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c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Potential temperature (TH)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_TH (pt,t,p)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real pt ! Potential temperature [K]
real t ! Temperature [either in C or in K]
real p ! Pressure [hPa]
c Physical parameters
real rdcp,tzero
data rdcp,tzero /0.286,273.15/
c Calculation - distinction between temperature in C or in K
if ( then
pt = (t+tzero) * ( (1000./p)**rdcp )
pt = t * ( (1000./p)**rdcp )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Density (RHO)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_RHO (rho,t,p)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real rho ! Density [kg/m^3]
real t ! Temperature [either in C or in K]
real p ! Pressure [hPa]
c Physical parameters
real rd,tzero
data rd,tzero /287.05,273.15/
c Auxiliary variables
real tk
c Calculation - distinction between temperature in C or in K
if ( then
tk = t + tzero
tk = t
rho = 100.*p/( tk * rd )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Relative humidity (RH)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_RH (rh,t,p,q)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real rh ! Relative humidity [%]
real t ! Temperature [either in C or in K]
real p ! Pressure [hPa]
real q ! Specific humidity [kg/kg]
c Physical parameters
real rdcp,tzero
data rdcp,tzero /0.286,273.15/
real b1,b2w,b3,b4w,r,rd
data b1,b2w,b3,b4w,r,rd /6.1078, 17.2693882, 273.16, 35.86,
& 287.05, 461.51/
c Auxiliary variables
real ge
real gqd
real tc
real pp,qk
c Calculation - distinction between temperature in C or in K
if ( then
tc = t - tzero
tc = t
qk = q
ge = b1*exp(b2w*tc/(tc+b3-b4w))
gqd = r/rd*ge/(p-(1.-r/rd)*ge)
rh = 100.*qk/gqd
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Equivalent potential temperature (THE)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_THE (the,t,p,q)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real the ! Equivalent potential temperature [K]
real t ! Temperature [either in C or in K]
real p ! Pressure [hPa]
real q ! Specific humidity [kg/kg]
c Physical parameters
real rdcp,tzero
data rdcp,tzero /0.286,273.15/
c Auxiliary variables
real tk,qk
c Calculation - distinction between temperature in C or in K
if ( then
tk = t + tzero
tk = t
qk = q
the = tk*(1000./p)
+ **(0.2854*(1.0-0.28*qk))*exp(
+ (3.376/(2840.0/(3.5*alog(tk)-alog(
+ 100.*p*max(1.0E-10,qk)/(0.622+0.378*
+ q))-0.1998)+55.0)-0.00254)*1.0E3*
+ max(1.0E-10,qk)*(1.0+0.81*qk))
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Latent heating rate (LHR)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_LHR (lhr,t,p,q,omega,rh)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real lhr ! Latent heating rate [K/6h]
real t ! Temperature [either in C or in K]
real p ! Pressure [hPa]
real q ! Specific humidity [kg/kg]
real omega ! Vertical velocity [Pa/s]
real rh ! Relative humidity [%]
c Physical parameters
real p0,kappa,tzero
data p0,kappa,tzero /1000.,0.286,273.15/
real blog10,cp,r,lw,eps
data blog10,cp,r,lw,eps /.08006,1004.,287.,2.5e+6,0.622/
c Auxiliary variables
real tk
real qk
real tt
real esat,c
c Calculation - distinction between temperature in C or in K
if ( then
tk = t + tzero
tk = t
qk = q
if ( then
lhr = 0.
else if ( then
lhr = 0.
c = lw/cp*eps*blog10*esat(tk)/p
tt = (tk*(p0/p)**kappa)
lhr = 21600.*
> (1.-exp(.2*(80.-rh)))
> *(-c*kappa*tt*omega/(100.*p))/(1.+c)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Wind speed (VEL)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_VEL (vel,u,v)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real vel ! Wind speed [m/s]
real u ! Zonal wind component [m/s]
real v ! Meridional wind component [m/s]
vel = sqrt ( u*u + v*v )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Wind direction (DIR)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DIR (dir,u,v)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dir ! Wind direction [deg]
real u ! Zonal wind component [m/s]
real v ! Meridional wind component [m/s]
call getangle(1.,0.,u,v,dir)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Zonal derivative of U (DUDX)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DUDX (dudx,u1,u0,lat)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dudx ! Derivative of U in zonal direction [s^-1]
real u1 ! U @ LON + 1 DLON [m/s]
real u0 ! U @ LON - 1 DLON [m/s]
real lat ! Latitude [deg]
c Physical parameters
real pi180
parameter (pi180=31.14159/180.)
real deltay
parameter (deltay =1.11e5)
dudx = (u1-u0) / ( 2. * deltay * cos(pi180 * lat) )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Zonal derivative of V (DVDX)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DVDX (dvdx,v1,v0,lat)
c Argument declaration
real dvdx ! Derivative of V in zonal direction [s^-1]
real v1 ! V @ LON + 1 DLON [m/s]
real v0 ! V @ LON - 1 DLON [m/s]
real lat ! Latitude [deg]
c Physical parameters
real pi180
parameter (pi180=3.14159/180.)
real deltay
parameter (deltay =1.11e5)
dvdx = (v1-v0) / ( 2. * deltay * cos(pi180 * lat) )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Zonal derivative of T (DTDX)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DTDX (dtdx,t1,t0,lat)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dtdx ! Derivative of T in zonal direction [K/m]
real t1 ! T @ LON + 1 DLON [K]
real t0 ! T @ LON - 1 DLON [K]
real lat ! Latitude [deg]
c Physical parameters
real pi180
parameter (pi180=3.14159/180.)
real deltay
parameter (deltay =1.11e5)
dtdx = (t1-t0) / ( 2. * deltay * cos(pi180 * lat) )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Zonal derivative of TH (DTHDX)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DTHDX (dthdx,t1,t0,p,lat)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dthdx ! Derivative of TH in zonal direction [K/m]
real t1 ! T @ LON + 1 DLON [K]
real t0 ! T @ LON - 1 DLON [K]
real p ! P [hPa]
real lat ! Latitude [deg]
c Physical parameters
real pi180
parameter (pi180=3.14159/180.)
real deltay
parameter (deltay =1.11e5)
real rdcp,pref
data rdcp,pref /0.286,1000./
dthdx = (pref/p)**rdcp *
> (t1-t0) / ( 2. * deltay * cos(pi180 * lat) )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Meridional derivative of U (DUDY)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DUDY (dudy,u1,u0)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dudy ! Derivative of U in meridional direction [s^-1]
real u1 ! U @ LAT + 1 DLAT [m/s]
real u0 ! U @ LAT - 1 DLAT [m/s]
c Physical parameters
real deltay
parameter (deltay =1.11e5)
dudy = (u1-u0) / ( 2. * deltay )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Meridional derivative of V (DVDY)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DVDY (dvdy,v1,v0)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dvdy ! Derivative of V in meridional direction [s^-1]
real v1 ! V @ LAT + 1 DLAT [m/s]
real v0 ! V @ LAT - 1 DLAT [m/s]
c Physical parameters
real deltay
parameter (deltay =1.11e5)
dvdy = (v1-v0) / ( 2. * deltay )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Meridional derivative of T (DTDY)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DTDY (dtdy,t1,t0)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dtdy ! Derivative of T in meridional direction [K/m]
real t1 ! T @ LAT + 1 DLAT [K]
real t0 ! T @ LAT - 1 DLAT [K]
c Physical parameters
real deltay
parameter (deltay =1.11e5)
dtdy = (t1-t0) / ( 2. * deltay )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Meridional derivative of TH (DTHDY)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DTHDY (dthdy,t1,t0,p)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dthdy ! Derivative of TH in meridional direction [K/m]
real t1 ! TH @ LAT + 1 DLAT [K]
real t0 ! TH @ LAT - 1 DLAT [K]
real p ! P [hPa]
c Physical parameters
real deltay
parameter (deltay =1.11e5)
real rdcp,pref
data rdcp,pref /0.286,1000./
dthdy = (pref/p)**rdcp * (t1-t0) / ( 2. * deltay )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Wind shear of U (DUDP)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DUDP (dudp,u1,u0,p1,p0)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dudp ! Wind shear [m/s per Pa]
real u1 ! U @ P + 1 DP [m/s]
real u0 ! U @ P - 1 DP [m/s]
real p1 ! P + 1 DP [hPa]
real p0 ! P - 1 DP [hPa]
dudp = 0.01 * (u1-u0) / (p1-p0)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Wind shear of V (DVDP)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DVDP (dvdp,v1,v0,p1,p0)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dvdp ! Wind shear [m/s per Pa]
real v1 ! V @ P + 1 DP [m/s]
real v0 ! V @ P - 1 DP [m/s]
real p1 ! P + 1 DP [hPa]
real p0 ! P - 1 DP [hPa]
dvdp = 0.01 * (v1-v0) / (p1-p0)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Vertical derivative of T (DTDP)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DTDP (dtdp,t1,t0,p1,p0)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dtdp ! Vertical derivative of T [K/Pa]
real t1 ! T @ P + 1 DP [K]
real t0 ! T @ P - 1 DP [K]
real p1 ! P + 1 DP [hPa]
real p0 ! P - 1 DP [hPa]
dtdp = 0.01 * (t1-t0) / (p1-p0)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Vertical derivative of TH (DTHDP)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DTHDP (dthdp,t1,t0,p1,p0,p,t)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dthdp ! Vertical derivative of TH [K/Pa]
real t1 ! T @ P + 1 DP [K]
real t0 ! T @ P - 1 DP [K]
real t ! T [K]
real p1 ! P + 1 DP [hPa]
real p0 ! P - 1 DP [hPa]
real p ! P [hPa]
c Physical parameters
real rdcp,tzero,pref
data rdcp,tzero,pref /0.286,273.15,1000./
c Auxiliary variables
real tk1,tk0,tk
if ( then
tk0 = t0 + tzero
if ( then
tk1 = t1 + tzero
if ( then
tk = t + tzero
dthdp = 0.01*(pref/p)**rdcp *
> ( (tk1-tk0)/(p1-p0) - rdcp * tk/p )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Squared Brunt-Vaisäla frequency (NSQ)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_NSQ (nsq,dthdp,th,rho)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real nsq ! Squared Brunt-Vaisäla frequency [s^-1]
real dthdp ! D(TH)/DP [K/Pa]
real th ! K
real rho ! Density [kg m^-3]
c Physical parameters
real g
parameter (g=9.81)
nsq = -g**2/th * rho * dthdp
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Relative vorticity (RELVORT)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_RELVORT (relvort,dudy,dvdx,u,lat)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real relvort ! Relative vorticity [s^-1]
real u ! Zonal wind component [m/s]
real dudy ! du/dy [s^-1]
real dvdx ! dv/dx [s^-1]
real lat ! Latitude [deg]
c Physical parameters
real pi180
parameter (pi180=3.14159/180.)
real deltay
parameter (deltay =1.11e5)
relvort = dvdx - dudy + u * pi180/deltay * tan(pi180 * lat)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Absolute vorticity (ABSVORT)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_ABSVORT (absvort,dudy,dvdx,u,lat)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real absvort ! Absolute vorticity [s^-1]
real u ! Zonal wind component [m/s]
real dudy ! du/dy [s^-1]
real dvdx ! dv/dx [s^-1]
real lat ! Latitude [deg]
c Physical parameters
real pi180
parameter (pi180=3.14159/180.)
real deltay
parameter (deltay =1.11e5)
real omega
parameter (omega=7.292e-5)
absvort = dvdx - dudy + u * pi180/deltay * tan(pi180 * lat) +
> 2. * omega * sin(pi180 * lat)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Divergence (DIV)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DIV (div,dudx,dvdy,v,lat)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real div ! Divergence [s^-1]
real v ! Meridional wind component [m/s]
real dudx ! du/dx [s^-1]
real dvdy ! dv/dy [s^-1]
real lat ! Latitude [deg]
c Physical parameters
real pi180
parameter (pi180=3.14159/180.)
real deltay
parameter (deltay =1.11e5)
div = dudx + dvdy - v * pi180/deltay * tan(pi180 * lat)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Deformation (DEF)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DEF (def,dudx,dvdx,dudy,dvdy)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real def ! Deformation [s^-1]
real dudx ! du/dx [s^-1]
real dvdx ! dv/dy [s^-1]
real dudy ! du/dx [s^-1]
real dvdy ! dv/dy [s^-1]
c Physical parameters
real pi180
parameter (pi180=3.14159/180.)
def = sqrt( (dvdx+dudy)**2 + (dudx-dvdy)**2 )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Potential Vorticity (PV)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_PV (pv,absvort,dthdp,dudp,dvdp,dthdx,dthdy)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real pv ! Ertel-PV [PVU]
real absvort ! Absolute vorticity [s^-1]
real dthdp ! dth/dp [K/Pa]
real dudp ! du/dp [m/s per Pa]
real dvdp ! dv/dp [m/s per Pa]
real dthdx ! dth/dx [K/m]
real dthdy ! dth/dy [K/m]
c Physical and numerical parameters
real scale
parameter (scale=1.E6)
real g
parameter (g=9.80665)
pv = -scale * g * ( absvort * dthdp + dudp * dthdy - dvdp * dthdx)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Richardson number (RI)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_RI (ri,dudp,dvdp,nsq,rho)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real ri ! Richardson number
real dudp ! Du/Dp [m/s per Pa]
real dvdp ! Dv/Dp [m/s per Pa]
real nsq ! Squared Brunt-Vailälä frequency [s^-1]
real rho ! Density [kg/m^3]
c Physical and numerical parameters
real g
parameter (g=9.80665)
ri = nsq / ( dudp**2 + dvdp**2 ) / ( rho * g )**2
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Ellrod and Knapp's turbulence indicator (TI)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_TI (ti,def,dudp,dvdp,rho)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real ti ! Turbulence idicator
real def ! Deformation [s^-1]
real dudp ! Du/Dp [m/s per Pa]
real dvdp ! Dv/Dp [m/s per Pa]
real rho ! Density [kg/m^3]
c Physical and numerical parameters
real g
parameter (g=9.80665)
ti = def * sqrt ( dudp**2 + dvdp**2 ) * ( rho * g )
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Distance from starting position
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DIST0 (dist0,lon0,lat0,lon1,lat1)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dist0 ! Distance from starting position [km]
real lon0,lat0 ! Starting position
real lon1,lat1 ! New position
c Externals
real sdis
external sdis
dist0 = sdis(lon0,lat0,lon1,lat1)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Heading of the trajectory (HEAD)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_HEAD (head,lon0,lat0,lon1,lat1)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real head ! Heading angle (in deg) relativ to zonal direction
real lon0,lat0 ! Starting position
real lon1,lat1 ! New position
c Physical parameters
real pi180
parameter (pi180=3.14159/180.)
c Auixiliary variables
real dx,dy
real dlon
dlon = lon1-lon0
if ( ) dlon = dlon - 360.
if ( ) dlon = dlon + 360.
dx = dlon * cos(pi180*0.5*(lat0+lat1))
dy = lat1-lat0
call getangle(1.,0.,dx,dy,head)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Directional change of the trajectory (HEAD)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine calc_DANGLE (dangle,lon0,lat0,lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2)
implicit none
c Argument declaration
real dangle ! Directiopanl change
real lon0,lat0 ! t-1
real lon1,lat1 ! t
real lon2,lat2 ! t+1
c Physical parameters
real pi180
parameter (pi180=3.14159/180.)
real eps
parameter (eps=0.00001)
c Auixiliary variables
real dx1,dy1,dx2,dy2,norm,cross,dlon1,dlon2
dlon1 = lon1 - lon0
if ( ) dlon1 = dlon1 - 360.
if ( ) dlon1 = dlon1 + 360.
dlon2 = lon2 - lon1
if ( ) dlon2 = dlon2 - 360.
if ( ) dlon2 = dlon2 + 360.
dx1 = dlon1 * cos(pi180*0.5*(lat1+lat0))
dy1 = lat1 - lat0
dx2 = dlon2 * cos(pi180*0.5*(lat2+lat1))
dy2 = lat2 - lat1
norm = sqrt( (dx1**2 + dy1**2) * (dx2**2 + dy2**2) )
if ( ) then
cross = ( dx1 * dy2 - dy1 * dx2 ) / norm
if ( ) then
dangle = 90.
elseif (cross.le.-1.) then
dangle = -90.
dangle = 1./pi180 * asin( cross )
dangle = -999.
c *************************************************************************
c Auxiliary subroutines and functions
c *************************************************************************
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Saturation vapor pressure over water
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
real function esat(t)
C This function returns the saturation vapor pressure over water
c (mb) given the temperature (Kelvin).
C The algorithm is due to Nordquist, W. S. ,1973: "Numerical
C Approximations of Selected Meteorological Parameters for Cloud
C Physics Problems" ECOM-5475, Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory,
c U. S. Army Electronics Command, White Sands Missile Range,
c New Mexico 88002.
real p1,p2,c1,t
c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Angle between two vectors
c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SUBROUTINE getangle (ux1,uy1,ux2,uy2,angle)
c Given two vectors <ux1,uy1> and <ux2,uy2>, determine the angle (in deg)
c between the two vectors.
implicit none
c Declaration of subroutine parameters
real ux1,uy1
real ux2,uy2
real angle
c Auxiliary variables and parameters
real len1,len2,len3
real val1,val2,val3
real vx1,vy1
real vx2,vy2
real pi
parameter (pi=3.14159265359)
vx1 = ux1
vx2 = ux2
vy1 = uy1
vy2 = uy2
if (( then
if ( ( ) then
else if ( ( ) then
else if ( ( ) then
else if ( ( ) then
c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Spherical distance between lat/lon points
c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
real function sdis(xp,yp,xq,yq)
c calculates spherical distance (in km) between two points given
c by their spherical coordinates (xp,yp) and (xq,yq), respectively.
real re
parameter (re=6370.)
real pi180
parameter (pi180=3.14159/180.)
real xp,yp,xq,yq,arg
> cos(pi180*yp)*cos(pi180*yq)*cos(pi180*(xp-xq))
if ( arg=-1.
if ( arg=1.