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c *************************************************************
c * This package provides a general interpolaton routine *
c *************************************************************
c The main interface routines are:
c get_index3,4 : get the grid indices for interpolation
c int_index3,4 : interpolate to the grid position
c -------------------------------------------------------------
c Get index in grid space for interpolation
c -------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_index4 (rid,rjd,rkd,xpo,ypo,ppo,rtp,
> vert0,vert1,surf0,surf1,mode,
> nx,ny,nz,lonw,lats,dlon,dlat,misdat)
c Purpose:
c This subroutine determines the indices (rid,rjd,rkd) in grid
c space for a point in physical space (xpo,ypo,ppo). The
c horizontal grid is specified by the south-west point (lats,lonw)
c and the grid spacing (dlat,dlon). The vertical grid is given
c by <vert(n1,n2,n3)>. The lower boundary (typicall surface
c pressure) is given by <surf(n1,n2)>.
c Arguments:
c rid,rjd,rkd real output grid location to be interpolated to
c xpo,ypo,ppo real input physical coordinates
c rtp real input relative time position (0=beginning, 1=end)
c n1,n2,n3 int input grid dimensions in x-, y- and p-direction
c lats,lonw real input south and west boundary of grid space
c vert real input vertical coordinate grid
c surf real input lower boundary (surface pressure)
c mode int input direction of vertical axis (p=1,th=-1)
c 1: linear, 1 -> nz (th)
c 2: linear, nz -> 1 (pv)
c 3: binary (p)
implicit none
c Declartion of function parameters
integer nx,ny,nz
real xpo,ypo,ppo,rtp
real vert0(nx*ny*nz),vert1(nx*ny*nz)
real surf0(nx*ny) ,surf1(nx*ny*nz)
real rid,rjd,rkd
real dlat,dlon,lats,lonw
real misdat
integer mode
c Set numerical parameters
real eps
parameter (eps=1.e-8)
c Auxiliary variables
real rid0,rjd0,rkd0,rid1,rjd1,rkd1
c Externals
real int_time
external int_time
c Get the inidices
if (abs(rtp).lt.eps) then
call get_index3 (rid,rjd,rkd,xpo,ypo,ppo,mode,
> vert0,surf0,nx,ny,nz,lonw,lats,dlon,dlat)
elseif (abs(rtp-1.).lt.eps) then
call get_index3 (rid,rjd,rkd,xpo,ypo,ppo,mode,
> vert1,surf1,nx,ny,nz,lonw,lats,dlon,dlat)
call get_index3 (rid0,rjd0,rkd0,xpo,ypo,ppo,mode,
> vert0,surf0,nx,ny,nz,lonw,lats,dlon,dlat)
call get_index3 (rid1,rjd1,rkd1,xpo,ypo,ppo,mode,
> vert1,surf1,nx,ny,nz,lonw,lats,dlon,dlat)
rid = int_time (rid0,rid1,rtp,misdat)
rjd = int_time (rjd0,rjd1,rtp,misdat)
rkd = int_time (rkd0,rkd1,rtp,misdat)
c -------------------------------------------------------------
c Interpolate to an arbitrary position in grid space and time
c -------------------------------------------------------------
real function int_index4 (ar0,ar1,n1,n2,n3,rid,rjd,rkd,rtp,misdat)
c Purpose:
c This subroutine interpolates a 3d-array to an arbitrary
c location within the grid including a linear time-interpolation.
c Arguments:
c rid,rjd,rkd real output grid location to be interpolated to
c xpo,ypo,ppo real input physical coordinates
c n1,n2,n3 int input grid dimensions in x-, y- and p-direction
c lats,lonw real input south and west boundary of grid space
c vert real input vertical coordinate grid
c surf real input lower boundary (surface pressure)
implicit none
c Declartion of function parameters
integer n1,n2,n3
real ar0(n1*n2*n3),ar1(n1*n2*n3)
real rid,rjd,rkd
real rtp
real misdat
c Set numerical parameters
real eps
parameter (eps=1.e-8)
c Externals
real int_index3,int_time
external int_index3,int_time
c Auxiliary variables
real val0,val1,val
c Do the 3d-interpolation
if (abs(rtp).lt.eps) then
val = int_index3 (ar0,n1,n2,n3,rid,rjd,rkd,misdat)
elseif (abs(rtp-1.).lt.eps) then
val = int_index3 (ar1,n1,n2,n3,rid,rjd,rkd,misdat)
val0 = int_index3 (ar0,n1,n2,n3,rid,rjd,rkd,misdat)
val1 = int_index3 (ar1,n1,n2,n3,rid,rjd,rkd,misdat)
val = int_time (val0,val1,rtp,misdat)
c Return value
int_index4 = val
c -------------------------------------------------------------
c Interpolate to an arbitrary position in grid space
c -------------------------------------------------------------
real function int_index3 (ar,n1,n2,n3,rid,rjd,rkd,misdat)
c Purpose:
c This subroutine interpolates a 3d-array to an arbitrary
c location within the grid. The interpolation includes the
c testing of the missing data flag 'misdat'. If one dimension
c is 1, a 2d-interpolation is performed; if two dimensions
c are 1, it is a 1d-interpolation; if all three dimensions are
c 1, no interpolation is performed and the input value is
c returned.
c Arguments:
c ar real input input data array
c n1,n2,n3 int input dimensions of ar
c ri,rj,rk real input grid location to be interpolated to
c misdat real input missing data flag (on if misdat<>0)
implicit none
c Declartion of function parameters
integer n1,n2,n3
real ar(n1*n2*n3)
real rid,rjd,rkd
real misdat
c Set numerical parameters
real eps
parameter (eps=1.e-8)
c Local variables
integer i,j,k,ip1,jp1,kp1
real frac0i,frac0j,frac0k,frac1i,frac1j,frac1k
real ri,rj,rk
real val000,val001,val010,val011,val100,val101,val110,val111
real frc000,frc001,frc010,frc011,frc100,frc101,frc110,frc111
real frc
real mdv
real val
c Elementary test for dimensions
if ( (n1.lt.1).or.(n2.lt.1).or.(n3.lt.1) ) then
print*,'Invalid grid dimensions ',n1,n2,n3
c Activate or inactive the missing data check (quick and dirty)
if (misdat.ne.0.) then
mdv = misdat
mdv = 257.22725394015
c Bring the indices into the grid space
ri = amax1(1.,amin1(float(n1),rid))
rj = amax1(1.,amin1(float(n2),rjd))
rk = amax1(1.,amin1(float(n3),rkd))
c Get the index of the west-south-bottom corner of the box
i = min0(int(ri),n1-1)
ip1 = i+1
j = min0(int(rj),n2-1)
jp1 = j+1
k = min0(int(rk),n3-1)
kp1 = k+1
c Special handling for 2d arrays
if (n3.eq.1) then
c Get location relative to grid box
if ( i.ne.ip1 ) then
frac0i = ri-float(i)
frac1i = 1.-frac0i
frac0i = 0.
frac1i = 1.
if ( j.ne.jp1 ) then
frac0j = rj-float(j)
frac1j = 1.-frac0j
frac0j = 0.
frac1j = 1.
if ( k.ne.kp1 ) then
frac0k = rk-float(k)
frac1k = 1.-frac0k
frac0k = 0.
frac1k = 1.
c On a grid point - take the grid point value
if ( ( abs(frac0i).lt.eps ).and.
> ( abs(frac0j).lt.eps ).and.
> ( abs(frac0k).lt.eps ) ) then
val = ar( i + n1*(j -1) + n1*n2*(k -1) )
goto 100
c Init the fractions
frc000 = frac1i * frac1j * frac1k
frc001 = frac0i * frac1j * frac1k
frc010 = frac1i * frac0j * frac1k
frc011 = frac0i * frac0j * frac1k
frc100 = frac1i * frac1j * frac0k
frc101 = frac0i * frac1j * frac0k
frc110 = frac1i * frac0j * frac0k
frc111 = frac0i * frac0j * frac0k
c Init the values
val000 = ar( i + n1*(j -1) + n1*n2*(k -1) )
val001 = ar( ip1 + n1*(j -1) + n1*n2*(k -1) )
val010 = ar( i + n1*(jp1-1) + n1*n2*(k -1) )
val011 = ar( ip1 + n1*(jp1-1) + n1*n2*(k -1) )
val100 = ar( i + n1*(j -1) + n1*n2*(kp1-1) )
val101 = ar( ip1 + n1*(j -1) + n1*n2*(kp1-1) )
val110 = ar( i + n1*(jp1-1) + n1*n2*(kp1-1) )
val111 = ar( ip1 + n1*(jp1-1) + n1*n2*(kp1-1) )
c Handle missing data
if ( abs(val000-mdv).lt.eps ) frc000 = 0.
if ( abs(val001-mdv).lt.eps ) frc001 = 0.
if ( abs(val010-mdv).lt.eps ) frc010 = 0.
if ( abs(val011-mdv).lt.eps ) frc011 = 0.
if ( abs(val100-mdv).lt.eps ) frc100 = 0.
if ( abs(val101-mdv).lt.eps ) frc101 = 0.
if ( abs(val110-mdv).lt.eps ) frc110 = 0.
if ( abs(val111-mdv).lt.eps ) frc111 = 0.
c Build the final value
frc = frc000 + frc001 + frc010 + frc011 +
> frc100 + frc101 + frc110 + frc111
if ( frc.gt.0. ) then
val = 1./frc * ( frc000 * val000 + frc001 * val001 +
> frc010 * val010 + frc011 * val011 +
> frc100 * val100 + frc101 * val101 +
> frc110 * val110 + frc111 * val111 )
val = misdat
c Return the value
100 continue
int_index3 = val
c -------------------------------------------------------------
c Time interpolation
c -------------------------------------------------------------
real function int_time (val0,val1,reltpos,misdat)
c Purpose:
c This subroutine interpolates linearly in time between two
c values.
c Arguments:
c val0 real input value at time 0
c val1 real input value at time 1
c reltpos real input relative time (between 0 and 1)
c misdat real input missing data flag (on if misdat<>0)
implicit none
c Declaration of parameters
real val0
real val1
real reltpos
real misdat
c Numerical epsilon
real eps
parameter (eps=1.e-8)
c Local variables
real val
real mdv
c Activate or inactive the missing data check (quick and dirty)
if (misdat.ne.0.) then
mdv = misdat
mdv = 257.22725394015
c Do the linear interpolation
if ( abs(reltpos).lt.eps ) then
val = val0
elseif ( abs(reltpos-1.).lt.eps ) then
val = val1
elseif ( (abs(val0-mdv).gt.eps).and.
> (abs(val1-mdv).gt.eps) ) then
val = (1.-reltpos)*val0+reltpos*val1
val = mdv
c Return value
int_time = val
c -------------------------------------------------------------
c Get the position of a physical point in grid space
c -------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_index3 (rid,rjd,rkd,xpo,ypo,ppo,mode,
> vert,surf,nx,ny,nz,lonw,lats,dlon,dlat)
c Purpose:
c This subroutine determines the indices (rid,rjd,rkd) in grid
c space for a point in physical space (xpo,ypo,ppo). The
c horizontal grid is specified by the south-west point (lats,lonw)
c and the grid spacing (dlat,dlon). The vertical grid is given
c by <vert(n1,n2,n3)>. The lower boundary (typicall surface
c pressure) is given by <surf(n1,n2)>.
c Arguments:
c rid,rjd,rkd real output grid location to be interpolated to
c xpo,ypo,ppo real input physical coordinates
c n1,n2,n3 int input grid dimensions in x-, y- and p-direction
c lats,lonw real input south and west boundary of grid space
c vert real input vertical coordinate grid
c surf real input lower boundary (surface pressure)
c mode int input direction of vertical axis
c 1: linear, 1 -> nz (th)
c 2: linear, nz -> 1 (pv)
c 3: binary (p)
implicit none
c Declartion of function parameters
integer nx,ny,nz
real vert(nx*ny*nz)
real surf(nx*ny)
real rid,rjd,rkd
real xpo,ypo,ppo
real dlat,dlon,lats,lonw
integer mode
c Numerical epsilon
real eps
parameter (eps=1.e-8)
c Local variables
integer i,j,k
real ppo0,ppo1,ppom,psur
integer i0,im,i1
c Externals
real int_index3
external int_index3
c Get the horizontal grid indices
c Two-dimensional interpolation on horizontal plane: return
if ( nz.eq.1 ) then
rkd = 1.
goto 100
c Lowest-level interpolation: return
if ( abs(ppo-1050.).lt.eps ) then
rkd = 1.
goto 100
c Get the pressure at the lowest level and at the surface
ppo0 = int_index3(vert,nx,ny,nz,rid,rjd,real(1),0.)
psur = int_index3(surf,nx,ny, 1,rid,rjd,real(1),0.)
c The point is between the surface and the lowest level: return
if ( (ppo.ge.ppo0).and.(ppo.le.psur).or.
> (ppo.le.ppo0).and.(ppo.ge.psur) )
psur = int_index3(surf,nx,ny, 1,rid,rjd,real(1),0.)
rkd = (psur-ppo)/(psur-ppo0)
goto 100
c Full-level search (TH): linear ascending scanning through all levels
if ( mode.eq.1 ) then
ppo0 = int_index3(vert,nx,ny,nz,rid,rjd,real(1),0.)
do i=1,nz-1
ppo1 = int_index3(vert,nx,ny,nz,rid,rjd,real(i+1),0.)
if ( (ppo0.lt.ppo).and.(ppo1.ge.ppo) ) then
goto 100
ppo0 = ppo1
c Full-level search (PV): linear descending scanning through all levels
elseif ( mode.eq.2 ) then
ppo1 = int_index3(vert,nx,ny,nz,rid,rjd,real(nz),0.)
do i=nz-1,1,-1
ppo0 = int_index3(vert,nx,ny,nz,rid,rjd,real(i),0.)
if ( (ppo1.gt.ppo).and.(ppo0.le.ppo) ) then
goto 100
ppo1 = ppo0
c Full-level search (P): binary search
elseif ( mode.eq.3 ) then
rkd = 0
i0 = 1
i1 = nz
ppo0 = int_index3(vert,nx,ny,nz,rid,rjd,real( 1),0.)
ppo1 = int_index3(vert,nx,ny,nz,rid,rjd,real(nz),0.)
do while ( i1.gt.(i0+1) )
im = (i0+i1)/2
ppom = int_index3(vert,nx,ny,nz,rid,rjd,real(im),0.)
if (ppom.lt.ppo) then
i1 = im
ppo1 = ppom
i0 = im
ppo0 = ppom
c Exit point for subroutine
100 continue