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1. Code retrieval

Download the latest Lagranto version from SVN repository <>.

Then create a directory where you want Lagranto to be installed; place the whole source code in this
directory and set an environment variable {LAGRANTO} pointing to this directory.


2. Compiling the Lagranto code

First you will have to adapt some parameters in the installation script <install.csh>. 

2.1 Set paths for development and for operational version of Lagranto (might be the same). For our system,
we have a environment variable {DYN_TOOLS} (e.g., /usr/local/) that provides the paths to several tools.
For your system, just provide the path to Lagranto (e.g., path_devel = /home/{user}/lagranto.ecmwf).
set path_devel = "${DYN_TOOLS}//lagranto.ecmwf/"
set path_sync  = "${DYN_TOOLS}/lagranto/"

2.2 Set the Fortran compiler to your version (e.g., gfortran, pgf90, ifort,...)
setenv FORTRAN pgf90 

2.3 Set netcdf format of the ECMWF files (typically cdo)
set ncdf = cdo

2.4 Set the paths to the netCDF library. At our system, this is done by means of modules, but certainly 
at your site you will have to change this. You system administrator will be able to help you with that!
Just to give you an idea what <module load netcdf/4.3.2) does, here is the detailed list of commands 
run by the call:

module-whatis    set environment for netcdf 4.3.2 and netcdf-fortran 4.2 compiled with gfortran and hdf5 1.8.13 
module           load hdf5/1.8.13 
setenv           NETCDF /usr/local/netcdf-4.3.2-4.2-gfortran 
prepend-path     PATH /usr/local/netcdf-4.3.2-4.2-gfortran/bin 
prepend-path     INCLUDE /usr/local/netcdf-4.3.2-4.2-gfortran/include 
prepend-path     C_INCLUDE_PATH /usr/local/netcdf-4.3.2-4.2-gfortran/include 
prepend-path     CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH /usr/local/netcdf-4.3.2-4.2-gfortran/include 
prepend-path     LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/netcdf-4.3.2-4.2-gfortran/lib64 
prepend-path     LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/netcdf-4.3.2-4.2-gfortran/lib64 
prepend-path     MANPATH /usr/local/netcdf-4.3.2-4.2-gfortran/share/man 

2.4 Possibly you will have to replace <nc-config> with <nf-config> in your setting. If the netCDF environment 
is correctly set up, entering either <nc-config> or <nf-config> in the command shell sould give some result:

setenv NETCDF_LIB `nc-config --flibs`
setenv NETCDF_INC `nc-config --fflags`

2.5 If the previous steps have been done, you are ready to install Lagranto. I suggest to do it stepwise (as
listed below). If everything works fine, you can compile it in one single step by <install.csh all>.

> cd ${LAGRANTO}/
> ./install.csh clean
> ./install.csh lib
> ./install.csh create_startf
> ./install.csh caltra
> ./install.csh trace
> ./install.csh select
> ./install.csh density
> ./install.csh lidar
> ./install.csh goodies
> ./install.csh docu
> ./install.csh links

Add the end of the installation, it's best to add the following directory to your PATH variable. In <bash> 
this should look like

>  export PATH=${LAGRANTO}/bin/:$PATH

If the <LAGRANTO/bin> directory is in your PATH, then you will be able to run Lagranto from any directory. 
Otherwise, you will always to give the full path to your Lagranto commands, e.g.

> ${LAGRANTO}/bin/caltra

3. Lagranto documentation

Lagranto comes with a detailed documentation; you can start it with one of the following calls:

> lagrantohelp
> lagrantohelp tutorial
> lagrantohelp reference

The most important program for you will be <caltra> which calculates the trajectories...

> lagrantohelp caltra

4. Test data set

On our FTP server you find a sample data set which allows you to run Lagranto without bothering about the
Grib-netCDF conversion.

There are two versions of test data available, depending on the netCDF version you would like to use. 

- ive: the netCDF format used at ETH, converted with Fortran program <fgrb2cdf_api>
- cdo: CF-conform netCDF format; the GRIB files and the conversion script are also included in the folder

If you don't know which version to use, I suggest to choose 'cdo' because here the conversion from GRIB to 
netCDF format can be done by means of the CDO tools (as done in <>).

5. Minimal test run

a) Define a starting position in a file <startf>; the format is <longitude latitude pressure>.

> more startf
  8.0 46.0 500.
-10.0 30.0 850.

Each line corresponds to a single starting position. Note that longitudes must be within -180 ... +180 deg.

b) Start the trajectory

It is a forward trajectory starting at 00 UTC 1 Jan 2012. The time span is 18 UTC. Starting positions are
taken from <startf>, the output is written to <trajectory>. For details about the optional flag <-j> and
<-notimecheck>, please consult the Lagranto help <lagrantohelp caltra>.

> caltra 20120101_00 20120101_18 startf trajectory -j
> more trajectory
Reference date 20120101_0000 / Time range    1080 min

  time      lon     lat     p

    .00     8.00   46.00   500
   6.00    10.02   44.07   480
  12.00    11.64   42.13   504
  18.00    12.66   40.17   514

    .00   -10.00   30.00   850
   6.00   -10.42   30.14   866
  12.00   -10.40   30.25   885
  18.00   -10.46   29.93   906
