4 |
michaesp |
1 |
2 |
PROGRAM difference
3 |
4 |
c ***********************************************************************
5 |
c * Get the difference between tow trajectory files *
6 |
c * Michael Sprenger / Spring, summer, autumn 2010 *
7 |
c ***********************************************************************
8 |
9 |
implicit none
10 |
11 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
12 |
c Declaration of variables
13 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14 |
15 |
c Field name and mode for difference calculation
16 |
character*80 mode ! Difference mode
17 |
character*80 fieldname ! Name of differencing
18 |
19 |
c Input and output format for trajectories (see iotra.f)
20 |
character*80 inpfile1 ! Input filename 1
21 |
character*80 inpfile2 ! Input filename 2
22 |
character*80 outfile ! Output filename
23 |
24 |
c Input trajectories
25 |
integer ntra1 ,ntra2 ! Number of trajectories
26 |
integer ntim1 ,ntim2 ! Number of times
27 |
integer ncol1 ,ncol2 ! Number of columns
28 |
real,allocatable, dimension (:,:,:) :: trainp1 ,trainp2 ! Trajectories (ntra,ntim,ncol)
29 |
character*80 vars1(100) ,vars2(100) ! Variable names
30 |
integer refdate1(6),refdate2(6) ! Reference date
31 |
32 |
c Output/comparison trajectory
33 |
integer ntra ! Number of trajectories
34 |
integer ntim ! Number of times
35 |
integer ncol ! Number of columns
36 |
real,allocatable, dimension (:,:,:) :: traout ! Trajectories (ntra,ntim,ncol)
37 |
character*80 vars(100) ! Variable names
38 |
integer refdate(6) ! Reference date
39 |
40 |
c Auxiliary variables
41 |
integer inpmode1,inpmode2
42 |
integer outmode
43 |
integer stat
44 |
integer fid
45 |
integer i,j,k
46 |
integer ind1,ind2
47 |
integer isok
48 |
character ch
49 |
real,allocatable, dimension (:) :: diff
50 |
integer outind
51 |
52 |
c Externals
53 |
real,external :: sdis
54 |
55 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
56 |
c Preparations
57 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
58 |
59 |
c Read parameters
60 |
61 |
read(10,*) inpfile1
62 |
read(10,*) inpfile2
63 |
read(10,*) outfile
64 |
read(10,*) ntra1,ntim1,ncol1
65 |
read(10,*) ntra2,ntim2,ncol2
66 |
read(10,*) mode
67 |
read(10,*) fieldname
68 |
69 |
70 |
c Determine the formats
71 |
call mode_tra(inpmode1,inpfile1)
72 |
if (inpmode1.eq.-1) inpmode1=1
73 |
74 |
call mode_tra(inpmode2,inpfile2)
75 |
if (inpmode2.eq.-1) inpmode2=1
76 |
77 |
call mode_tra(outmode,outfile)
78 |
if (outmode.eq.-1) outmode=1
79 |
80 |
c Set number of trajectories for output
81 |
if ( ntra1.lt.ntra2) then
82 |
ntra = ntra1
83 |
84 |
ntra = ntra2
85 |
86 |
87 |
c Set number of times for output
88 |
if ( mode.eq.'single' ) then
89 |
ntim = ntim1
90 |
91 |
ntim = 1
92 |
93 |
94 |
c Set the column names for output
95 |
if ( fieldname.eq.'LATLON') then
96 |
ncol = 1 + 3 + 3 + 1
97 |
vars(1) = 'time'
98 |
vars(2) = 'lon[1]'
99 |
vars(3) = 'lat[1]'
100 |
vars(4) = 'p[1]'
101 |
vars(5) = 'lon[2]'
102 |
vars(6) = 'lat[2]'
103 |
vars(7) = 'p[2]'
104 |
vars(8) = 'SDIS'
105 |
106 |
ncol = 1 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 1
107 |
vars( 1) = 'time'
108 |
vars( 2) = 'lon[1]'
109 |
vars( 3) = 'lat[1]'
110 |
vars( 4) = 'p[1]'
111 |
vars( 5) = 'lon[2]'
112 |
vars( 6) = 'lat[2]'
113 |
vars( 7) = 'p[2]'
114 |
vars( 8) = trim(fieldname)//'[1]'
115 |
vars( 9) = trim(fieldname)//'[2]'
116 |
vars(10) = trim(fieldname)//'[1-2]'
117 |
118 |
119 |
c Allocate memory
120 |
121 |
if (stat.ne.0) print*,'*** error allocating array trainp1 ***'
122 |
123 |
if (stat.ne.0) print*,'*** error allocating array trainp2 ***'
124 |
125 |
if (stat.ne.0) print*,'*** error allocating array traout ***'
126 |
127 |
if (stat.ne.0) print*,'*** error allocating array diff ***'
128 |
129 |
c Read inpufiles
130 |
call ropen_tra(fid,inpfile1,ntra1,ntim1,ncol1,
131 |
> refdate1,vars1,inpmode1)
132 |
call read_tra (fid,trainp1,ntra1,ntim1,ncol1,inpmode1)
133 |
call close_tra(fid,inpmode1)
134 |
135 |
call ropen_tra(fid,inpfile2,ntra2,ntim2,ncol2,
136 |
> refdate2,vars2,inpmode2)
137 |
call read_tra (fid,trainp2,ntra2,ntim2,ncol2,inpmode2)
138 |
call close_tra(fid,inpmode2)
139 |
140 |
c Check dimensions of the two trajectory files (#tim hard check)
141 |
if (ntim1.ne.ntim2) then
142 |
print*,'Trajectoy files have different time dimensions... Stop'
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
c Check dimensions of the two trajectory files (#tra soft check)
147 |
if (ntra1.ne.ntra2) then
148 |
print*,'Differing number of trajectories... proceed [y/n]'
149 |
150 |
if (ch.eq.'n') stop
151 |
152 |
153 |
c Check whether difference field is available on both files
154 |
if ( fieldname.ne.'LATLON') then
155 |
ind1 = 0
156 |
ind2 = 0
157 |
do i=1,ncol
158 |
if ( fieldname.eq.vars1(i) ) ind1 = i
159 |
if ( fieldname.eq.vars2(i) ) ind2 = i
160 |
161 |
if ( (ind1.eq.0).or.(ind2.eq.0) ) then
162 |
print*,'Field ',trim(fieldname),' not available... Stop'
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
c Check reference dates (soft check)
168 |
isok = 1
169 |
do i=1,6
170 |
if ( refdate1(i).ne.refdate2(i) ) isok = 0
171 |
172 |
if ( isok.eq.0 ) then
173 |
print*,'Warning: reference dates differ... proceed [y/n]'
174 |
175 |
if (ch.eq.'n') stop
176 |
177 |
178 |
c Check trajectory times (soft check)
179 |
isok = 1
180 |
do i=1,ntim
181 |
if ( trainp1(1,i,1).ne.trainp2(1,i,1) ) isok = 0
182 |
183 |
if ( isok.eq.0 ) then
184 |
print*,'Warning: trajectory times differ... proceed [y/n]'
185 |
186 |
if (ch.eq.'n') stop
187 |
188 |
189 |
c Copy reference date to output
190 |
do i=1,6
191 |
refdate(i) = refdate1(i)
192 |
193 |
194 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
195 |
c Calculate the difference (depending on mode)
196 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
197 |
198 |
c Loop over all trajectories
199 |
do i=1,ntra
200 |
201 |
c Calculate difference for all times
202 |
do j=1,ntim1
203 |
204 |
c Calculate the difference (distance or absolute value)
205 |
if (fieldname.eq.'LATLON') then
206 |
diff(j) = sdis( trainp1(i,j,2),trainp1(i,j,3),
207 |
> trainp2(i,j,2),trainp2(i,j,3) )
208 |
209 |
diff(j) = abs(trainp1(i,j,ind1) - trainp2(i,j,ind2))
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
c Save output for each time
215 |
if ( mode.eq.'single' ) then
216 |
217 |
do j=1,ntim
218 |
219 |
if ( fieldname.eq.'LATLON' ) then
220 |
traout(i,j, 1) = trainp1(i,j,1) ! time
221 |
traout(i,j, 2) = trainp1(i,j,2) ! lon[1]
222 |
traout(i,j, 3) = trainp1(i,j,3) ! lat[1]
223 |
traout(i,j, 4) = trainp1(i,j,4) ! p[1]
224 |
traout(i,j, 5) = trainp2(i,j,2) ! lon[2]
225 |
traout(i,j, 6) = trainp2(i,j,3) ! lat[2]
226 |
traout(i,j, 7) = trainp2(i,j,4) ! p[2]
227 |
traout(i,j, 8) = diff(j) ! SDIS(j)
228 |
229 |
traout(i,j, 1) = trainp1(i,j,1) ! time
230 |
traout(i,j, 2) = trainp1(i,j,2) ! lon[1]
231 |
traout(i,j, 3) = trainp1(i,j,3) ! lat[1]
232 |
traout(i,j, 4) = trainp1(i,j,4) ! p[1]
233 |
traout(i,j, 5) = trainp2(i,j,2) ! lon[2]
234 |
traout(i,j, 6) = trainp2(i,j,3) ! lat[2]
235 |
traout(i,j, 7) = trainp2(i,j,4) ! p[2]
236 |
traout(i,j, 8) = trainp1(i,j,ind1) ! field[1]
237 |
traout(i,j, 9) = trainp2(i,j,ind2) ! field[2]
238 |
traout(i,j,10) = diff(j) ! SDIS(j)
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
c Save only maximum
244 |
elseif ( mode.eq.'max') then
245 |
246 |
outind = 1
247 |
do j=2,ntim1
248 |
if ( diff(j).gt.diff(outind) ) outind = j
249 |
250 |
251 |
if ( fieldname.eq.'LATLON' ) then
252 |
traout(i,1, 1) = trainp1(i,outind,1) ! time
253 |
traout(i,1, 2) = trainp1(i,outind,2) ! lon[1]
254 |
traout(i,1, 3) = trainp1(i,outind,3) ! lat[1]
255 |
traout(i,1, 4) = trainp1(i,outind,4) ! p[1]
256 |
traout(i,1, 5) = trainp2(i,outind,2) ! lon[2]
257 |
traout(i,1, 6) = trainp2(i,outind,3) ! lat[2]
258 |
traout(i,1, 7) = trainp2(i,outind,4) ! p[2]
259 |
traout(i,1, 8) = diff(outind) ! SDIS
260 |
261 |
traout(i,1, 1) = trainp1(i,outind,1) ! time
262 |
traout(i,1, 2) = trainp1(i,outind,2) ! lon[1]
263 |
traout(i,1, 3) = trainp1(i,outind,3) ! lat[1]
264 |
traout(i,1, 4) = trainp1(i,outind,4) ! p[1]
265 |
traout(i,1, 5) = trainp2(i,outind,2) ! lon[2]
266 |
traout(i,1, 6) = trainp2(i,outind,3) ! lat[2]
267 |
traout(i,1, 7) = trainp2(i,outind,4) ! p[2]
268 |
traout(i,1, 8) = trainp1(i,outind,ind1) ! field[1]
269 |
traout(i,1, 9) = trainp2(i,outind,ind2) ! field[2]
270 |
traout(i,1,10) = diff(outind) ! SDIS(j)
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
278 |
c Write output
279 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
280 |
281 |
c Write output file
282 |
call wopen_tra(fid,outfile,ntra,ntim,ncol,refdate,vars,outmode)
283 |
call write_tra(fid,traout,ntra,ntim,ncol,outmode)
284 |
call close_tra(fid,outmode)
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
291 |
c ***********************************************************************
292 |
c * Subroutines *
293 |
c ***********************************************************************
294 |
295 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
296 |
c Spherical distance
297 |
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
298 |
299 |
real function sdis(xp,yp,xq,yq)
300 |
301 |
c calculates spherical distance (in km) between two points given
302 |
c by their spherical coordinates (xp,yp) and (xq,yq), respectively.
303 |
304 |
real pi180
305 |
parameter (pi180=3.14159/180.)
306 |
real re
307 |
parameter (re=6370.)
308 |
real degkm
309 |
parameter (degkm=111.1775)
310 |
real xp,yp,xq,yq,arg
311 |
312 |
if ( (abs(xp-xq).gt.0.05).and.(abs(yp-yq).gt.0.05) ) then
313 |
314 |
> cos(pi180*yp)*cos(pi180*yq)*cos(pi180*(xp-xq))
315 |
if (arg.lt.-1.) arg=-1.
316 |
if (arg.gt.1.) arg=1.
317 |
318 |
319 |
sdis= (yp-yq)**2 + ( (xp-xq) * cos( pi180*0.5*(yp+yq) ) )**2
320 |
sdis = deg2km * sqrt(sdis)
321 |
322 |
323 |
324 |
325 |
326 |