4 |
michaesp |
1 |
.TH trace
2 |
3 |
.B lidar - lidar of meteorological fields along trajectories
4 |
5 |
.B trace
6 |
.I inpfile
7 |
.I outfile
8 |
9 |
.I optional arguments
10 |
11 |
12 |
Get pseudo-lidar of meteorological fields along the trajectories given in the input file
13 |
.I inpfile
14 |
and write the field to a netCDF file
15 |
.I outfile.
16 |
The horizontal axis in the netCDF file corresponds to the trajectory times, the vertical axis gives the pressure in hPa (by default, from 100 to 1000 hPa: it can be changet with optional argument '-pmin', '-pmax', '-centering'). By default, the pseudo lidar is taken at a fixed set of pressure levels between 100 and 1000 hPa. If the option '-centering' is selected, the pressure levels are relative to the trajectory position.
17 |
The meteorological fields for the pseudo lidar are listed in a
18 |
19 |
tracing file
20 |
(default: tracevars). Note that the tracevars file has the same format as for
21 |
.I trace
22 |
but that all online calculations in the tracing file are neglected.
23 |
24 |
.TP 15
25 |
.I inpfile
26 |
input trajectory file; the appendix determines the format (see
27 |
.B reformat
28 |
for details).
29 |
.TP 15
30 |
.I outfile
31 |
output netCDF file for the pseudo-lidar fields.
32 |
33 |
.TP 5
34 |
35 |
Sum or mean of the lidar field FIELD, depending on the optional parameter '-sum' (default) or '-mean'. For instance, if potential temperature TH is passed as a lidar field, then TH_MEAN would contain the mean over all trajectories. The horizontal axis coincides with the times on the trajectory file; the vertical axis depends on the mode. By default, it goes from 100 hPa to 1000 hPa, within 100 steps. If '-centering' is passed as argument, the pressure levels are always relative to the trajectory position.
36 |
.TP 5
37 |
38 |
Number of values contributing to FIELD_SUM and FIELD_MEAN. This value is variable because the following cases do not contribute to the output field FIELD_SUM/MEAN: (a) if the position is outside the data domain of the input P files; (b) if the position falls below topography; (c) if the trajectory position is invalid; and (d) if the lidar field has a missing value flag set.
39 |
.TP 5
40 |
41 |
Position of all trajectories contributing to the lidar composite. By default, the vertical position of the trajectories between 100 hPA and 1000 hPa can be visualised in this way. If '-centering' is selected, the POSITION corresponds to a single line because then all pressure positions are relative to the trajectory height, i.e. a pressure of 0 hPa on tghe vertical axis corresponds to the trajectory position.
42 |
43 |
Normally the meteorological fields for tracing are listed in a file with name
44 |
.B "tracevars".
45 |
The name of the tracing file can be changed with the optional argument "-v" (see below). The format of the tracing file is as follows:
46 |
47 |
.TP 5
48 |
49 |
.I field
50 |
.I scale
51 |
.I computation
52 |
.I prefix
53 |
.TP 5
54 |
55 |
.B - TH 1. 0 S :
56 |
pseudo lidar of potential temperature (TH), scale it with 1 (no scaling); it is available on the S file (no computation is needed: 0).
57 |
58 |
.B - Q 1000. 0 P :
59 |
pseudo lidar of specific humidity (Q), scale it with 1000 to have g/kg; it is available on the P file (no computation is needed: 0).
60 |
61 |
.TP 15
62 |
.TP 15
63 |
.I -i hours
64 |
time increments (in hours) for input P and S files. If not explicitely specified, this is determined from the P and S files i
65 |
n the current directory.
66 |
.TP 15
67 |
.I -v varfile
68 |
Change the name of the tracing file from its default value "tracevars" to "varfile".
69 |
.TP 15
70 |
.I -f field scale
71 |
Trace field (with scaling scale) along the trajectories; the computation flag and the prefix for the data file is automatically set. This options allows the quick tracing of a field, without specifying a tracing file.
72 |
.TP 15
73 |
.I -changet
74 |
flag whether the times of the P and S files should be changed or not before a calculation; the default is that the
75 |
times are
76 |
.B not
77 |
78 |
.TP 15
79 |
.I -noclean
80 |
flag whether parameter and criterion files should be kept; this is particularly helpful for debugging.
81 |
.TP 15
82 |
.I -timecheck
83 |
enforce a time check on the data files
84 |
.TP 15
85 |
.I -nearest
86 |
Do no interpolation between grid points; just take the nearest neighbor! This option is useful, if a discrete input field is given (e.g. labels), where interpolated values are meaningless.
87 |
.TP 15
88 |
.I [-sum|-mean]
89 |
If '-sum' (the default) is chosen and several trajectories are on the input file, then the sum of all pseudo lidar fields is written to the output file; otherwise, for '-mean', the mean of all pseudo lidar fields is written.
90 |
.TP 15
91 |
.I -pmin value
92 |
Set the lower pressure limit for the pseudo lidar. Default is 100 hPa.
93 |
.TP 15
94 |
.I -pmax value
95 |
Set the upper pressure limit for the pseudo lidar. Default is 1000 hPa.
96 |
.TP 15
97 |
.I -npre value
98 |
Set the number of pressure levels between 'pmin' and 'pmax. Default is 100.
99 |
.TP 15
100 |
.I -centering
101 |
Select the pressure levels relative to the trajectory position; by default the pressure levels are given as absolute heights between 100 and 1000 hPa. If '-centering' is chosen and no explicit limits are specified with 'pmin' and 'pmax', the limits are set to pmin=-500 hPa and pmax=500 hPa.
102 |
103 |
.TP 5
104 |
105 |
Read the trajectory file TRAJECTORY.1 and get a composite pseudo-lidar from 100 to 1000 hPa along the the trajectories. If there are several trajectories on TRAJECTORY.1, the sum is written to the netCDF file LIDAR. The fields of which a pseudo lidar is calculated are listed in the file 'tracevars'.
106 |
.TP 5
107 |
.B [2] lidar TRAJECTORY.1 LIDAR -pmin 200 -pmax 500
108 |
As in [1], but the upper and lower limits of the pseudo lidar are set to 200 and 500 hPa.
109 |
.TP 5
110 |
.B [2] lidar TRAJECTORY.1 LIDAR -centering
111 |
As in [1], but the lidar pressure levels are not fixed: They are taken relative to the trajectory height.
112 |
113 |
Written by Michael Sprenger and Heini Wernli (April 2012).