).*zind1);
isnok2 = (indz<1) | (indz>=nz);
indz(isnok2) = 1;
indu = indz + shif1;
indo = indz + 1 + shif1;
diff = vert(indo)-vert(indu);
isnok3 = (diff==0);
diff(isnok3) = 1;
rind10 = indz + (zpos-vert(indu)) ./ diff;
isnok4 = isnok1 | isnok2 | isnok3;
rind10(isnok4) = NaN;
indx = floor(rindx+1);
indy = floor(rindy+1);
indxy = indy+(indx-1)*ny;
isnok1 = (indx<1) | (indx>nx) | (indy<1) | (indy>ny);
indxy(isnok1) = 1;
vert = vert1(:,indxy);
indz = max((vert>zpos1).*zind1);
isnok2 = (indz<1) | (indz>=nz);
indz(isnok2) = 1;
indu = indz + shif1;
indo = indz + 1 + shif1;
diff = vert(indo)-vert(indu);
isnok3 = (diff==0);
diff(isnok3) = 1;
rind11 = indz + (zpos-vert(indu)) ./ diff;
isnok4 = isnok1 | isnok2 | isnok3;
rind11(isnok4) = NaN;
rind01 = rind00;
rind10 = rind00;
rind11 = rind00;
% Vectorised interpolation
rindz = fracx .* fracy .* rind00 + ...
(1-fracx) .* fracy .* rind01 + ...
fracx .* (1-fracy) .* rind10 + ...
(1-fracx) .* (1-fracy) .* rind11;
% Set the output of the function
nok = isnan(rindz') | isnan(rindy') | isnan(rindx');
out = [ rindz', rindy', rindx' ];