4 |
michaesp |
1 |
.TH development
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3 |
future plans for Lagranto
4 |
5 |
.TP 5
6 |
.B [1] CF netCDF [until 1 April 2011]
7 |
interface to CF netCDF format
8 |
.TP 5
9 |
.B [2] GRIB
10 |
interface to GRIB format
11 |
.TP 5
12 |
.B [3] box tracing
13 |
Instead of tracing point meteorological fields, trace the mean,maximum, minimum, median, variance,... within a box around the trajectory position
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.TP 5
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.B [4] stochastic trajectories
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allow in caltra the addition of a random noise to the velocities; option "-random 0.01" would allow random variations of U, V and OMEGA in the range of 1 %. As a further step, a physical based "parameterisation" of turbulence could be included (based on Ri, DEF, TKE,...). This would allow to calculate an ensemble of trajectories, e.g. for one receptor point.
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.TP 5
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.B [5] Parallelisation
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parallelisation of caltra, and possibly also of trace and select.
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.TP 5
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.B [6] webLagranto
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web interface to Lagranto - in analogy to the HYSPLIT model
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.TP 5
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.B [7] cosmoLagranto
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new version of COSMO Lagranto
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.TP 5
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remeber the settings for a SPECIAL command in the parameter list; this will make the evaluation of SPECIAL commands more efficient.
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.TP 5
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.SH [2] offset in K
32 |
allow vertical offsets in K for tracing, e.g. 'PV:+5K' traces PV 5 K above the trajectory position
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.TP 5
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35 |
special criterion for STE, STT and TST in the form SPECIAL:STE:380,2,0,24,48; tropopause 2 PVU/380 K, STE within time 0-24 h, residence before and after the exchange at least 48 h.
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.TP 5
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.B [4] compact data format
38 |
additional formats for trajectory files: 1) compressed format; 2) FLEXPART format.
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.TP 5
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.B [5] Goody: residence
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calculate the residence time in a specified region for all trajectories in a file
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.TP 5
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.B [6] Goody: distance
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calculate the mimimum distance from a lon/lat/p point for all trajectories in a file.
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.TP 5
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.B [6] Extension of Lagranto run
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extend forward and backward in time an existing Lagranto run
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.TP 5
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.B [7] Definition of polygons
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Matlab tool for the definition of polygon files.
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.TP 5
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.B [8] datelist
53 |
Goody for handling of datelists: 1) datelist file -create start end; 2) datelist file -len; 3) datelist file -first|last; 4) datelist file -sort; 5) datelist file1 file2 -onlyin1|onlyin2|overlap|difference
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Please report new ideas to <michael.sprenger@env.ethz.ch>.