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\title{Lagranto - Tutorial}
16 |
\author{Michael Sprenger and Heini Wernli}
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20 |
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22 |
\section{Definition of the Problem}
23 |
24 |
In this tutorial we consider a simple way how to find airstreams which transport air from the surface into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, i.e. the UTLS region. More specifically, we intend
25 |
26 |
\item[1)] to initialize starting positions over the North Atlantic and Europe (80 W to 20 E, 40 N to 80 N) for 00 UTC, 20 October 1989. The starting positions are horizontally equidistant with 80 km horizontal spacing and are set 100 hPa above ground level.
27 |
\item[2)] to calculate trajectories 72 hours forward in time.
28 |
\item[3)] to select trajectories which ascend to levels above 400 hPa within 48 hours and are found at starting time below 700 hPa.
29 |
\item[4)] to trace several meteorological fields along the trajectories: potential vorticity (PV), potential temperature (TH), relative (RH) and specific humidity (Q).
30 |
\item[4] to select subsamples of trajectories: a) those reaching the stratosphere; b) those travelling at most 2000 km; ...
31 |
\item[5)] to show the densities of the trajectories on a geographical map.
32 |
33 |
34 |
\section{Meteorological Data}
35 |
36 |
The following dates and netCDF files are needed for a Lagranto calculation covering the time period from 00\,UTC 20 October 1989 to 00\,UTC 23 October 1989.
37 |
38 |
> datelist stdout -create 19891020_00 19891023_00
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
There are two different files involved, the P and the S files. Lagranto expects them to be in the running directory:
51 |
52 |
53 |
> ls -1
54 |
P19891020_00 P19891020_06 P19891020_12 P19891020_18
55 |
P19891021_00 P19891021_06 P19891021_12 P19891021_18
56 |
57 |
S19891020_00 S19891020_06 S19891020_12 S19891020_18
58 |
S19891021_00 S19891021_06 S19891021_12 S19891021_18
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
The meteorological fields on the primary P files are at least: zonal wind (U, in m/s); meridional wind (V, in m/s); vertical wind (OMEGA, in Pa/s);
64 |
surface pressure (PS, in hPa). Additional fields might be available on the P files, e.g. temperature (T), specific
65 |
humidity (Q),... Secondary fields can be saved in the S files, which must have the same grid structure as the P files.
66 |
In the example the following fields are saved on the S files: potential temperature (TH, in K); Ertel potential vorticity (PV, in pvu); relative humidity (in \%).
67 |
Furthermore, the surface pressure (PS) is also saved on the S files; it must be exactly identical to the one in the P files.\\
68 |
69 |
70 |
If the P and S files are stored at another place, they might be linked with a simple Shell script (in csh), usimg the command {\em datelist}:
71 |
72 |
> foreach date ( `datelist stdout -create 19891020_00 19891023_00` )
73 |
> ln -s {SOURCE DIR}/P${date} {DEST DIR}/P${date}
74 |
> ln -s {SOURCE DIR}/S${date} {DEST DIR}/S${date}
75 |
> end
76 |
77 |
Note that the command {\em datelist} offers several options how to work with date list - creating, stepping through, comparing.
78 |
79 |
\section{Starting Positions}
80 |
81 |
In a first step the starting positions must be specified. To this aim a file {\em regionf} must be created with the definition of the region. The file is in the same directory as the meteorological data (section 1):
82 |
83 |
84 |
> more regionf
85 |
"1 -80 20 40 80"
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
The first number specifies a region ID (here 1) and the other values are: west boundary (80 W), east boundary (20 E), southern boundary (20 N) and northern boundary (80 N). The starting positions are then created with
90 |
91 |
92 |
> create_startf 19891020_00 startf.2 'region.eqd(1,80) ...
93 |
... @ level(100) @ hPa,agl' -changet
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
The starting positions are written to {\em startf.2}, i.e. in format 2, and cover the region 1 specified in {\em regionf}. The horizontal start points are equidistantly distributed with 80 km spacing, and they are all at 100 hPa above ground. All points refer to the starting date 00 UTC, 20 October 1989.
98 |
In total, 3750 starting positions are written to {\em startf.2}. The first few lines of the file look as follows:
99 |
100 |
101 |
> head -10 startf.2
102 |
Reference date 19891020_0000 / Time range 0 min
103 |
104 |
time lon lat p level
105 |
106 |
107 |
0.00 -79.61 40.45 862 100.000
108 |
0.00 -78.66 40.45 860 100.000
109 |
0.00 -77.71 40.45 873 100.000
110 |
0.00 -76.76 40.45 886 100.000
111 |
0.00 -75.82 40.45 893 100.000
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
The different columns are: time, longitude, latitude, pressure (in hPa) and level (in hPa,agl). Note that the 'same' starting file could have been created without a region file. In this case, the command would have been:
116 |
117 |
118 |
> create_startf 19891020_00 startf.2 'box.eqd(-80,20,40,80,80) ...
119 |
... @ level(100) @ hPa,agl' -changet
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
However, note that the starting positions are not exactly the same as with the previous command: it is only guaranteed that the starting points are equidistantly distributed within the region.
124 |
125 |
126 |
\section{Trajectory Calculation}
127 |
128 |
In a next step, the trajectories are calculated 72 h forward in time, with starting date 00 UTC, 20 October 1989. The command is:
129 |
130 |
131 |
> caltra 19891020_00 19891023_00 startf.2 traj.4 -j
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
The taring positions are taken from{\em startf.2} and the output is written to {\em traj.4}. Furthermore, the jumping flag {\em -j} is set, i.e. if trajectories run into the ground they are lifted a little and allowed to move on.\\
136 |
137 |
138 |
Note that the output file {\em traj.4} is not in ASCII format. To look at the file, use the command {\em trainfo}, for instance:
139 |
140 |
141 |
> trainfo traj.4 vars
142 |
time lon lat p
143 |
144 |
> trainfo traj.4 dim
145 |
3750 13 4
146 |
147 |
> trainfo trai.4 startdate
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
It is also possible to convert the trajectory file into ASCII format with the command {\em reformat}:
153 |
154 |
155 |
> reformat traj.4 traj.1
156 |
> more traj.1
157 |
Reference date 19891020_0000 / Time range 4320 min
158 |
159 |
time lon lat p
160 |
161 |
162 |
0.00 -79.61 40.45 862
163 |
6.00 -80.57 43.23 791
164 |
12.00 -82.23 45.89 782
165 |
18.00 -84.94 47.07 744
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
The command {\em trafinfo} cna also be used to look at the trajectory tables, i.e. without a conversion to ASCII format. To this aim, use
170 |
171 |
172 |
> trainfo traj.4 list
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
Whereas the ASCII format is most convenient for visual inspection, it is the least compact format. In particular, if the output of {\em caltra} should be further processed, e.g. with {\em trace} or {\em select}, the binary formats should be used (see documentation for {\em reformat}).
177 |
178 |
\section{Pre-Selection of Trajectories}
179 |
180 |
Quite often, the position of the air parcels is sufficient to select trajectories. It is then most efficient to pre-select these trajectories and do the tracing of additional fields along the trajectories only on the pre-selected ones. In the example, airstreams should be identified which ascend from below 700 hPa at initial time to levels above 300 hPa. The ascent has to take place within 48 h. This selection can be achieved with the command:
181 |
182 |
183 |
> select traj.4 wcb.1 'GT:p:700:FIRST & LT:p(MIN):400:0 to 48'
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
The first criterion selects all trajectories for which the pressure (p) at the initial time (FIRST) is greater than (GT) 700 hPa. This criterison is logically AND-combined with the second criteron: consider all times between 0 and 48 h and take the minimum pressure, i.e. p(MIN), over this time interval; if the minium pressure is less than (LT) 400 hPa, the trajectory is selected. A sample trajectory looks like:
188 |
189 |
190 |
> trainfo wcb.1 list
191 |
Reference date 19891020_0000 / Time range 4320 min
192 |
193 |
time lon lat p
194 |
195 |
196 |
0.00 -72.98 40.45 918
197 |
6.00 -76.45 43.14 879
198 |
12.00 -78.53 46.69 808
199 |
18.00 -80.08 48.70 770
200 |
24.00 -84.49 48.71 563
201 |
30.00 -87.89 43.32 377
202 |
36.00 -80.69 37.24 396
203 |
42.00 -73.05 39.00 477
204 |
48.00 -67.62 47.21 488
205 |
54.00 -63.53 54.61 455
206 |
60.00 -53.79 58.53 447
207 |
66.00 -38.79 59.08 452
208 |
72.00 -27.72 55.51 493
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
In total, 99 trajectories are selected. Further Lagrangian selection criteria might be reasonable. For instance, it could be of interest whether the air parcels are far away from their initial position after 48 h:
213 |
214 |
215 |
> select traj.4 wcb.1 'GT:p:700:FIRST & LT:p(MIN):400:0 to 48 & GT:DIST0:5000:48'
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
The last criterion test whether the spherical distance from the initial position exceeds 5000 km at 48 h (only met by 4 trajectories). Note that the field {\em DIST0} is not available on the trajectory file {\em traj.4}, but is implicitely calculated. \\
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221 |
222 |
Similarly, it can be tested whether a trajectory passes through a target region (e.g. 20E-30E,50N-60N). Such a region might be defined in the region file {\em regionf}:
223 |
224 |
225 |
> more regionf
226 |
# Starting positions
227 |
"1 -80 20 40 80"
228 |
# Target region
229 |
"2 20 30 50 60"
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
The call to {\em select} now looks as follows:
234 |
235 |
236 |
> select traj.4 wcb.1 'GT:p:700:FIRST & LT:p(MIN):400:0 to 48 & ...
237 |
... TRUE:INREGION:2:42 to 54(ANY)'
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
The last criterion is interpreted in the following way: consider the times from 42 h to 48 h (42 to 54) and check whether a trajectory is at any of these times (ANY) in the traget region 2, as specified in {\em regionf}. A sample trajectory is given below:
242 |
243 |
244 |
> more wcb.1
245 |
Reference date 19891020_0000 / Time range 4320 min
246 |
247 |
time lon lat p
248 |
249 |
250 |
0.00 -44.56 40.45 914
251 |
6.00 -41.22 38.95 885
252 |
12.00 -37.50 37.59 849
253 |
18.00 -33.54 36.76 823
254 |
24.00 -29.45 36.45 770
255 |
30.00 -24.56 37.44 622
256 |
36.00 -18.89 41.17 429
257 |
42.00 -10.48 49.48 349
258 |
48.00 8.75 57.02 355
259 |
54.00 28.74 56.97 354
260 |
60.00 37.14 53.71 320
261 |
66.00 38.99 49.75 334
262 |
72.00 37.57 45.94 349
263 |
264 |
265 |
\section{Tracing Meteorological Fields}
266 |
267 |
Meteorological fields can be traced along the trajectories with the command {\em trace}. Most often, a list of fields to trace will be listed in a file {\em tracevars}:
268 |
269 |
270 |
> more tracevars
271 |
PS 1. 0 P
272 |
Q 1000. 0 P
273 |
TH 1. 0 S
274 |
RH 1. 1 *
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
The following fields are to be traced: surface pressure (PS), specific humidity (Q), potential temperature (TH) and relative humidity (RH). PS and Q are available on the P files and need not to be calculated; Q will be scaled by a factor 1000 to convert from Kg/kg to g/kg. TH is found on the S file and need not to be calculated. Finally, RH is found neither on the P nor on the S file and must becomputed - the flag 1 in the third column.\\
279 |
280 |
281 |
With the {\em tracevars} file ready, the tracing is started with:
282 |
283 |
284 |
> trace wcb.1 wcb.1
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
Note that the input and output file are allowed to have the same name. The following table shows the first few lines of the new trajectory file:
289 |
290 |
291 |
> more wcb.1
292 |
Reference date 19891020_0000 / Time range 4320 min
293 |
294 |
time lon lat p PS Q TH RH
295 |
296 |
297 |
0.00 -44.56 40.45 914 1014.093 9.664 294.921 86.667
298 |
6.00 -41.22 38.95 885 1012.965 8.380 296.549 77.992
299 |
12.00 -37.50 37.59 849 1014.056 8.565 299.122 81.321
300 |
18.00 -33.54 36.76 823 1012.074 8.720 300.798 85.407
301 |
24.00 -29.45 36.45 770 1012.254 7.666 303.487 85.262
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
If it is later found that additional fields should be traced, this can be done with a new {\em tracevars} file or for a single field with (the second number being the scaling factor):
306 |
307 |
308 |
> trace wcb.1 wcb.1 -f PV 1.
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |
Note that several fields are allowed for online computation, i.e. with the computation flag set in {\em tracevars}. This is convenient for interactive mode and for few trajectories. However, if tracing is needed for many trajectories, a pre-calculation and saving on the S files is much more efficient! A list of fields for online computation is found in the reference guide for {\em trace}. \\
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314 |
315 |
It is also possible to trace the surrounding of a trajectory position, i.e. to get for instance not the temperature at the air parcel's position, but at 50 hPa above or below it. This is done with:
316 |
317 |
318 |
> trace wcb.1 wcb.1 -f T:-50HPA 1.
319 |
> trace wcb.1 wcb.1 -f T:+50HPA 1.
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
Finally, if it is decided that a field is no longer needed in the trajectory file, or if it has to be corrected, it is possible to remove columns from the trajectory file. This can be achieved with {\em extract} - for instance if only PS, TH and RH should be kept:
324 |
325 |
326 |
> extract wcb.1 wcb.1 -var PS TH RH
327 |
328 |
329 |
330 |
Note that {\em extract} can also be used to extract different times or starting positions (see the reference documentation).
331 |
332 |
333 |
\section{Final Selection of Trajectories}
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335 |
In this section the selection of trajectories should be refined, i.e. it is not only based on positional information but also on further meteorological parameters. We look at several questions:\\
336 |
337 |
338 |
\item[a)] Is there a trajectory which reaches saturation ($RH>99$\%)? The trajectories should be saved in a new trajectory file.
339 |
340 |
> select wcb.1 sat.1 'GT:RH:99:0 to 72(ANY)'
341 |
> more sat.1
342 |
Reference date 19891020_0000 / Time range 4320 min
343 |
344 |
time lon lat p PS Q TH RH PV
345 |
346 |
0.00 -72.98 40.45 918 1018.161 9.503 292.020 100.722 0.920
347 |
6.00 -76.45 43.14 879 986.319 8.723 294.933 92.837 1.101
348 |
12.00 -78.53 46.69 808 972.550 7.621 297.875 97.737 0.794
349 |
18.00 -80.08 48.70 770 973.957 6.147 297.914 97.912 1.078
350 |
24.00 -84.49 48.71 563 962.279 2.327 307.548 87.923 1.034
351 |
30.00 -87.89 43.32 377 977.415 0.319 314.210 65.759 0.108
352 |
36.00 -80.69 37.24 396 939.606 0.303 312.705 52.845 0.323
353 |
42.00 -73.05 39.00 477 1013.693 0.298 314.614 16.248 0.309
354 |
48.00 -67.62 47.21 488 970.025 0.442 312.975 23.890 0.463
355 |
54.00 -63.53 54.61 455 950.011 0.386 313.047 30.182 0.479
356 |
60.00 -53.79 58.53 447 1007.039 0.392 311.951 36.578 0.487
357 |
66.00 -38.79 59.08 452 1006.532 0.319 311.316 29.286 0.443
358 |
72.00 -27.72 55.51 493 1009.871 0.279 311.428 15.950 0.513
359 |
360 |
361 |
\item[b)] Get a list of all trajectories which pass through a circle around 20\,W/40\,N and radius 500\,km.
362 |
363 |
> select wcb.1 indlist 'TRUE:INCIRCLE:-20,40,500:ALL(ANY)' -index
364 |
> more indlist
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
375 |
376 |
377 |
378 |
Hence, the trajectories 4,5,... pass through the circle. The trajectories themselves can be extracted in a second step with
379 |
380 |
> extract wcb.1 pass.1 -index indlist
381 |
382 |
where now the selected trajectories are written to the trajectory file {\em pass.1}.
383 |
384 |
\item[c)] Select all trajectories which are in the stratosphere after 48 h. The dynamical tropopause is defined as the 2-PVU isosurface?
385 |
386 |
> select wcb.1 out 'GT:PV:2:48 to 72(ALL) & LT:P:500:48 to 72(ALL)'
387 |
388 |
The second criterion guarantees that the air parcel is at a height above 500 hPa; indeed, low-level high-PV regions might mimick a stratosphere, although they are of diabatic origin.
389 |
390 |
\item[d)] Select all trajectories which are within 2000 km distance of their starting position after 72 h.
391 |
392 |
> select wcb.1 sel.1 'LT:DIST0:2000:LAST'
393 |
394 |
Note that the fields {\em DIST0} needs not to be available on the trajectory file - it is calculated during the selection. {\em DIST0} refers to the spherical distance (in km) from the strting position. If the path length (in km) is needed, {\em DIST} can be used instead.
395 |
396 |
\item[e)] How many trajectories ascend more than 550 hPa between 12 h and 54 h? We are only interested in the number of selected trajectories.
397 |
398 |
> select wcb.1 count 'GT:P(DIFF):550:12,54' -count
399 |
> more count
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
\item[f)] We would like to select all trajectories which reach potential vorticity (PV) greather than 2 PVU at levels above 500 hPa. In a first attempt, this might be accomplished with the criterion
404 |
405 |
> select wcb.1 wcb.1 'GT:PV:2:ALL(ANY) & LT:p:500:ALL(ANY)'
406 |
407 |
But note that this is not exactly what we want - the first criterion might be fulfilled at a time 48 h, for instance, whereas the second criterion is fulfilled at another time, say 72 h. Hence they are not both fulfilled at the same time! A way around this problem is possible if a TRIGGER column is used to mark the two events. The original trajectory file looks as follows:
408 |
409 |
> more wcb.1
410 |
Reference date 19891020_0000 / Time range 4320 min
411 |
412 |
time lon lat p PS RH PV
413 |
414 |
415 |
0.00 -19.56 46.94 905 1005.242 83.514 0.291
416 |
6.00 -14.72 48.17 892 999.182 88.325 0.242
417 |
12.00 -10.58 50.53 862 993.145 97.718 0.293
418 |
18.00 -7.22 53.02 792 972.076 99.216 0.738
419 |
24.00 -3.71 55.89 724 956.135 93.218 1.076
420 |
30.00 -0.19 58.87 629 971.334 70.088 1.076
421 |
36.00 1.46 61.62 452 966.406 66.056 0.558
422 |
42.00 0.01 62.49 328 977.209 65.319 1.754
423 |
48.00 -1.54 63.41 313 983.930 56.822 2.727
424 |
54.00 -3.59 64.77 322 984.627 58.328 1.874
425 |
60.00 -9.91 66.07 323 988.185 57.894 2.052
426 |
66.00 -20.91 66.02 316 976.560 57.989 2.565
427 |
72.00 -28.89 66.19 319 1007.175 54.477 2.693
428 |
429 |
Then we mark the two events with a TRIGGER:
430 |
431 |
> select wcb.1 wcb.1 'GT:PV:2:1(TRIGGER) & LT:p:500:2(TRIGGER)' -trigger
432 |
433 |
The first criterion (PV) gets the trigger 1 (in binary system 01), the second one (pressure) get the trigger 2 (in binary system 10). If both criteria are fulfilled, the trigger column becomes 3, which corresponds in the binary system to 11 - i.e. each flag corresponds to a bit in the trigger value. With the option '-trigger' the trigger column is written to the output trajectory file:
434 |
435 |
> more wcb.1
436 |
Reference date 19891020_0000 / Time range 4320 min
437 |
438 |
time lon lat p PS RH PV TRIGGER
439 |
440 |
441 |
0.00 -19.56 46.94 905 1005.242 83.514 0.291 0.000
442 |
6.00 -14.72 48.17 892 999.182 88.325 0.242 0.000
443 |
12.00 -10.58 50.53 862 993.145 97.718 0.293 0.000
444 |
18.00 -7.22 53.02 792 972.076 99.216 0.738 0.000
445 |
24.00 -3.71 55.89 724 956.135 93.218 1.076 0.000
446 |
30.00 -0.19 58.87 629 971.334 70.088 1.076 0.000
447 |
36.00 1.46 61.62 452 966.406 66.056 0.558 2.000
448 |
42.00 0.01 62.49 328 977.200 65.319 1.754 2.000
449 |
48.00 -1.54 63.41 313 983.930 56.822 2.727 3.000
450 |
54.00 -3.59 64.77 322 984.627 58.328 1.874 2.000
451 |
60.00 -9.91 66.07 323 988.185 57.894 2.052 3.000
452 |
66.00 -20.91 66.02 316 976.560 57.989 2.565 3.000
453 |
72.00 -28.89 66.19 319 1007.175 54.477 2.693 3.000
454 |
455 |
Now the selection can be achieved by refering to the TRIGGER column:
456 |
457 |
> select wcb.1 wcb.1 'ALL:TRIGGER:1,2:ALL(ANY)'
458 |
459 |
This selection means that the trigger values 1 and 2 must be set - the operator ALL (first term) guaranteeing that all selected triggers are set. The time specification ALL(ANY) is as before, i.e. the check is performed for all times and he criterion must be fulfilled at any of these times.\\
460 |
461 |
\item[g)] Select all trajectories which pass at time 60 h over Switzerland! The coordinates of the Swiss boundary are listed in a file {\em borders.dat}:
462 |
463 |
> more borders.dat
464 |
8.55 47.45
465 |
7.942863 46.002075
466 |
7.949024 46.001195
467 |
7.956945 46.000022
468 |
7.984226 46.000022
469 |
7.989800 46.001489
470 |
8.000068 46.007356
471 |
8.011508 46.018503
472 |
473 |
474 |
The first line is a point (longitude, latitude) within Switzerland (Zurich), the other lines define the boundary of Switzerland (as 1373 points). With this polygon file, the selection command becomes
475 |
476 |
> select wcb.1 out.1 'TRUE:INPOLYGON:borders.dat:60'
477 |
478 |
Note that in a criterion only one polygon can be specified.
479 |
480 |
\item[g)] New criteria can easily be implemented into the Fortran code; to this aim the file {\em special.f} in directory {\em select} must be edited. The following example shows the implementation of an identification for warm conveyor belts (WCB). The calling sequence for the criterion is {\em SPECIAL:WCB:ascent,first,last}, the air stream must ascend at least {\em ascent} hPa between time {\em first} and time {\em last}. The corresponding Fortran looks as follows:
481 |
482 |
483 |
> more select/special.f
484 |
485 |
SUBROUTINE special (flag,cmd,tra,ntim,ncol,
486 |
> vars,times,param,nparam)
487 |
488 |
c ***************************************************************************
489 |
c * *
490 |
c * OUTPUT: flag -> 1 if trajectory is selected, 0 if not *
491 |
c * *
492 |
c * INPUT: cmd <- command string (e.g. WCB) *
493 |
c * tra(ntim,ncol) <- single trajectory: indices time,column *
494 |
c * ntim <- number of times *
495 |
c * ncol <- number of columns (including time,lon,lat,p) *
496 |
c * vars(ncol) <- names of columns *
497 |
c * times(ntim) <- List of times
498 |
c * param(nparam) <- parameter values *
499 |
c * nparam <- number of parameters *
500 |
c * *
501 |
c ***************************************************************************
502 |
503 |
implicit none
504 |
505 |
c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
506 |
c Declaration of subroutine parameters
507 |
c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
508 |
509 |
integer flag ! Boolean flag whether trajectory is selected
510 |
character*80 cmd ! Command string
511 |
integer ntim,ncol ! Dimension of single trajectory
512 |
real tra(ntim,ncol) ! Single trajectory
513 |
character*80 vars(ncol) ! Name of columns
514 |
real times(ntim) ! List of times
515 |
integer nparam ! # parameters
516 |
real param(nparam) ! List of parameters
517 |
518 |
c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
519 |
c Declaration of local variables
520 |
c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
521 |
522 |
integer i
523 |
integer ip,i0,i1
524 |
525 |
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %)
526 |
c SPECIAL:WCB:ascent,first,last %)
527 |
c : Detect Warm Conveyor Belts (WCB); the air stream must ascend at least %)
528 |
c : <ascent=param(1)> hPa between the two times <first=param(2)> and %)
529 |
c : <last=param(3)>. Note, the lowest pressure is allowed to occur at any %)
530 |
c : time between <first> and <last>. %)
531 |
c --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %)
532 |
533 |
if ( cmd.eq.'WCB' ) then
534 |
535 |
c Reset the flag for selection
536 |
flag = 0
537 |
538 |
c Pressure is in the 4th column
539 |
ip = 4
540 |
541 |
c Get indices for times <first> and <last>
542 |
i0 = 0
543 |
i1 = 0
544 |
do i=1,ntim
545 |
if ( param(2).eq.times(i) ) i0 = i
546 |
if ( param(3).eq.times(i) ) i1 = i
547 |
548 |
if ( (i0.eq.0).or.(i1.eq.0) ) then
549 |
print*,' ERROR: invalid times in SPECIAL:WCB... Stop'
550 |
551 |
552 |
553 |
c Check for ascent
554 |
do i=i0+1,i1
555 |
if ( ( tra(1,ip)-tra(i,ip) ) .gt. param(1) ) flag = 1
556 |
557 |
558 |
559 |
560 |
c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
561 |
562 |
563 |
564 |
565 |
566 |
567 |
568 |
\section{Trajectory Densities}
569 |
Single trajectories can be visualised e.g. with Matlab or wit NCL (see template scripts in the Lagranto folder). If many trajectories should be visualised instead, it is much more convenient to show trajectory densities. The easiiest way to get trajectory densities is:
570 |
571 |
> density wcb.1 densisty
572 |
> ncview density
573 |
574 |
This will project the trajectories in the trajectory file {\em wcb.1} onto a global longitude/latitude grid with 1 degree horizontal resolution. A filter radius of 100 km will be used
575 |
576 |
577 |
578 |
579 |
The CF-netCDF file contains several fields: a) the number of trajectory points associated to each grid point (COUNT); b) the residence time of the trajectories (in hours) associated to each grid point - the residence time being the time a trajectory stays at a certain grid cell (RESIDENCE); c) the area (im $km^2$) associated with each grid cell. The area allows to change the unit of the gridded trajectory from counts per grid point to counts per $km^2$.\\
580 |
581 |
582 |
Often the trajectories do not spread over the whole globe; then the subdomain can be specified with
583 |
584 |
> density traj.1 density -latlon 300 150 -100 10 0.5 0.5 -create
585 |
586 |
where the new grid has 300x150 grid points in zonal and meridional direction with south-eastern corner at 100\,W/10\,S and resolution of 0.5 degree in zonal and 0.5 degree in meridional direction. The flag {\em create} forces the netCDF file to be created anew, even if it already exists.
587 |
588 |
589 |
590 |
591 |
It is also possible to re-parameterise the trajectories before they are gridded. For instance, the following command interpolates the positions to a 1-h time interval and then performs the grissing. This results in a smoother density plot:
592 |
593 |
> density traj.1 density -latlon 300 150 -100 10 0.5 0.5 -create -interp 1 h
594 |
595 |
596 |
597 |
598 |
599 |
In addition to a gridding of the complete trajectories, the single trajectory times can be gridded.
600 |
601 |
> density traj.1 density -create -time 0.00 -create
602 |
> density traj.1 density -create -time 6.00
603 |
> density traj.1 density -create -time 12.00
604 |
> density traj.1 density -create -time 18.00
605 |
> density traj.1 density -create -time 24.00
606 |
607 |
608 |
609 |
In the previous figures, the density of the trajectories was determined - i.e. the number of trajectories associated with a grid point or the residence associated with a grid cell was determined. In addition to this most basic information, it is also possible to perform a gridding of any trajectory field. For instance, the trajectory file contains
610 |
611 |
612 |
Reference date 19891020_0000 / Time range 4320 min
613 |
614 |
time lon lat p
615 |
616 |
617 |
0.00 -79.61 40.45 862
618 |
6.00 -80.57 43.23 791
619 |
12.00 -82.23 45.89 782
620 |
18.00 -84.94 47.07 744
621 |
622 |
623 |
624 |
and we would like to know at what height the trajectories typically (in the mean) are at a specific grid point. Then we would grid the pressure ``p'' instead of the position:
625 |
626 |
627 |
> density traj.1 density -create -latlon 300 150 -100 10 0.5 0.5 -field p -time 0.00
628 |
> density traj.1 density -field p -time 24.00
629 |
> density traj.1 density -field p -time 48.00
630 |
631 |
632 |
633 |
The following figures show the gridded pressure at time 0.00 and 24.00 h; note that the trajectories were initialised 100 hPa above ground.
634 |
635 |
636 |
637 |
638 |
639 |
640 |
641 |
642 |
\section{Interface Script}
643 |
644 |
\subsection{Start from local directory}
645 |
646 |
In addition to the programs {\em create\_startf}, {\em caltra}, {\em trace}, {\em select}, Lagranto offers a ``master'' script which combines the call to the individual programs into one single call. For instance,
647 |
648 |
> lagranto local 19891020_00 19891024_18 startf nil -changet
649 |
650 |
will start a Lagranto run starting from 00,UTC 20 Octiober 2010 to 18,UTC 24 Octiober 2010, based upon the starting positions in the file {\em startf}. No selection of trajectories is applied, as specified with the flag {\em nil}, and the times on the netCDF P and S files are set relative to the starting date prior to the Lagranto run. Finally, {\em local} means that all input files are expected in the directory where Lagranto was called.\\
651 |
652 |
653 |
The output for the above Lagranto call is saved in a newly created directory, which is located in the calling directory:
654 |
655 |
> ls -l ntr_19891020_00_f114_local_startf_nil/
656 |
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaesp wheel 5328945 2011-03-21 14:03 lsl_19891020_00
657 |
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaesp wheel 68195 2011-03-21 14:03 runscript.logfile
658 |
-rwxr--r-- 1 michaesp wheel 1025 2011-03-21 14:02 runscript.sh*
659 |
660 |
The three different files are:
661 |
662 |
\item[a)] {\bf lsl\_19891020\_00}: the output trajectory file -the file name starts with {\em lsl} and contains the starting date of the Lagranto run:
663 |
664 |
> more lsl_19891020_00
665 |
Reference date 19891020_0000 / Time range 6840 min
666 |
667 |
time lon lat p PS Q TH RH
668 |
669 |
670 |
0.00 -79.61 40.45 862 961.659 6.434 290.838 97.722
671 |
6.00 -80.57 43.23 791 980.984 5.334 293.824 98.773
672 |
673 |
674 |
Note that additional fields have been traced along the trajectories, as specified in the tracing file {\em tracevars}:
675 |
676 |
> more tracevars
677 |
PS 1. 0 P
678 |
Q 1000. 0 P
679 |
TH 1. 0 S
680 |
RH 1. 1 *
681 |
682 |
\item[b)] {\bf runscript.logfile}: a log file with all status and error information of the Lagranto run. If the flag {\em -log} is set in a Lagranto call, the log will be written to screen.
683 |
\item[c)] {\bf runscript.sh}: the calling script for the programs {\em create\_startf}, {\em caltra}, {\em trace} and {\em select}. The basic idea of {\em lagranto} is to create the output directory, to prepare all netCDF and other files in this output directory and to create a Shell script with name {\em runscript.sh}. If all these preparations were successfull, Lagranto will change into the output directory and launch {\em runscript.sh}. The {\em runscript.sh} for the previous Lagranto call looks as follows:
684 |
685 |
686 |
687 |
688 |
#----- Calling command
689 |
690 |
# lagranto local 19891020_00 19891024_18 startf nil -changet -log
691 |
692 |
#----- Output file
693 |
694 |
# lsl_19891020_00
695 |
696 |
#------ Abort if no startf is available
697 |
698 |
if ( ! -f startf ) then
699 |
echo " ERROR: no start file available .... Stop"
700 |
exit 1
701 |
702 |
703 |
#------ Remove existing trajectory files
704 |
705 |
if ( -f lsl_19891020_00.4 ) then
706 |
\rm -f lsl_19891020_00.4
707 |
708 |
if ( -f lsl_19891020_00 ) then
709 |
\rm -f lsl_19891020_00
710 |
711 |
712 |
#------ Run <caltra>
713 |
714 |
/home/sprenger/lagranto//bin/caltra.sh 19891020_00 19891024_18 startf lsl_19891020_00.4
715 |
716 |
#------ Abort if caltra was not successful
717 |
718 |
if ( ! -f lsl_19891020_00.4 ) then
719 |
echo " ERROR: caltra failed .... Stop"
720 |
exit 1
721 |
722 |
723 |
#------ Run <trace>
724 |
725 |
/home/sprenger/lagranto//bin/trace.sh lsl_19891020_00.4 lsl_19891020_00 -v tracevars
726 |
727 |
#------ Abort if trace was not successful
728 |
729 |
if ( ! -f lsl_19891020_00 ) then
730 |
echo " ERROR: trace failed .... Stop"
731 |
exit 1
732 |
733 |
734 |
735 |
736 |
737 |
738 |
Note that you are free to change to the output directory and manually launch {\em runscript.sh}, possibly after having modified it to your needs. This way of working is uspported by the optional flag {\em -prep} which will only prepare all files and then changes to the output directory:
739 |
740 |
> lagranto local 19891020_00 19891024_18 startf nil -changet -prep
741 |
742 |
At the end of this call you will be asked to change to the output directory, which -after having agreed- will open a new {\em xterm} window. Note that you can always easily change to a output directory by calling
743 |
744 |
> lagranto -open local
745 |
746 |
If several trajectory runs are available in the local directory, you are asked to select one. Often, you would like to see the outcome of a run without changing to the output directory. This is most easily accomplished with the following call:
747 |
748 |
> lagranto -show local
749 |
750 |
751 |
\subsection{Start from case directory}
752 |
753 |
In this calling sequence, for instance
754 |
755 |
> lagranto tutorial 19891020_00 19891024_18 startf nil -changet
756 |
757 |
the input files are not expected in the local directory, but are specified by means of a case identifier. For instance, a case has the identifier {\em tutorial}. Then Lagranto will expect the input netCDF P and S files to be located in
758 |
759 |
> ls -l ${HOME}/cdf/tutorial
760 |
761 |
762 |
763 |
764 |
765 |
766 |
767 |
768 |
769 |
and all the other input files (starting positions, tracing file, region file, polygon specification) are expected in
770 |
771 |
> ls -l ${HOME}/tra/tutorial
772 |
773 |
774 |
775 |
The output of the trajectory calculation will be written to the following output directory, where now the case identifier {\em tutorial} is part of the directory name:
776 |
777 |
> cd /home/michaesp/tra/tutorial/ntr_19891020_00_f114_tutorial_startf_nil
778 |
> ls -1
779 |
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaesp wheel 5328945 2011-03-21 14:03 lsl_19891020_00
780 |
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaesp wheel 68195 2011-03-21 14:03 runscript.logfile
781 |
-rwxr--r-- 1 michaesp wheel 1025 2011-03-21 14:02 runscript.sh*
782 |
783 |
All other aspects are identical to the ones described in the previous section.
784 |
785 |
786 |
787 |
788 |
In this section you will find some hints how to install Lagranto on a Linux platform. Everthing is handled with the installation script {\em install.sh} which comes with the Lagranto distribution:
789 |
790 |
> install.csh
791 |
install.sh [lib|core|goodies|links|all]
792 |
793 |
The installation should proceed in several distinct steps:
794 |
795 |
\item[a)] Find the place of the netCDF (http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/) installation on your system - note that the netCDF comes as a pre-compiled package for many Linux distributions and most often can be installed with the Linux software management. Define an environmental variable {\em NETCDF} which directs to your installation, e.g.
796 |
797 |
> setenv NETCDF /usr/local/netcdf/
798 |
799 |
\item[b)] Set the environmental variable {\em LAGRANTO} to the place where you have stored the Lagranto source code and include Lagranto in your search path. In {\em csh} this might look as follows:
800 |
801 |
> setenv LAGRANTO /home/michaesp/lagranto/
802 |
> set isLAGRANTO=`echo $PATH | grep $LAGRANTO | wc -l`
803 |
> if ( $isLAGRANTO == 0 ) then
804 |
> setenv PATH $LAGRANTO/bin:${PATH}
805 |
> endif
806 |
807 |
You might include these statements also in your {\em .cshrc} file. If successful, you will then be able to open the lagranto help, e.g. with
808 |
809 |
> lagrantohelp
810 |
811 |
\item[c)] Install the different components of Lagranto and create links - proceed step by step to ensure that each one was successfully completed:
812 |
813 |
> install lib
814 |
> install core
815 |
> install goodies
816 |
> install links
817 |
818 |
819 |
Lagranto should now be ready to run! As a next step you might want to consider the tutorial, which can be invoked with the command:
820 |
821 |
> lagrantohelp tutorial
822 |
823 |
If you are familiar with the most basic aspects of Lagranto, please refer to the reference guide which enlists all options of Lagranto:
824 |
825 |
> lagrantohelp refernce
826 |
827 |
The contents of the reference guide can also be called from within the Linux shell, e.g. the documentation of {\em caltra} can be seen in man page format with:
828 |
829 |
> lagrantohelp caltra
830 |
831 |
832 |