4 |
michaesp |
1 |
PROGRAM tracal
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3 |
c ***********************************************************************
4 |
c * Calculations with trajectories *
5 |
c * Michael Sprenger / Spring, summer 2010 *
6 |
c ***********************************************************************
7 |
8 |
use evaluate
9 |
10 |
implicit none
11 |
12 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
13 |
c Declaration of variables
14 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
15 |
16 |
c Input and output format for trajectories (see iotra.f)
17 |
character*80 inpfile ! Input filename
18 |
character*80 outfile ! Output filename
19 |
character*80 expr ! Expression for calculation
20 |
21 |
c Trajectories
22 |
integer ntra ! Number of trajectories
23 |
integer ntim ! Number of times
24 |
integer ncol ! Number of columns
25 |
real,allocatable, dimension (:,:,:) :: trainp ! Trajectories (ntra,ntim,ncol )
26 |
real,allocatable, dimension (:,:,:) :: traout ! Trajectories (ntra,ntim,ncol+1)
27 |
character*80 vars(100) ! Variable names
28 |
integer refdate(6) ! Reference date
29 |
30 |
c Auxiliary variables
31 |
integer inpmode
32 |
integer outmode
33 |
integer stat
34 |
integer fid
35 |
integer i,j,k
36 |
character (len=24) col,new
37 |
real value
38 |
character ch
39 |
integer ileft,iright
40 |
41 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
42 |
c Do the reformating
43 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
44 |
45 |
c Read parameters
46 |
47 |
read(10,*) inpfile
48 |
read(10,*) outfile
49 |
read(10,*) expr
50 |
read(10,*) ntra,ntim,ncol
51 |
52 |
53 |
c Get the name of the output field
54 |
ileft = 1
55 |
iright = 0
56 |
do i=1,80
57 |
if ( expr(i:i).eq.'=' ) iright = i
58 |
59 |
if ( iright.eq.0 ) then
60 |
vars(ncol+1) = 'CALC'
61 |
expr = 'CALC='//trim(expr)
62 |
63 |
vars(ncol+1) = trim( expr(1:iright-1) )
64 |
65 |
new = vars( ncol+1 )
66 |
67 |
print*,'inp = ',trim(inpfile)
68 |
print*,'out = ',trim(outfile)
69 |
print*,'expr = ',trim(expr),' ---> ',trim( new )
70 |
71 |
c Determine the formats
72 |
call mode_tra(inpmode,inpfile)
73 |
if (inpmode.eq.-1) inpmode=1
74 |
call mode_tra(outmode,outfile)
75 |
if (outmode.eq.-1) outmode=1
76 |
77 |
c Allocate memory
78 |
79 |
if (stat.ne.0) print*,'*** error allocating array trainp ***'
80 |
81 |
if (stat.ne.0) print*,'*** error allocating array traout ***'
82 |
83 |
c Read inpufile
84 |
call ropen_tra(fid,inpfile,ntra,ntim,ncol,refdate,vars,inpmode)
85 |
call read_tra (fid,trainp,ntra,ntim,ncol,inpmode)
86 |
call close_tra(fid,inpmode)
87 |
88 |
c Copy to output trajectory
89 |
do i=1,ntra
90 |
do j=1,ntim
91 |
do k=1,ncol
92 |
traout(i,j,k) = trainp(i,j,k)
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
c Loop over all trajectories
98 |
do i=1,ntra
99 |
do j=1,ntim
100 |
do k=1,ncol
101 |
102 |
c Attribute trajectory values to symbols
103 |
col = vars(k)
104 |
call defparam( col, traout(i,j,k) )
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
c Evaluate expression
109 |
call evaleqn(expr)
110 |
111 |
c Get the result
112 |
call getparam(new,value)
113 |
traout(i,j,ncol+1) = value
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
c Write output file
119 |
call wopen_tra(fid,outfile,ntra,ntim,ncol+1,refdate,vars,outmode)
120 |
call write_tra(fid,traout,ntra,ntim,ncol+1,outmode)
121 |
call close_tra(fid,outmode)
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |