4 |
michaesp |
1 |
.TH create_startf
2 |
3 |
.B create_startf -
4 |
create starting files for Lagranto
5 |
6 |
.B create_startf
7 |
.I date
8 |
.I filename
9 |
.I specifier
10 |
11 |
.I optional arguments
12 |
13 |
14 |
Create starting files
15 |
for a Lagranto calculation. The staring positions are based on the P and S files for
16 |
.I date
17 |
and are as specified in a
18 |
.I specifier.
19 |
The starting coordinates (longitude, latitude, pressure [in hPa]) are written to the file
20 |
.I filename.
21 |
22 |
.TP 15
23 |
.I date
24 |
date of input P and S file (e.g. 20100101_00). If the date is between two P and S files,
25 |
linear interpolation is used between the two times.
26 |
.TP 15
27 |
.I filename
28 |
output file with starting points (e.g. startf). Different formats are supported (see
29 |
.B reformat
30 |
for details)
31 |
.TP 15
32 |
.I specifier
33 |
detailed description of starting positions. The specifier has the following format:
34 |
35 |
.I <horizontal>
36 |
37 |
.I <vertical>
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
.I <selection>.
43 |
The components of the specifier are described in greater detail in the following sections.
44 |
45 |
.TP 15
46 |
.B - file[filename]
47 |
read lon/lat from file "filename"; each line contains one lat/lon pair.
48 |
.TP 15
49 |
.B - line[lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2,n]
50 |
n points from (lon1,la1) to (lon2,lat2); the points are linearly interpolated in lat/lon space.
51 |
.TP 15
52 |
.B - box.eqd[lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2,ds]
53 |
lat/lon box bounded with south-western point (lon1,lat1) and north-eastern point (lon2,lat2); the equdistant points within the box have a horizontal distance ds (in [km]).
54 |
.TP 15
55 |
.B - box.grid[lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2,]
56 |
lat/lon box with south-western point (lon1,lat1) and north-eastern point (lon2,lat2 grid points; all grid points within this box are taken as staring points.
57 |
.TP 15
58 |
.B - point[lon,lat]
59 |
single lon/lat point.
60 |
.TP 15
61 |
.B - shift[lon,lat,dlon,dlat]
62 |
lon/at points and dlon/dlat shifhted ones, i.e. in total five points: central one and four shifted ones: (lon,lat), (lon+dlon,lat), (lon-dlon,lat), (lon,lat+dlat), (lon,lat-dlat).
63 |
.TP 15
64 |
.B - polygon.eqd[filename,ds]
65 |
equidistant within arbirtrary polygon (ds in [km]). The file with the polygon points has the following format: 1st line a lon/lat point within the polygon; further lines lon/lat points of the vertices (max 500) of the polygon.
66 |
.TP 15
67 |
.B - polygon.grid[filename]
68 |
grid points within arbirtrary polygon. The file with the polygon points has the following format: 1st line a lon/lat point within the polygon; further lines lon/lat points of the vertices (max 500) of the polygon.
69 |
.TP 15
70 |
.B - circle.eqd[lonc,latc,radius,ds]
71 |
circle with centre at (lonc,latc) and radius "radius" (in km); the equdistant points within the circle have a horizontal distance ds (in [km]).
72 |
.TP 15
73 |
.B - circle.grid[lonc,latc,radius]
74 |
circle with centre at (lonc,latc) and radius "radius" (in km); all rid points within the circle are selected.
75 |
.TP 15
76 |
.B - region.eqd[id,ds]
77 |
Read region specification from region file ("default regionf", to be changed with option "-regionf") and fill it equidistantly with starting points (ds in km). The region identification is "id", see below in section REGION FILE.
78 |
.TP 15
79 |
.B - region.grid[id]
80 |
Read region specification from region file ("default regionf", to be changed with option "-regionf") and fill it with starting points on the input grid. The region identification is "id", see below in section REGION FILE.
81 |
82 |
.TP 15
83 |
.B - file[filename]
84 |
read levels from file "filename"; each line in the file contains one level.
85 |
.TP 15
86 |
.B - level[lev]
87 |
a single level
88 |
.TP 15
89 |
.B - list[lev1,lev2,lev3,...]
90 |
a list of levels; if many levels are needed they are better passed to "create_startf" with the option "file[filename]".
91 |
.TP 15
92 |
.B - profile[lev1,lev2,n]
93 |
n equdistant levels between lev1 and lev2.
94 |
.TP 15
95 |
.B - grid[lev1,lev2]
96 |
all grid points within layer (lev1,lev2) are selected
97 |
98 |
.TP 15
99 |
.B - hPa
100 |
pressure (in hPa).
101 |
.TP 15
102 |
.B - hPa,agl
103 |
pressure (in hPa) above ground level.
104 |
.TP 15
105 |
.B - K
106 |
potential temperature (in K).
107 |
.TP 15
108 |
.B - PVU
109 |
potential vorticty (in PVU). Note that potential vorticity (PV) might not be unique as a vertical coordinate; if several levels have a given PV value, the highest one is chosen.
110 |
.TP 15
111 |
112 |
index of model level (1=surface).
113 |
114 |
.TP 15
115 |
.B - criterion
116 |
Selection criteria based on meteorological fields applied to the starting position; The criteria follow the syntax of the program
117 |
.B select.
118 |
.TP 15
119 |
.B - nil
120 |
If no selection criteria should be invoked, the argument "nil" should be given.
121 |
122 |
Several starting regions can be defined for every case in a region file (default filename is "regionf"; to be changed with optional parameter "-regionf filename"). There are two possible formats for specifying a region (they require either a line with 5 or 9 entries):
123 |
.TP 5
124 |
.B "regnum lonw lone lats latn"
125 |
a regular latitude-longitude square: regnum=integer region number; lonw=westernmost longitude of starting region; lone=easternmost longitude; lats=southernmost latitude; latnNorthernmost latitude.
126 |
.TP 5
127 |
.B "regnum lon1 lat1 lon2 lat2 lon3 lat3 lon4 lat4"
128 |
an irregular latitude-longitude square: regnum=integer region number; lon{x},lat{x} = longitude and latitude of the x-th corner. Note that the 4 corners must be arranged counterclockwise. For a triangle the 4th corner can be specified identically to the 3rd.
129 |
.TP 5
130 |
.B Note: (1) if a line starts with '#' it is regarded as comment and not further considered; (2) each line in the region file must start with '"!
131 |
.TP 5
132 |
.B "101 -40. -24. 52. 60.":
133 |
region in the central Atlantic from 40 W to 24 W and 52 N to 60 N; the region identifier is 101.
134 |
.TP 5
135 |
.B "250 -30. 43. -24. 36. -18. 50.2 -35.2 50.2":
136 |
irregular square in the central Atlantic; the region identifier is 250.
137 |
138 |
139 |
.TP 15
140 |
.I -t tracefile
141 |
tracing file with variables for selection criteria (see
142 |
.B trace
143 |
for format of the file). If no file is specified, the default
144 |
"tracevars" is used. Further, if no selection criterion is invoked, no
145 |
tracing file is necessary.
146 |
.TP 15
147 |
.I -changet
148 |
flag whether the times of the P and S files should be changed or not before a calculation; the default is that the
149 |
times are not changed.
150 |
.TP 15
151 |
.I -noclean
152 |
flag whether parameter and criterion files should be kept; this is particularly helpfuld for debugging.
153 |
.TP 15
154 |
.I -regionf filename
155 |
change the region file from its default value "regionf" to a new file name: the syntax is "-regionf filename".
156 |
.TP 15
157 |
.I -timecheck
158 |
enforce a time check on the data files
159 |
160 |
.TP 5
161 |
.B [1] create_startf 19891020_00 startf 'point(-10,50) @ list(450,500,550) @ hPa'
162 |
Starting points are (longitude, latitude, pressure in hPa): (-10,50,450); (-10,50,500); (-10,50,550). No selection criterion is applied; the positions are written to file "startf".
163 |
.TP 5
164 |
.B [2] create_startf 19891020_00 startf 'line(-10,-5,40,50,10) @ level(450) @ hPa,agl'
165 |
10 points are equidistantly specified between lon/lat point (-10,40) and (-5,50); all trajectories start at 450 hPa above ground level - the surface pressure is taken from the primary file P19891020_00. The positions are saved in "startf".
166 |
.TP 5
167 |
.B [3] create_startf 19891020_00 startf 'box.grid(-10,-5,40,50) @ list(300,320) @ K'
168 |
All grid points in the box with the south-eastern lon/lat point (-10,40) and the north-eastern one (-5,50) are taken - the horizontal grid spacing is specfified in the primary file P19891020_00. In the vertical, two isentropic levels are chosen: 300 K and 320 K. The potential temperature for the calculation is taken from the secondary file S19891020_00.
169 |
.TP 5
170 |
.B [4] create_startf 19891020_00 startf 'shift(-10,40,1,1) @ profile(1000,200,100) @ hPa'
171 |
A profile of 100 equidistant levels between 1000 hPa and 200 hPa; in the horizontal the central lon/lat point (-10,40) is taken and four horizontally displaced ones, the diplacement being 1 degree in zonal and meridional direction.
172 |
.TP 5
173 |
.B [5] create_startf 19891020_00 startf.1 'shift(-10,40,1,1) @ profile(1000,200,100) @ hPa'
174 |
As in the previous example [4], but the starting positions are saved as a trajectory file instead of a (lon,lat,p)-list.
175 |
.TP 5
176 |
.B [6] create_startf 19891020_00 startf.1 criterion
177 |
As in the previous example [5], but the criterion is saved on a file with filename "criterion".
178 |
.TP 5
179 |
.B [7] create_startf 19891020_00 startf 'polygon.grid(polygon) @ level(500) @ hPa
180 |
A polygon is specified in the file "polygon"; the different lines in the file are: -5. 45. / -10. 40. / 10. 40. / 10 50. / -10. 45. The first lon/lat point lies within the polygon, all other lon/lat points are the vertices of the polygon. All grid points within the polygon are taken as starting point, at level 500 hPa.
181 |
.TP 5
182 |
.B [8] create_startf 19891020_00 startf 'polygon.eqd(polygon,50) @ level(500) @ hPa
183 |
As in the previous example [7], except that the starting points are distributed equidistantly within the polygon. The horizontal distance between the starting points is 50 km in zonal and meridional direction.
184 |
.TP 5
185 |
.B [9] create_startf 19891020_00 startf 'shift(-10,40,1,1) @ profile(1000,200,100) @ hPa @ GT:TH:310'
186 |
As in example [4], but a selection criterion is additionally applied: only starting positions with potential temperature (TH) greater than (GT) 310 K are kept. Potential temperature must be available on the secondary file S19891020_00 and the file "tracevars" must have a line with "TH 1. 0 S". Further examples for selection criteria can be seen in
187 |
188 |
189 |
.TP 5
190 |
.B [10] create_startf 19891020_00 START.1 'region.eqd(3,10) @ level(500) @ hPa'
191 |
get equidistant starting points (10 km distance) in the region with identifier 3, as listed in the region file "regionf" (the default).
192 |
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Written by Michael Sprenger and Heini Wernli (January 2011)
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