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michaesp |
1 |
.TH caltra
2 |
3 |
.B caltra -
4 |
calculate air parcel trajectories
5 |
6 |
.B caltra
7 |
.I startdate
8 |
.I enddate
9 |
.I startfile
10 |
.I filename
11 |
12 |
.I optional arguments
13 |
14 |
15 |
Calculate trajectories for the air parcels starting at the positions specified in
16 |
.I startfile.
17 |
The trajectories cover the time period from
18 |
.I startdate
19 |
20 |
.I enddate
21 |
and the trajectories are saved in the output file
22 |
.I filename.
23 |
Forward and backward trajectories can be calculated according to the order of the start and end date.
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.TP 15
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.I startdate
27 |
start time of the air parcels in the format YYYYMMDD_HH(MM) (e.g. 20100101_00 or 20100101_0030 for 1 January 2010, 00 UTC and 00:30 UTC). Note that the minutes (MM) are optional.
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.TP 15
29 |
.I enddate
30 |
end time of the air parcels (same format as the
31 |
.I startdate
32 |
). If the end time is after the start time, forward trajectories are calculated; otherwise, i.e. for end date before the start date, backward trajectories result.
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.TP 15
34 |
.I startfile
35 |
file with the starting positions of the trajectories (possibly created with
36 |
37 |
38 |
). Different formats for the "startfile" are supported (see
39 |
.B reformat
40 |
for details). If no format specifier (appendix .[1234]) is given, a simple (longitude,latitude,pressure) list is expected.
41 |
.TP 15
42 |
.I filename
43 |
output trajectory file with trajectories. Different formats are supported (see
44 |
.B reformat
45 |
for details).
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47 |
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.TP 15
49 |
.I -j
50 |
Jumping flag: if a trajectory crosses the lower boundary, it is raised a little and hence is allowed to move on. Otherwise, i.e. no "-j" flag set, the trajectory would stick at the same position. The default is that "-j" is
51 |
.B not
52 |
53 |
.TP 15
54 |
.I -i hours
55 |
time increments (in hours) for input P and S files. If not explicitely specified, this is determined from the P and S files in the current directory.
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.TP 15
57 |
.I -t min
58 |
time step (in minutes) for trajcetory calculation. Per default, the time step is 1/12 the time increment of the input files. For instance, 6-h input P and S files result in a time step of 5 min. The time step must be consisten with the output interval (see next optional parameter "-o").
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.TP 15
60 |
.I -o hours
61 |
Output interval (in minutes) of the air parcel positions. Per default it is the same as the time increment between the input P and S files (see option "-i"). Note that the output interval must be a multiple of the time step for trajectory calculation (see optional argument "-t").
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.TP 15
63 |
.I -p
64 |
Periodicity flag. If set, a periodic domain is assumed in zonal direction. Per default, the flag is
65 |
.B not
66 |
67 |
.TP 15
68 |
.I -changet
69 |
flag whether the times of the P and S files should be changed or not before a calculation; the default is that the
70 |
times are
71 |
.B not
72 |
73 |
.TP 15
74 |
.I -noclean
75 |
flag whether parameter and criterion files should be kept; this is particularly helpful for debugging.
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.TP 15
77 |
.I -timecheck
78 |
enforce a time check on the data file
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.TP 5
81 |
.B [1] caltra 19891020_00 19891020_18 startf OUT.1
82 |
Calculate forward trajectories from 20/10/1989 00 UTC to 20/10/1989 18 UTC. The starting starting positions are given on the file "startf" as a list of (longitude,latitude,pressure) values. The output trajectories are written to the file "OUT.1", where the appendix 1 denotes ASCII format..B
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.TP 5
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.B [2] caltra 19891020_18 19891020_00 startf OUT.1
85 |
As in example 1, but backward trajectories from 20/10/1989 18 UTC to 20/10/1989 00 UTC.
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.TP 5
87 |
.B [3] caltra 19891020_00 19891020_18 startf OUT -j
88 |
As in example [1], but with jumping flag set: if a trajectory crosses the lower boundary (topography), it is raised a little and then is allowed to move on.
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.TP 5
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.B [4] caltra 19891020_00 19891020_18 startf OUT -j -o 15 -t 15
91 |
As in example [3], but the output interval is set to 15 min with the optional argument "-o". Note that the output interval (15 min) must be a multiple of the time step, which is here set explicitely to 15 min with "-t".
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.TP 5
93 |
.B [5] caltra 19891020_0130 19891020_1730 startf1 OUT -j -o 15 -t 15 -changet
94 |
Start from non-analysis time 01:30 UTC to non-analysis time 17:30 UTC. Furthermore, the times on the prinmary netCDF files are changed accordingly.
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Written by Michael Sprenger and Heini Wernli (January 2011)
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