3 |
michaesp |
1 |
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
2 |
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
3 |
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
function read_traj (lslfile:string, flag:string, nshift:integer)
13 |
14 |
; Input : Lagranto ECMWF lsl output, old or new Lagranto ?
15 |
; Output: 4d Trajectorie array with Traj(number of traj, timestep, fields)
16 |
17 |
local nhead, head, delim, data, n, ifirst, ifinal, timestp, ntra, traj, vars, flag, nshift
18 |
19 |
20 |
;---------- Read file ----------------------------------------------------------------;
21 |
print(" ")
22 |
if (flag .eq. "new") then
23 |
print("Assuming Lagranto 2.0 header")
24 |
end if
25 |
if (flag .eq. "old") then
26 |
print("Assuming old Lagranto header")
27 |
end if
28 |
if (flag .eq. "oldlm") then
29 |
print("Assuming old Lagranto LM header")
30 |
end if
31 |
32 |
; Delimiting character
33 |
delim = " "
34 |
35 |
; Number of header lines
36 |
nhead = 4
37 |
38 |
; Read header lines
39 |
head = systemfunc("head -n"+nhead+" "+ lslfile)
40 |
41 |
; Number of columns
42 |
ncol = str_fields_count(head(2),delim)
43 |
44 |
; Read data in as float
45 |
data = asciiread(lslfile,-1,"float")
46 |
47 |
; Number of entries in data
48 |
n = dimsizes(data)
49 |
50 |
; First data element
51 |
if (flag .eq. "new") then
52 |
ifirst = 3 + nshift
53 |
end if
54 |
if (flag .eq. "oldlm") then
55 |
ifirst = 4 + nshift
56 |
end if
57 |
if (flag .eq. "old") then
58 |
ifirst = 5 + nshift
59 |
end if
60 |
61 |
; Last data element
62 |
ifinal = n-1
63 |
64 |
; Period
65 |
period = data(ifinal-ncol+1) - data(ifirst)
66 |
67 |
; Time step of trajectories
68 |
timestp = data(ifirst+ncol) - data(ifirst)
69 |
70 |
; Number of times
71 |
ntim = floattoint( period/timestp + 1 )
72 |
73 |
; Number of trajectories
74 |
ntra = floattoint( (n-ifirst) / (ntim * ncol ) )
75 |
76 |
; 3d trajectory array
77 |
traj = onedtond(data(ifirst:ifinal),(/ntra,ntim,ncol/))
78 |
79 |
; Field names (columns)
80 |
vars = str_split(head(2),delim)
81 |
82 |
;-------------- Add meta information
83 |
if (flag .eq. "new") then
84 |
; Add some attributes to the variable
85 |
traj@HOUR = stringtoint( str_get_cols(head(0),24,25) )
86 |
traj@DAY = stringtoint( str_get_cols(head(0),21,22) )
87 |
traj@MONTH = stringtoint( str_get_cols(head(0),19,20) )
88 |
traj@YEAR = stringtoint( str_get_cols(head(0),15,18) )
89 |
traj@FIELD_NAMES = vars
90 |
traj@TIMEPERIOD = period
91 |
traj@TIMESTEP = timestp
92 |
traj@MODEL = "LAGRANTO 2.0"
93 |
end if
94 |
95 |
if (flag .eq. "old") then
96 |
traj@HOUR = stringtoint( str_get_cols(head(0),22,23) )
97 |
traj@DAY = stringtoint( str_get_cols(head(0),19,20) )
98 |
traj@MONTH = stringtoint( str_get_cols(head(0),17,18) )
99 |
traj@YEAR = stringtoint( str_get_cols(head(0),13,16) )
100 |
traj@FIELD_NAMES = vars
101 |
traj@FIELD_NAMES = vars
102 |
traj@TIMEPERIOD = period
103 |
traj@TIMESTEP = timestp
104 |
traj@MODEL = "Lagranto"
105 |
end if
106 |
107 |
; Set names of dimensions and assign values
108 |
traj!0 = "TRA"
109 |
traj!1 = "TIME"
110 |
traj!2 = "FIELD"
111 |
traj&TIME = fspan(0,period,ntim)
112 |
113 |
; print info
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
print(" ")
118 |
119 |
;---- Clean
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
;---- end
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
system("\rm ._*")
135 |
136 |
137 |
; --------- Name of trajectory file --------------------------------------------------;
138 |
139 |
140 |
; --- read trajectories
141 |
traj = read_traj(filename,"new",0)
142 |
143 |
; -- get infos
144 |
dims = dimsizes(traj)
145 |
ntra = dims(0)
146 |
ntim = dims(1)
147 |
fld = dims(2)
148 |
149 |
; set field to plot
150 |
cnIndex = 3
151 |
152 |
; set the contour range
153 |
cnLev = fspan(900,1210,31)
154 |
155 |
; --- create the plot
156 |
wks = gsn_open_wks("eps","test.")
157 |
158 |
159 |
; --- the map
160 |
res = True
161 |
res@gsnDraw = False
162 |
res@gsnFrame = False
163 |
164 |
res@mpLandFillColor = "gray50"
165 |
res@mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes"
166 |
res@mpGreatCircleLinesOn = True
167 |
168 |
res@mpMinLonF = -120
169 |
res@mpMaxLonF = -50
170 |
res@mpMinLatF = 10
171 |
res@mpMaxLatF = 80
172 |
res@mpCenterLonF = 0
173 |
174 |
map = gsn_csm_map_ce(wks,res)
175 |
176 |
; --- plot starting region
177 |
178 |
gres = True
179 |
gres@gsLineColor = "black"
180 |
gres@gsLineDashPattern = 0
181 |
gres@gsLineThicknessF = 1.
182 |
gres@tfPolyDrawOrder = "PreDraw"
183 |
gres@gsMarkerColor = "red"
184 |
gres@gsMarkerIndex = 15
185 |
186 |
la = (/ 30, 35, 35, 30, 30/)
187 |
lo = (/-75, -75, -70, -70, -75/)
188 |
189 |
;dum0 = gsn_add_polyline(wks,map,lo,la,gres)
190 |
dum0 = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,map,-72.5,35,gres)
191 |
192 |
; --- the trajectories
193 |
pres = True
194 |
pres@gsLineThicknessF = 0.25
195 |
196 |
197 |
do i = 0,ntra-1
198 |
if (traj(i,0,cnIndex).gt.1000 .and. traj(i,0,cnIndex).lt.1100 ) then
199 |
200 |
x = traj(i,0:(ntim-1),1) ; Longitudes for trajectory i
201 |
y = traj(i,0:(ntim-1),2) ; Latitudes for trajectory i
202 |
203 |
do t = 0,ntim-2
204 |
205 |
pres@gsLineColor = get_color_index("MPL_YlGnBu",cnLev,traj(i,t,cnIndex))
206 |
gsn_polyline (wks,map,(/x(t),x(t+1)/),(/y(t),y(t+1)/),pres)
207 |
208 |
end do
209 |
end if
210 |
211 |
end do
212 |
213 |
; --- Draw labelbar
214 |
cnLabels = flt2string(cnLev)
215 |
cmap = read_colormap_file("MPL_YlGnBu")
216 |
217 |
csizes = dimsizes(cmap)
218 |
nboxes = dimsizes(cnLev)+1 ; # of labelbar boxes
219 |
clen = csizes(0) ; # of colors in color map
220 |
stride = ((clen-1) - 2) / nboxes ; Start at color index 2 and end
221 |
; near color index clen-1.
222 |
223 |
fill_colors = ispan(2,clen-1,stride)
224 |
225 |
lres = True
226 |
lres@lbTitleString = "[m]"
227 |
lres@lbTitleFontHeightF = 0.015
228 |
lres@vpWidthF = 0.60
229 |
lres@vpHeightF = 0.10
230 |
lres@lbPerimOn = False
231 |
lres@lbOrientation = "Horizontal"
232 |
233 |
lres@lbFillColors = fill_colors
234 |
lres@lbMonoFillPattern = True
235 |
lres@lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.015
236 |
lres@lbLabelAutoStride = True
237 |
238 |
lbid = gsn_create_labelbar(wks,nboxes,cnLabels,lres)
239 |
240 |
amres = True
241 |
amres@amZone = 2
242 |
amres@amParallelPosF = 0.5 ; Center labelbar.
243 |
amres@amOrthogonalPosF = 0.1 ; Move down, away from plot
244 |
245 |
annoid = gsn_add_annotation(map,lbid,amres)
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
; ---- create the plot
250 |
251 |
252 |
253 |