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.TH caltra
.B caltra - 
calculate air parcel trajectories
.B caltra
.I startdate
.I enddate
.I startfile
.I filename 
.I optional arguments 
Calculate trajectories for the air parcels starting at the positions specified in 
.I startfile.
The trajectories cover the time period from 
.I startdate
.I enddate
and the trajectories are saved in the output file 
.I filename.
Forward and backward trajectories can be calculated according to the order of the start and end date.
.TP 15
.I startdate
start time of the air parcels in the format YYYYMMDD_HH(MM) (e.g. 20100101_00 or 20100101_0030 for 1 January 2010, 00 UTC and 00:30 UTC). Note that the minutes (MM) are optional.
.TP 15
.I enddate
end time of the air parcels (same format as the 
.I startdate
). If the end time is after the start time, forward trajectories are calculated; otherwise, i.e. for end date before the start date, backward trajectories result. 
.TP 15
.I startfile
file with the starting positions of the trajectories (possibly created with 
). Different formats for the "startfile" are supported (see 
.B reformat
for details). If no format specifier (appendix .[1234]) is given, a simple (longitude,latitude,pressure) list is expected. 
.TP 15
.I filename    
output trajectory file with trajectories. Different formats are supported (see 
.B reformat
for details).
.TP 15
.I -j 
Jumping flag: if a trajectory crosses the lower boundary, it is raised a little and hence is allowed to move on. Otherwise, i.e. no "-j" flag set, the trajectory would stick at the same position. The default is that "-j" is
.B not
.TP 15
.I -i hours
time increments (in hours) for input P and  S files. If not explicitely specified, this is determined from the P and S files in the current directory.
.TP 15
.I -t min
time step (in minutes) for trajcetory calculation. Per default, the time step is 1/12 the time increment of the input files. For instance, 6-h input P and S files result in a time step of 5 min. The time step must be consisten with the output interval (see next optional parameter "-o").
.TP 15
.I -o hours
Output interval (in minutes) of the air parcel positions. Per default it is the same as the time increment between the input P and S files (see option "-i"). Note that the output interval must be a multiple of the time step for trajectory calculation (see optional argument "-t").
.TP 15
.I -p
Periodicity flag. If set, a periodic domain is assumed in zonal direction. Per default, the flag is
.B not
.TP 15
.I -changet
flag whether the times of the P and S files should be changed or not before a calculation; the default is that the
times are 
.B not 
.TP 15
.I -noclean
flag whether parameter and criterion files should be kept; this is particularly helpful for debugging.
.TP 15
.I -notimecheck
take the first time on the netCDF file - do no explicit test that the requested 
time is available on the file. This is particularly helpful if you have no write
 permission for the P files.
.TP 5
.B [1] caltra 19891020_00 19891020_18 startf OUT.1
Calculate forward trajectories from 20/10/1989 00 UTC to 20/10/1989 18 UTC. The starting starting positions are given on the file "startf" as a list of (longitude,latitude,pressure) values. The output trajectories are written to the file "OUT.1", where the appendix 1 denotes ASCII format..B 
.TP 5
.B [2] caltra 19891020_18 19891020_00 startf OUT.1
As in example  1, but backward trajectories from 20/10/1989 18 UTC to 20/10/1989 00 UTC. 
.TP 5
.B [3] caltra 19891020_00 19891020_18 startf OUT -j
As in example [1], but with jumping flag set: if a trajectory crosses the lower boundary (topography), it is raised a little and then is allowed to move on.
.TP 5
.B [4] caltra 19891020_00 19891020_18 startf OUT -j -o 15 -t 15
As in example [3], but the output interval is set to 15 min with the optional argument "-o". Note that the output interval (15 min) must be a multiple of the time step, which is here set explicitely to 15 min with "-t".
.TP 5
.B [5] caltra 19891020_0130 19891020_1730 startf1 OUT -j -o 15 -t 15 -changet
Start from non-analysis time 01:30 UTC to non-analysis time 17:30 UTC. Furthermore, the times on the prinmary netCDF files are changed accordingly. 
Written by Michael Sprenger and Heini Wernli (January 2011)